Saturday, May 05, 2007

Too Short, Too Tight, Too Tarty

We don't argue . . .well we don't 'fight' we often have heated discussions and lively debates. I'm in the habit of returning from work and screaming like a banshee because someone's left a dirty cup in the sink or hasn't hung their wet towell over the shower rail. But apart from that . . .we have a very harmonious household. DrummerBoy knows to avoid me when I'm on a tyrade and once I've cooled down, we discuss things rationally. ClareBear is so even tempered that she either ducks for cover or obliges straight away to keep the peace. However . . . there is one thing upon which we do not see eye to eye . . .most times she goes out on a Saturday, dressed to kill - attractive, slightly sexy but tasteful . . . sometimes when she goes out . . .she looks like a tart. She thinks she looks like a sex bomb. OK could be the jealous, grumpy old woman in me but this girl is petite, pretty, good natured, intelligent . . . so why tonight, ready to go out and about clubbing in the city's red light district of all places, did she look like a street walker. Grey suede calf length boots, a piece of denim wrapped around her hips that was a poor excuse for a skirt, a skimpy black singlet top and a purple wide leather belt and enough eye makeup to make a transvestite proud. Everything was too small, too short, too tight too over the top. Am I just jealous because it's been years since I'd fit into, let alone dare to wear, something so provocative? I gave her the 'look' and was quickly repremanded and told to pull my head in but . . . sorry sweetheart, you're better than that, you're a beautiful girl and you don't need to dress to attract Sydney's sleaze bags . . . time we went shopping.

Aha, so maybe that's her cunning plan . . .


  1. Welcome to the 21st century ...
    Most young lassies in Ireland my age dress that way. Part of me wants to complain about low morals, but on the other hand ...

  2. So cruel, so true!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Anonymous9:26 am

    You're getting old mother. As it turns out I was probably the most conservatively dressed person there...Whatever happened to if you've got it, flaunt it???

  5. OK Point taken . . . just don't flaunt it in Kings Cross!
