Monday, September 17, 2007

I Demand a Little Sympathy Mkay?

OK I'm in the oestrogen zone. PMT, PMS whatever you wanna call it. That uber grumpy week before you know what. So today the world is conspiring to piss me off and it's succeeding. My boss is lazy, my daughter's a slurry, my son smells and has a five day growth that looks like he hasn't had a wash for a fortnight. My horse has the snots and my PC won't connect to the colour printer. My friend with the lovely long, silky hair has shaved his head and looks like Dr Evil. My desk isn't big enough, I have too much work, not enough fun, my friends have deserted me, I need a holiday and now I have to decide what to cook the ingrates for dinner! My jaw is sore (I think I slept funny or perhaps it was the labrador on my head) and my boobs hurt. If only men had to put up with this shite for 35 years of their adult life!


  1. Anonymous11:13 pm

    Alright so, here's a story that will make you forget your woes ...

    Back in secondary school, a popular pasttime for older students to engage in was known as jocking, which later entered the lexicon as an atomic wedgie, but had been at Pat's for years before that.

    I was never the recipient, and my first year was the last year it was tolerated (afterwards it carried an expulsion) but one hapless first year that year, whom we'll call Martin because that was his name, got an atomic wedgie or jocked so bad, that he began to bleed. From his ass.

    Henceforth he was referred to as Martin - The Man WIth The Period.

  2. Haha .. poor boy. Least it only happened ONCE!

  3. Anonymous3:37 pm

    No wonder you've been so annoying this week! Haha! Just kidding....

  4. Phhhffffft!

    Not all my infrequent outbursts are related to hormones . . . sometimes, just sometimes, its got something to do with someone else!

  5. There are only two solutions to this. Go out and kick some men. Eat lots of chocolate.

  6. Anonymous11:09 am

    Some men go through all that and more for more than 35 years of their adult life!!!
    We call it marriage.

  7. AV: Kicked my son out and went out for dinner . . .almost the same.

    Brianf: Funny har har . . .I wouldn't know . . .I'm too young to know anyone who's been married that long. (stupid saps)
