Sunday, February 24, 2008

You'll Always Find Me In The Kitchen At Parties

Let's face it after all the efforts to derive a 'good room' , a pergola or deck or a party space, the real action is in the kitchen and you can tell a woman by her kitchen much as you can by her handbag contents. OK you wanna piece o Me? You wanna piece o ME? Well probably you don't but this is all I have tonight. Right click and open in new window if your in the least bit interested.

I'm off to make prawn risotto and watch "So You Think You Can Dance!" Hoo roo!


  1. I just realised how good the chardy glass shot was. Forgot to mention - wine of choice - dry, woody and sometimes fizzy (haha . .just like me!)

  2. nice camera bag ;) tad addictive isn't it! And addicted to SYTYCD too, enjoying it at the moment with a nice merlot, what better way to spend a lazy Sunday evening?

  3. Thank you for the very comprehensive tour around your kitchen. Why am I so not surprised the silk flowers went, talk about a grime trap!

    Now, is there any of that prawn risotto left, doll?

  4. Ryan speak English what's SYTCD?

    AV: They were actually really expensive good quality but the vase my sister in law decided to house them in broke so Babybro put them on the scrap heap. .I grabbed them and have had them on my bench for a while. In the cool weather, I buy lilies but in the heat, they're an OK alterntive to fresh flowers. I'm embarrassed to say they still live there unless I buy fresh gear. Sorry, Lily and I ate all the risotto. Drummer Boy is back next week so I'm making the most of food I like and he doesn't

  5. Before reading the sticky notes all over the kitchen, this looked like a perfect party! I guess you haven't had so much food in the fridge at late, or at least don't find what you are reaching for gone. Wouldn't even have to wipe all those grubby fingermarks off everything, sweep up the crumbs, wipe down the bench HAHHAAAA your kitchen is looking more perfect being such a small party Baino :) Enjoy while it lasts!

  6. I meant have DO have food in the fridge now that doesn't disappear!

  7. Anonymous9:21 pm

    Or you could just left click. Never seen SYTYCD, is it LOL? I like the hair clip to control madness, I think I need something like that when my brain is completely AWOL. Your kitchen looks a lot cleaner and less cluttered than ours (I'm ignoring the extractor fan, they're always impossible grease traps). Neat little sun room. You're out of fruit, btw.

  8. Haha Anony, you can tell I've been on my own for three weeks there are no motorbike parts or drum paraphenalia on the kitchen bench! The lad is back on Tuesday so I may do an 'after'pic when his culinery highness returns (oh but his bedroom looks so tidy - even Darth Vader had a wash!) 'Luke I had a sho-w-e-r' Did a boy shop this weekend. Plenty of Pizza, bread, cheese, pasta and other boy fodder!

    Nick. Ryan will set me straight on the geekspeak he's a youngling. Believe me I have hippy hair! If I didn't wash it, I'd have dreads in a fortnight. Ah fuck forgot the fruit! Nah over here in hotland, fruit stays in the fridge! The bowl's just for,tossing caesar salad and catching bugs . . not at the same time mind you.

  9. Anonymous10:37 pm

    Baino your glass is always full! :D

    The best thing about my kitchen is the view from the window above the sink!

  10. Is that ice in your wine? Mmmmm, good knives, a must. It seems to be curiously lacking in piles of random crud and children's toys. At least that is what my kitchen features (table currently obscured by butternut squash, kids lunch bags from school, box of rice cakes, book on italian cooking, book on multirate signal processing, multiple used tea mugs, ketchup, vinegar and worcestershire sauce bottles, paper open on hexadecimal sudoku page several toys and PTCC's handbag).

  11. GrannyMar: It's nice to look out onto greenery I must say but I don't spend too much time hanging round the kitchen sink!

    Thrifty: A travesty I know but yes, ice in the glass. Multirate signal processing .. mmm absorbing reading I'll bet. It doesn't often look that tidy which is why it was worth a photo!

  12. Anonymous7:31 am

    Captain Sloloman of the elite Omega ROFLCOPTER squad enjoyed a fresh ZOMGBBQPIZZA and a cool lolmonade after his swift victory over the lollerbladers, lmaoplanes and outlawls and returning safely to the lolapalooza.

  13. Oh Fitty that's all lovely but what does SYTYCD mean?

  14. AHHHHH! So You Think You Can Dance! HAHAHAHA wasn't a geek thing after all!

  15. . . .Ryan . . Myself is one word!
