Thursday, May 10, 2007

Change is the Only Constant

I hate change even though I live with it, work with it and 'deal' with it constantly. I've changed countries, schools, states, marital status, jobs, hair colour, weight, looks, political sides, interests, friends, tastes, moods, circumstances, lifestyle - everything in my life involves change, random and constant. Frankly my dears . . .I'm totally pissed off with it. I want to sit in an armchair looking at the view, patting my dog with some certainty in my life. Just one constant. I want to know the whole family will get together on Sundays, high days and holidays, that my income is secure and regular and that the only thing I have to worry about is planning a break in the routine. I'm over surprises (unless they're presents). I'm over not knowing what's going to happen, I'm over not feeling secure and safe.

. . and now, another change. Thommo has switched Tennis days to Friday so my lovely chardy lunch partner will not be coming to work and our lunches are a thing of the past. Actually, I'm thankful for the many Friday Chardy Lunches we've had and I know nothing lasts forever, plus I'm on the wagon at the moment so they'd just be plain old Friday Lunches. I'm sorry we didn't have a chance for a 'last lunch' tho.ugh. So . . . without even 'toasting' the last official Friday Chardy Lunch . . . it's all over red rover! I guess there'll be the odd 'bye' at tennis and I'm sure I'll get back on the wagon one day . . . and when that happens . . .we'll do lunch!


  1. Anonymous1:16 pm

    Change is as good as a holiday my maternal friend. If things didn't change, how boring would your life be? You'd look back on it and think "What did I accomplish?". I agree that some changes are hard, especially when everything's hunky dory but I honestly think you'd get bored if things stayed the same forever.

  2. You're such a smart kid . . I don't mind upbeat, positive, nice change. I'm just sick of it being negative, unsettling, upsetting . . . then I'm just a big bag of emotions this week.

  3. After all, what doesn't kill you and so on ...
