Monday, November 26, 2007

Bewfuls Boy

Becks . .golden balls . . . bless his Pepsi stained soul is in town with the US Galaxy team for a demonstration game tonight. I'm sure he only went to the States for the money to pay for Posh's Jimmy Chu's. ClareBear grabbed tickets to the Sydney United / Queensland Game last night and Posh's hubby ponced onto the field along with his little known American mates, with his slightly unbalanced tattoes and number 4 bob and waved to a less than crowded stadium.

Now I have to say, I'm not sure what all the fuss is about. I'm not a great follower of soccer but I know he played for my brother's all time fantabulous team Manchester United (Our house dons an Old Trafford plaque above the front door an other United memorabilia - the man's possessed - Babybro not Becks) before he moved to Real Madrid. I know he can bend it, I know he's sold out to a country who calls football running to the 10 yard line and shouting ' hut hut hut' . . with a funny shaped ball and body armour worthy of a Halo warrior. (Wordnerd and Brianf are gonna kill me!) But, and as you know there's always a but, the guy looks like a GOD in an Armani suit. He's just fine as a man can be until he opens his mouth. Go Becks baby, you're eye candy at worst. But just look at the intellect . . .

"Pele was a complete player. I didn't see him live obviously, because I wasn't born"

"My parents have been there for me, ever since I was about 7"

"I remember so clearly us going into hospital so Victoria could have Brooklyn. I was eating a Lion bar at the time"

"Alex Ferguson is the best manager I've ever had at this level. Well, he's the only manager I've actually had at this level. But he's the best manager I've ever had"

"We're definitely going to get Brooklyn christened, but we don't know into which religion"

"I always used to go for blondes and quiet girls, but Victoria is the total opposite - dark and loud"

"Well, I can play in the centre, on the right and occasionally on the left side"

Versatile or what . . who cares . . he is hawt!


  1. HAHA! The whole family just watched your Alli G interview! I have to wait until they leave before I comment more ;)

  2. That top photograph is SO YUMMY I could gobble him up after all things wicked! Cheers!!

  3. Anonymous9:20 pm

    Baino, for once we disagree. This is one toy boy I would leave on the side line.

    I know I am odd.

  4. Beckham is just a good looking trojan clothes horse for his even less talented wife's vain ambition, and has achieved everything on the back good looks and a modest enough footballing talent.

    Apart from that, he's alright.

  5. He is pretty. I don't begrudge a pretty man some success in life. I just feel bad for him sometimes, married to someone as sour and unsmiling as whatshername.

  6. Anonymous3:20 am

    I think I'm with Grannymar. He just doesn't do it for me. There is such a thing as being so handsome as to be too feminine, if that makes sense.

    Posh and Becks are just two gals hanging out together in a Barrio somewhere. Bless 'em.

    *drifts away whinging about not being able to watch funny Ali G interview due to crappy dial-up...*

  7. Anonymous4:29 am

    I love that interview!!
    'So is your little boy putting full sentences together yet?'
    'And what about Brooklyn?'

    ha ha ha.

    C'mon now the Becks are braindead. He was never a good footballer, the only thing he could do was take a free kick.

  8. Ooohhh . . vitriole from across the pond! Poor Becks I almost feel sorry for him now! Still reckon he's hot in Armani shallow shit that I am.

  9. Anonymous8:50 am

    OK, Ali G I know but who's the bulimic brunette and the fag?
    Also what's all this about the Beckem guy? Is he some new male model or actor or something?

  10. Anonymous9:14 am

    I don't much like Beckham and his wife is an embarrassment to him, but there were moments of brilliance.

  11. Great video Ian! He's hot AND can kick! I don't really care if he's useless and sounds like he's on helium, I don't want him for his voice OR personality... Although was very disappointed at the SFC half time - he was on the feild for baout 30 seconds! He could have at least taken his shirt off and poored a beer over himslef... I though he was English?

  12. Ian: I can never tell what's gonna get em going but obviously poor old Becks has . . .

    Clare & Gem: Englishmen don't pour beer over themselves, that's rather Aussie, they just pull their shirts over their heads and run around in circles while their mates try to mount them.

  13. Baino, the man is plonker. End of story. I'm with Grannymar and K8 on this one.

  14. He's a prick! Nough said! :)

  15. Vanilla and Jefferson: Too, too harsh . . .it's not his skill or wit I admire . . .then my true love is Christian Bale!
