Thursday, April 12, 2007


It's the 8th day of my leave and I've achieved most of the things I set out to do except painting the verandah - big job so I've wasted most of the morning blogging - time now for blogus interruptus.

After 7 days of leave, I'm having trouble getting motivated to shift my arse. I think it's the thought of setting up rather than the task at hand. Shouldn't women be baking muffins and darning socks and makeing scrapbooks?

I can't find last year's paint brushes so I'll have to go to Bunnings then I'll get distracted looking at contact glues whilst trying to find some metallic Knead-It to fix the blower choke which has broken again. Then I'll think, mmm maybe I can find a washer the right size for the split pin in the tractor mowing deck. Then invariably I'll get hungry and saunter over to the Lions Club Sausage Sizzle before really focussing on finding Mission Brown paint and the right equipment to do the job. On the way, I'll trip over one of the 'specials' bins and decide that I really do need 12 cans of Black Flag (used to be a good band with Henry Rollins) fly spray and an oversized sponge (even though we're on level 4 water restrictions), just in case.

Then, after I've dripped BBQ sauce from my sausage sandwich all over the front of my white T-shirt, I'll have to look for something bulky to hide the stain at the checkout - mmm, I need a new washing basket . . . .there's another half-hour wasted walking down the gadget lined aisles. Naturally, I'll come out of the shop with the fly spray, some fence-cutters (just because they're cool and might be useful in the future) and a new washing basket and forget completely about the paint job . . .


  1. Anonymous1:29 pm

    Were you with me on my last trip to the hardware store?
    Mine is called Murphys' Hardware and as long as I'm here I might as well go get a sub at Jo-Jo's and Oh' look they have silicon caulk on sale...that'll come in hady someday.....Hahahahaha!
    Yeah, me too!

  2. Ooh silicon caulk. I'll have to research that and see if I can knead it into a choke for my leaf blower! PS: I didn't get round to painting the verandah! Bugga!
