Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Spicks and Specks, Gravel and Velvet

Wednesday night is Spicks and Specks . . a meld of comedy, music, quiz and I'm addicted. Seriously, it's my 'almost-stay-in-at-all-costs" TV show. Tonight they had Barry McGuire as one of the panel guests and it took me back to seeing him in my University days when he was considered an ageing sage at that time . . .Loads of fun, plenty of laughs, me sitting on the couch trying to remember the names and artists who sang songs I used to know. Lots of "Waaahhh . . I knew that" and "I know that song but what's it called" and the odd coup when I beat Miff to the draw . . the woman is an encyclopedia of music . . then old Barry looking much like a walrus, finished with a gravelly rendition of "Eve of Destruction" true today as it was in the 60's. I'm not being preachy, just an observation that this little folk protest song works across many levels:

Call me naive but why are people so horrible to each other.

Then this brings me total peace, seriously, it's a love song, a separation song, a song for the world:

The poet in action . . Jeff, KD, you did a good job but nothing like the original! A hymn for the common man (plus he has a voice like liquid chocolate!)


  1. I don't think naivity is the cause, common decency perhaps, realising that we're all in the same boat and treating each other like that isn't making anyones life any better. Anyway, to aid your confusion on my post, Steorn claimed to have invented free energy about 18 months ago. The demonstration in the Science museum in London didn't go so well, apprently due to heat from the lights. Oh, I have a new gaff, I'm an org now:

  2. Haha, I had to look up Steorn and couldn't make out whether they were serious or it was all hype to get scientists on board to peer review and publicise on energy efficiency. I'm on my way over to yours!

  3. Yep, no-one seems to know what to make of them truth be told. They might surprise us yet.

  4. Barry sounds a bit like Dylan many of his songs are still very pertinent today also. I'm a big Cohen fan also - never heard that one though!

  5. Anonymous8:09 am

    Theres any chances of this show be put online..please help me, would love to see this episode, 12th march...

    Many thanks,


  6. Heehee! You already know Spicks and Specks is a favourite of mine. It's surprising how many answers I do know and always a laugh about 'old times'. Great song 'Eve of Destruction', just couldn't watch the second for longer than a minute but got the whole 'chocolatey thing' ;)

  7. Quicky: You've never heard Hallelujah or you've never heard the original version? Not even Jeff Buckley's .. my dear boy, you need to speak to me about your musical education! Tis sadly lacking!

    Sorry Nonny: No vodcasts or podcasts but I put a reply on an ABC thread pleading that they start one up.

    Yeh Anony: Fellow fans we are, love the one leged Hillster. Mr Cohen is an acquired taste and it's an old clip. If you like the song . . try KD Langs version, very nice!
