Tuesday, January 15, 2008

What a Difference 5Kms Make

Overheard in Castle Towers this lunchtime . . 40 something mother speaking to a 8-10 year old outside a cafe:

"Darling this one will be fine! Of course they sell double skim chai latte!"

Heard a few weeks prior, same age groups at Blacktown Westfield on escalator:

"Shuttup Kylie and drink yer fuckin' Coke before I belt ya!"


  1. Scary isn't it. 5km.

  2. Anonymous12:16 am

    Baino if you were in Dublin you would need an interpreter to translate the same snippet of conversation; it would be twice as long as every second word would begin with F!

  3. Anonymous3:45 am

    I find it amazing that parents allow their kids to drink coffee. then again I find it amazing how some parents allow their kids to act in public.

  4. Anonymous4:31 am

    Baino Daa-ling

    Grannymar's right as always.

    If you were in Dublin you would have heard... "Would youse shut the f*ck up, Jacinta and f*ckin' drink yer f*ckin' Coke before I f*ckin' kill youse!"

    But we've plenty of the SUV brigade as well!

  5. Anonymous6:35 am

    That's what you get from a nation of convicts ...

  6. Ryan: Yep! But you know it's true! The kid asking for a Chai Latte was yesterday .. I couldn't believe my ears, she was protesting because she thought the cafe next to the old cinemas didn't sell them and mummy was trying to convince her otherwise.

    GM: I can't understand what half the Irish say anyway so the expletives are probably all I'd recognise. And I thought Dublin was a nice place to visit!

    Brianf: Welcome back. Well they're allowed to drink Coke an Pepsi, what's the difference?

    Steph: Thanks for explaining . . .now it's PERFECTLY clear!

    Anonymous: Pffft. Enough of the Mongrel Convict theory. That was a long time ago. More a sign of polarising social inequality.

  7. Um none of you found it amazing that an 8 year old knows what a double skim chai latte is? I think I found that more disturbing!

  8. Anonymous8:04 am

    What is a double whatsit latte anyway? Why can't people just drink decent coffee and forget the fancy names?

    Or as they'd say in Dublin...

    What the f*ck is it then, youse f*ckin' smart arse? :-D

  9. Yeah you hear these fools in the Bagel Factory or Insomnia muttering stuff about tall skinny mochiattos and stuff like that.

    Just give me a Miller any day.

  10. I can only imagine "double skim" has something to do with WEIGHT LOSS!?! My kids get told there is plenty to drink in the fridge at home HAHA.

  11. Best one I ever heard in Dublin - sorry if I blogged it already - was a skanger mother bellowing up the street after her feral twins. "He-urrrr! Dolce and Gabb-a-naaaaaaa, come back he-urrrrrr yis litt-el fuckers yis!"

    Oh dear.
