Friday, December 15, 2006

When Will This Day End . . . .

Because I've got my leave booked from tonight . . this week has dragged slower than the end of Hamlet (You know where everyone dies but talks a lot before they do . . . goes on and on and on . . .)

Gawd . . it's only 12:45 . . I finish at 1700 and I'm sooooo ready to go home and begin my leave. So here's the plan. Google a bit on marketing to 50-60 year olds as they're our demographic. Write some paper so that when I get back from leave I can finish the 2007 Marketing plan and do some cool and relevant stuff to suck in the baby boomers. Then, take a longer lunch than usual. It's the Christmas Party tonight so Thommo and I are waiving our Chardy lunch which grieves me more than I can say . . . of course I can eat two meals a day! Then again it's pissing down so good day for Red Lea Chips and Gravy . . . mmmmm Gravy. OK so the long lunch, buy Stressany's Kris Kringle for our Christmas Table . . . coupla stocking fillers for ClareBear - DrummerBoy has scored pretty well this Christmas so he's set, apart from something chocolatey. Then head back into work.

Complete some 'while I'm away' notes for Sgt Bilko and Boffin so that they feel fully informed of goings on over the next week or two. Fluff around with emails, delete and quarantine some spam . . . delete my cookies and temp files . . . offer to do some washing up . . . I'm a very 'team oriented' manager . . .waste half an hour having a smoke on the front steps (I never bring my nurrells to work except on Fridays) . . . write a wonderful "I love Yous All" email to staff, wish them a Herry Mristmas . . then choof off at about 4:30 for a shower and prep for dinner. There . . how to waste an afternoon but still look busy.


  1. Anonymous1:55 pm

    You forgot to include the part about how to wast 45 minutes perfecting your latest blog post....

    Years of working for you, always wondered what you actually did... It all makes sense now.

  2. 45 mins! You've gotta be kidding. Besides my time management skills are so honed that I have nothing to do on my last day at work :P
    How do you feel about "The Benchwarmer" or "Classic Wireless System" (as per the new XBox360)
