Sunday, October 21, 2007

Zig Zag

When we studied maths, we were made acutely aware that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Then, many years ago, I took my children onto the Zig-Zag railway at Lithgow and travelling back and forth has obviously made an impact. . . ClareBear now takes this to grandiose proportions by zig zagging across three continents . . . This is her travel map for the first six months of next year . . . .to make it worse, her travel companion gets all the Frequent Flyer Points because she paid for the tickets on her mate's credit card . . .

My little trip to Melbourne in November may not be quite as exciting but I have managed to take the direct route . . .


  1. Clarebear looks like she is skiing down a very steep slope with all those traverses! ;-)

  2. Anonymous7:01 pm

    I wonder if Clarebear will have any room in her bag for me? I always wanted take a trip like that. I look forward to the stories during and after her adventure.

  3. You're a step ahead remembering something from Maths hahhaa! You've only got yourself to blame from Clarebear's introduction to the Zig-Zag railway and her continental adventure! But you know that :) Blah I'm jealous!!

  4. What? None of you are impressed with my trip?

    Anon: As you get older your long term memory increases but you can't remember what you did last weekend! I'll be doing trigonometry soon.

  5. Straight lines are boring. Live on the edge a little! You should detour to Adelaide and Tasmania, possibly even Perth on your way to Melbourne and THEN you can call it an ADVENTURE!!!
