Saturday, August 18, 2007

Uneventful But Rewarding

I have nothing today. No angst, no banality, no humour. It was a normal Saturday. Chat with my new best friend on MSN cos Skype was being obstreperous. Had coffee in the sunshine with my sister and watched her feed my horses *got her well trained*. Took the dog for a run. Tested the electric collar since ThePrincess has started forming relationships with the builders up the back again (Chris is very nice . . well muscled, polite and tanned so had a little fantasy to boot!) Did more washing than a family of three should ever generate. Cleaned my house and the fridge - didn't mean to but the discovery of a wizened shallot led to Pandora's box so the bleach and a complete overhaul was called for. Apparently you can't keep Pesto for 3 years. Listened to the radio while I pottered about. Popped up to the shop to buy some smoked salmon and green prawns for a nice risotto for dinner. Hired The Shooter for 'ron and now . . .time to crack a bottle. It's been a sad week for three people close to me so sometimes amid this mess of illness, bad surprises, despair, anger, frustration and hardship . . . the most uneventful off days are the most rewarding.


  1. Anonymous8:28 pm

    We all need simple 'dull' days now and them.

    I like the new spring cleaned look.

  2. Why thank you. Yep, it was a good day. Ornary but satisfying. Saw you on Skype but when I came to chat, you'd scarpered! I wish there was an award for loyal commenters . . you're the 'bomb' as the kids would say!

  3. Yesterday (our time) Skype was Sh*t. I kept losing it. I am there now.

  4. Haha found you. Skype's had some 'software' problems for about 72 hours. Lovely to message you. Talk to me any time. The "Away" bit is just a ruse! I'm always watching. (sad but true)
