Friday, May 18, 2007

Family Sucks

I live next door to my younger brother and his family. It's amicable, we work out OK. Tonight he's pushed the limits. The boys had a sound check and played 2 songs. He had a red wine spazz attack. "You make a fuss when one of my kid's park in your space" (yes I do ) "but you'll let these kids play music so loud, I can't think". It was a sound check for fucks sake. Two songs, good songs . . .he was so angry, accused me of being pissed . . .with a red wine glass in his hand! I am not happy. He's irrational, emotional and unbalanced. If I only toldl him what went on in his house when he's away, he'd eat his words. Late night parties, sleeping in his and Stressany's bed. People sleeping in his house when his own children aren't even there. He doesn't know the half of it. This could be a catalyst. I own 40% of the property and am th executor of the estate. I'm now wondering if it's worth waiting for him to recoup his invesment. I think I might sell and bugger it . . . do I care enough about him to hang on for his sake . . . I think not


  1. My 29 year old sister lives with us. She's a total headwrecker. At least yours has a separate house.

  2. And in relation to a comment I left on vegemite/Marmite, the edible lubricant, I am not a manic depressive.

    The correct term is bipolar. Hmph. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to eat some lithium.

    *walks away with head in air*

  3. Thanks for the 'sympathy' *up at 4.00am stresing* :P what condition is that? Can I share your lithium?

  4. I'll get you a Mass card so ...

    Bipolarity is what they call manic depressiveness now.
    Lithium for all, mental stability for all, exams for some!

  5. Anonymous6:38 am

    You can't choose your relatives!

    Here's a big tip: Keep your eye out for blackmail material. Keeps them quiet for ages.

  6. What on earth is a Mass card and will it help an athiest?
    Thanks K8 I've got LOADS of material but too nice to use it.
