Sunday, June 17, 2007

Crikey it's Skype!

OK you all probably know all about this but it's news to me. Just when I thought I had my internet obsession reduced to a reasonable amount of time spent blogging, chatting and visiting . . . I've been introduced to Skype. You can call your friends all over the world for free if they're also members, it's amazing. It's got an instant messaging service too . . I rang Brainf to test the line today and it was FANTASTIC. Although I was a bit 'reserved'. Nervous actually. It's weird hearing yourself talk with the cans on let alone speaking to someone you've never met.

CRIKEY, how cool is it? All you need is a headset and microphone. Plug it in, join Skype and you can talk to anyone in the world for freeeeeeeee! Now I just want to call everyone I know and have a conversation . . . if only I had something interesting to say.


  1. Anonymous2:24 pm

    I like Skype, too!

  2. Crispy Creme . . you're still alive my little sugar coated geek?

    A man of few words as usual. I'd call you but I have to pay for domestic and you prolly wouldn't answer anyway!

    Brilliant isn't it. I'm calling NZ tonight! Yeay! Happy claps!
