Monday, January 07, 2008

The Invisibles

How can something that comes out of this:

Turn into this:

And make so much noise that it drowns out your "Shoot em Up" action DVD but you can't bloody find it in the tree!


  1. Try spotting birds with all that noise outside ;) No ... don't bother!

  2. Anonymous10:27 pm

    Noisy feckers cicadas! Kept me awake for many a night on my travels in SE Asia.

  3. Anonymous1:52 am

    I thought the first one was a bed bug!

  4. Anonymous2:00 am

    It has to be said, Baino, that sound would do your head in. It's even worse than the dog next door and his bark takes some beating. I find the hose pipe works wonders!

  5. I'm just reading a book that talks about cicada killers, little insects that live in the ground and come zipping up out of it when you tread on their nests accidentally.

    If you're wearing a skirt or a dress it might be unpleasant.

    Or so I'm told cough cough. I stopped wearing women's clothes ages ago.

  6. Anony: Bird spotting is for the birds, they move too fast for my camera! Besides, you do it so well, no point competing.
    Um and can you send me that html code to put links in comments again, I accidentally deleted you! No hard feelings . . .

    Jack: I'm just amazed that something about 16cm long and as thick as a cuban cigar just can't be seen but the tree where I photographed the nymph casing is littered with empty shells. The drummers are actually quite small but just as noisy

    Grannymar: It's a 'nymph' (not quite my idea of a nubile nymphette but there you go!) If you had one of those in your bed, you'd know about it!

    Steph: I'd fire hose the buggers if I could 'see' them!

    Terence: I thought Cicada Killers were wasps?
    Glad to hear that you're now all mouth and trousers! Although with your metromale penchant for shopping, wouldn't surprise me to see a nice little pencil skirt in your closet *hehe*

  7. Baino I only just spotted your 'Picture This' photo stream in the sidebar and spotted a fine pair of wood ducks and galah!

  8. Anony: If I can work out how to focus properly and how to makey them 'stay' instead of figetting about, I might get a half decent pic. . .ah birds are for the birds, I'm sticking with cicada nymph shells and buildings! Oh and me Lily of course . . I loves me Lily

  9. Our Baby Magpie coughed up a cicada this morning! Hheheee

  10. Where I used to live we'd get those cicada molts all over the place! They are wicked cool but I'm totally with you on the noise. Deafening!!

  11. Hi Lisa and welcome. You must have come over from Kate's place? Yep, they make great 'show and tell' pieces too! Not so many in New Jersey I expect!
