Sunday, July 29, 2007

There Used to Be More Wasps On Mars

Apparently, Mars was awash with wasps until one stung the War Planet hero NaughtyNeph, who then anhilated them with his crystal laser. Now there's only one wasp left which is controlled by Maddie and doesn't sting any more which is good because Mighty Max is in residence in Skull Mountain and will retain the universal balance of things. The giant Space Wolf of Zoron is standing guard (or actually pinching prime possie on the quilt that I've spread out on the cold slate floor as a play mat) and threatening to attack the transformers.

I'd forgotten the simplicity of the childish mind and how absorbed they get in made up games. They stayed over last night whilst BabySis and the Plumber went out and of course she forgot to pack shoes and socks. This means that despite the prospect of a chilly but lovely 'spring' like day, we are locked inside. These two are TV kids. They'll watch 10 videos consecutively if allowed so when they're here I try to expose them to fresh air and sunshine, ducks and dogs or at least toys that require some manipulation and imagination. Otherwise, they'll sit zombie like in front of the TV for hours.

Despite my reputation as a tosser (a thrower outer of unused things) I have retained three large plastic bins with DrummerBoy's toys. Mainly Mighty Max, War Planets, Transformers and Ninja Turtles, and assortment of model planes, the everlasting lego bricks and Hot Wheel cars of course. These have only just been revived after about 14 years and are being enjoyed to the highest level by NaughtyNeph and Maddie.

Just listening to their play talk is hilarious but I have to remain accutely interested and in the background cooking pancakes with cookies and cream ice cream and chocolate chips (hey, they're not my kids so why should I give them Weet Bix). Only one thing disturbs me . . .the whole script is spoken in American accents . . . oops gotta go, I think the Space Wolf has eaten Optimus Prime!


  1. Anonymous3:08 am

    Why aren't there more Australian superheros? Apart from Steve Irwin and Rolf Harris I mean...

  2. Do you know, that nobody under the age of 35 knows who Rolf Harris is! I used to watch his shows in England as a little kid but he's so expatriated that he's barely known here by younglings. We have the Magic Pudding and Blinky Bill . . .I guess we were too busy inventing the wine cask and training elite sportspeople.

  3. Anonymous1:38 pm

    Hmm, I remember the days when Sparkles, my little pony, would run wild and free, pampered with daily manicures and baths until she became mouldy from the dampness!And Barbie served me well to until Hannah ate her feet... twas a sad day...

  4. At least Humber has some tales to tell and is mould free and still owns his bits.

    And you didn't need props you used to dance like a fairy in front of shop windows, oblivious to the building crowd you little space cadet!

  5. Anonymous10:30 pm

    on the superhero note,

    there is always burnt face man,

    i think he is english,

    but he has laser eye powers, and a tingling burnt face power. i think he can fly too... but he is gay,....

    although ive often wondered if superman was wearing those undies onthe outside for some male attraction?

  6. Anonymous12:37 am

    Seriously! Rolf Harris rules. We have 'Animal Hospital' here (I think) and he's now known as a superhero. His skill is breaking bad news to pet owners gently.

    Clarebear, when Hannah ate your barbie's feet, that must have been a very emotional time for you. I hope you got counselling?

    There does seems to be a lot of gayness with superheros. Where would Batman be without his robin?

  7. DrummerBoy that's rich for someone who used to wear his Nanna's Fendi scarf and black leather boots when he dressed up as a pirate!

    K8: I've seen Animal hospital but kids here don't know about his fabulous painting ability they just think he's a talking head with a bushy beard. He taught me Waltzing Matilda long before I came to Oz.
