Saturday, September 08, 2007

Language Warning (I mean it)

Ok I'm an old bag, hag, nag, uncool, out of date but . . . I just can't deal with the 'c' word! I know many of the Irish say it's 'every-day', 'not that bad', a humerous term of abuse, sometimes a compliment and I have a couple of blogger friends who delight in showering me with 'c' s, saying it to me over the phone, emailing it to me with grave regularity because they know I don't like it and it gets a rise out of me but . . . I hate it. It's an awful word. I can deal with it in context such as The Cantebury Tales but when I hear it on TV/Movies or down the Skypeline I reel. I think mainly because it's reflective of female genetalia and men use it largely to insult other men or to totally deride women.

We've already exhausted the other four letter word. And I must admit, I have no problem using it. It's strong, short, descriptive, asexual and to the point. If someone calls you a lazy fucker . . it's almost lyrical . . fuckwit is comical . . . I don't give a fuck . . . is definite and leaves no ambiguity. So why is it necessary to move to the next level. Why call your mate a 'c' when he refuses to buy you a beer or won't give his girlf a lift home. Why is he suddenly a female body part if he's behaving lamely or showing off inordinately. Lately I've heard more and more girls say it and it makes my ears bleed. I don't know why . . . maybe my age . . . maybe the implied sexism . . . maybe because it's the last taboo and some should be reserved for posterity. Once the world flings the 'c' word around the way we do other terms of 'endearment' what's left?

For now, I really feel that the 'f' word is more than enough. Now if you're easily offended, don't play this those of you who aren't have probably heard it before and for those of you who at this moment (I can almost hear the squeals of delight in showering me with a load of the things) this is not an open invitation "C*nt" Season doesn't start for a few weeks:


  1. Anonymous4:44 pm

    Well fuck that!

  2. Erudite as ever!

  3. Anonymous10:54 pm


  4. Daz: Your a knob!

  5. Anonymous8:20 pm

    I will open Pandora's Box if you say that again ...

    So much swearing your head will explode.

  6. Pfft! And I know you could. That won't be necessary Paduan . . .I've reeled you in . . hook, line and sinker!
    You are the rudest boy I've ever not met . . .*kiss kiss*


    Akshally, I agree with you entirely on the "c" word - isn't it just a pity that dick and prick don't carry quite the same levels of vileness - though mind you we have an afrikaans version of the male member here which does come out sounding pretty foul - also causes my ears to cringe in the same way the "c" word does.

  8. Anonymous12:00 am

    Would that be what ROTFLMAFO stands for??

    I thought Afrikaans was a Dutch-derived ...

  9. Hardy har har . . .mind you I haven't gone totally geek, I had to ask a friend to find out what it meant.

  10. Anonymous7:17 pm

    If I ever start using that kind of crap, I'll throw myself under a bus.

    Dublin Bus stop for no man.
