Thursday, December 27, 2007

I Want To Be A Back-up Singer

I watched Live at Abbey Road last night and being the dag I am, I thought it was going to be a Beatles special. Nup. 36 performers at the famous Abbey Road studios spread over a season of sessions strutting their stuff. Tonight, Jamiroqai, Goo Goo Dolls and some Irish guy I've never heard of that sings sad songs with lots of swear words . . his opener was "Fuck off I don't Love You" (class) but boy - do I want to be a backup singer.

I have a voice. Welsh background and all that, don't they all sing? I always fancied myself in a Shirley Bassey sparkly dress with a plunging backline. As a child, we used to watch the Shirley Bassey Show and she came on once with this sparkling floor length black number, discreet at the front but almost showing cleavage at the back. Dead sexy! Not like a plumber's crack, just a glimpse of naughtiness. If I was black, I'd have booty . . I mean look at Missy Elliot, Queen Latifa, Aretha Franklin . . they're of the larger ilk but still 'got it'. Sadly, I'm not. I have frizzy spirally hair and a broad beam so I'm just a pudgy white chick.

Seriously, I can harmonise, I can do the moves I don't have the look just the secret desire - I'd definitely 'shoop de wah' for pretty much anyone. "I wanna get down . . right now". Jamiriqai, definitely. OK he's a cocky little knob but cool hats and great backing singers! Ahh, just a liddle bid of history repeating . . .


  1. Anonymous12:55 pm

    The Irish guy you saw was probably that whinging little swine Damien Rice. Can't stand him, LadyMc loves him though. Went to see him live in one of my locals a while ago, a tiny venue. When he got there he didn't like the set up of the place so he demanded that they move the stage to a place he felt more comfortable in. It just made it extremely awkward for the entire audience. The way to the toilets and the bar was practically blocked by the stage. When he came on everyone had to be quiet and sit on the floor before he started playing. Arrogant fecker!

  2. Ah! I Googled him that's the guy alright. He was a pretentious twat and he's misterable. And the 'F' song was Rootless Tree. Self pitying fool! Fwooaaaar . . I'd never even heard of him before. Now I'm just cross with him. He had a moan on the TV show about not liking TV shows. (Still did it tho the smarmy bastard!) There. Enough time wasted on him . . I have to practice my shoop de wah!

  3. I thought the Welsh were only good for making rarebit. I kidd!! :)

  4. JD: And lava bread (seaweed mush)and Sosban Fach once beat the All Blacks

    Iechyd da :)
