Friday, February 01, 2008

Thank God its Friday

Because tomorrow, I'll know what to do . . . .

Have a wonderful weekend punters. And big hugs for Rattie Mattie who is my new best friend, my secret crush and the best Level 2 Support Person next to Kahlerisms, I have EVA not met! Although I've met Kahlerisms and he's very nice as well as capable and lives in a little green house with Brethred and their two cats . . . . but I digress.

Happy weekend to all of you who have been so supportive in person, email or the blog this week and wished both Clare and I all the best. I'm feeling much more relaxed and you were all right, it was the build-up to leaving not the actual departure that made me sad. I'm feeling much more together today and I've already had an email from Chile so it's all good. It's been a strange week and I've only actually worked for three days owing to the Public Holiday and having Thursday off so next week it's nose to the grindstone in earnest, I have so much to achieve.

Thanks BabySis for the reality check and DrummerBoy for being a brick. And of course all the rest of you who have been very sweet and full of good advice and best wishes for our travelling friend. If she shows up at yours, give her a couch! I'm very lucky to have such a select yet diverse group of commenters who seem to have an affection for this drivel and the person who slaps it down each day. I appreciate you too.

And some food for thought, don't believe all you see on TV broaden your minds, increase your knowledge and try to walk a mile in someone elses shoes (sometimes they're sparkly and if you click the heels together they'll take you to amazing places)

"There are two things which cannot be attacked in front: ignorance and narrow-mindedness. They can only be shaken by the simple development of the contrary qualities. They will not bear discussion"

Dalai Llama

"Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live"

Oscar Wilde

"Criticism of attempts to broaden intellectual, social, political and spiritual horizons come from people who cannot see past their own agenda!" (I made some of that up . . .)

Be nice to each other


Anonymous said...

OOOOOOMMMMMMMM *meditating on your profundity*

Baino said...

Hahahaha - funny woman! Get off my profundity! I'll need it when I've poured my first glass of champers, go find your own! (we really do spend too much time in front of a PC). I'm off to watch the news but won't believe most of it! tee hee . . Have a good one!

Anonymous said...

I knew you were made of strong stuff.

Now you go find your new adventure.

I have an idea... will tell you on Skype whenever you are about.

Anonymous said...

The Oscar Wilde quote is brilliant. I'd never looked at it that way. Now I've got the ideal answer when people ask me why I never had children/ don't eat meat/ don't believe in God/ don't like beer (etc)

Anonymous said...

Cheers! Baino

I like the idea of clicking my sparkly heels together and going places!

I thought you were going to say "people who can't see past their own shoes"!!!

Anonymous said...

Testing my comments delivery to see If I can avoid an explosion (see my post)

Gledwood said...

Hi thanks for your comment...


I got sent this ~ ♥ ~ it's a "tag" with instructions to pass it around and to ask you to pass it around ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ as much as you please or can...


Baino said...

GM: I'll keep my eye out for you but I'm thinking of taking a little break this weekend.

Nick: Glad to provide the ammunition. It's a very true statement to my mind. Choosing not to have children can be an act of pure selflessness. I know I had mine for me which was entirely selfish. Surely being Bhuddist is a sign of spirituality even if you don't believe in a conventional God? I don't like beer either!

Steph: Another good one but I was feeling positive!

Gledwood: No problem, your blog is unusual and interesting thanks for sharing the love!

Anonymous said...

my weekend plan is to get better

Baino said...

Aww Ropi . . you not well? Best wishes and I hope you're feeling better.

Anonymous said...

Well spotted! Yes, Buddhism is about spirituality but definitely not belief in a supreme being - more belief in self-knowledge and your own inner integrity - what's called your Buddha-nature.