Saturday, July 21, 2007

Outlaws and Nut Buses

ClareBear decided that she didn't want to attend her Graduation Ceremony last March. The humiliation of wearing a silly cap and gown and the boredom of waiting 3 hours for her 30 seconds of fame was too much for a Clare to bear. So we resolved to hire a nut bus to take us all on a family dinner to Tebbutts Observatory once her degree unceremoniously arrived in the mail. That was last night. I'm still nursing a hangover this morning. So, the outlaws came down from Terrigal. The Groovy Grannies that are Ray's parents, BabyBro, Han-nah and boyfriend RuggerBugger, DrummerBoy and the Fringelet, Doo Doo ThePlumber, Naughty Neph and Maddie and of course ClareBear and I packed into the nutbus with bucketsful of booze and trapsed off to this really nice little restaurant. Very rustic and Australiana with fruit bats in the trees and a tour of Great Grandad Tebbut's telescope and observatory thrown in for free.

We looked at Jupiter, marvelled at the moon which NaughtyNeph said was much more 'lumpy' than he'd previously imagined and pogged into lamb shanks and steaks, scallops and chook and a very spiffy chocolatey better than sex dessert. We also put a big hole in Mr Goundrey's chardonnay stocks. We'll have to wait for next year's vintage before he is able to be our providore again. No big speeches just a little "Mummy's very proud of you" toast to the very snotty ClareBear and then the nut bus appeared to take us home before coffee. Well so we thought. All 13 of us packed up and wondered into the freezing night air to find that it wasn't the bus at all - Han-Nah had misinformed everyone so we had time of course to go back into the warm and finish our drinks. All in all, a good night, much merriment and gossip and the reason I'm up so early. These Groovy Grannies have headed back home at 6:30am to make their tennis comp and I've discovered that I really do have the most comfy couch on the planet. Congratulations snotbox, you now have a piece of paper to show for your 4 years of hard work.

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