Saturday, October 06, 2007

Hair Today . . . .

I've written before about my mad hair. I'm overweight, 50 years old yet I obsess about this bird's nest of a bonce that never does as it's told. It's grown quite long so tonight, before ClareBear and DrummerBoy head off for their Saturday night out, I asked ClareBear to trim a couple of inches off the unruly mass so that the mountains of 'product' can do their work and make curls. She promptly crashed with a doona on the couch after a big night and a day at the beach. Fringelet is beautifully coiffed and straightening and producting in the bathroom. Amazingly DrummerBoy has the ironing board out. Didn't even know he knew how to put the thing up!. So as a last resort, I grabbed the dressmaking scissors, the only sharp pair in the house and asked DrummerBoy to trim two inches from the ends. "Sure" says he . . happy to do anything that involves sharp objects. Hair is duly wet, combed dag style with a part down the middle and we move outside to avoid unruly hairiness in the kitchen. He sets to work but his action can only be described as 'cavallier'. Within seconds he's cut an 8 inch string from my now straight and conditioned hair. Well too late, start as you mean to go on says I. No point making a fuss he's already botched it.

Five minutes later and I have a 20's bob. Fortunately with curly hair it doesn't really matter if the cutting's straight but boy is it short. Then again, I always wear it up so no big deal. Amid many giggles, we've decided that I saved $95 at Mark and Geoffrey's. OK so I didn't get the head massage and conditioning treatment but the cut's OK actually, well so I thought . . however due to his lack of ability to measure, and the fact that he's a landscape gardener, I'd be wary of telling him you want a 3 foot retaining wall, you'll end up with a six inch damp course!

ClareBear has decided it's the most disgusting hairstyle she has ever seen and has already made an appointment for the hairdresser next week. . . I think it's the first time she's ever been embarrassed to be seen with her mother! Looks like I'm going short again.


  1. Anonymous8:46 pm

    Why follow fashion?

    Lead the way. Tell all your work colleagues it cost $195 and how trendy the guy was!!

  2. Anonymous8:51 pm

    Sod 'em all.
    I thing it looks lovely [if the photo is anything to go by].
    I agree with Grannymar.

  3. Anonymous11:32 pm

    Unlike those two, I maintain my position that long hair can make an average looking woman much hotter ... whatever, it's your call.

  4. It sounds like you might have been better off putting a potty on your head and getting him to cut around the edges! ;-)
    PS Daz hasn't a clue what he's talking about - short is uber-sexy, it reveals strength of character instead of being a sheeple. Ha!

  5. Anonymous5:50 am

    PS Daz hasn't a clue what he's talking about ...

    Hell, if you want to look like a dyke, go right ahead. I won't stop you.

    But your sense of pride should.

  6. haha . . too late now!
    GM; I've never been a trend setter but I look like a clown with a triangle hair do. Work comments this morning will be the litmus test.

    Thanks Grandad, it'll look better when I blow dry.

    Van: Been there done that (hence the Dyke reference!)

    Daz: Shutup or I'll meet you with a shaved head.

  7. Anonymous6:33 am

    I did go through a Marine Corps phase when I was younger so I have decided never to go back to those days ...

  8. At least I'm honest and tell you my humble opinion! You should go bold with me and get purple highlights!

  9. DAZ: I look like Wendolene from Wallace and Gromit
    CB: you'd better get me an appointment with your hairdresser . . .colour isn't a problem, I will be putty in her hands . . .I was with Adam . . .and ended up with this!

  10. Ah but Daz, dykes don't do mascara, lip gloss and have sexy curves. Are you telling me this , this and this is not sexy...?

  11. AV: you may have a point but in the case of Halle Berry . . .who's checking out her hair!

  12. My point exactly!

  13. Anonymous8:05 pm

    God! You just can't win with women!!
