Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Wacky Wednesday

I like Wednesday . . . today was particularly nice with a long chat from Clare who is now armed with a laptop and doing the touristy thing in LA after a teary farewell, parting from Paco in Mexico . . . I think there was a spark there but . . . they've been talking to each other for 18 months since they last saw each other but the tyranny of distance and the fact that he has a new job and can't take leave for a year has made parting sweet sorrow. Thank you Paco for taking care of my baby! There's a taco for Paco if you ever venture over here! (of course I'm talking about food!)

Right . .back to me . . and Wednesday and why it's good . . .I get a healthy dose of Big Brother (yeh, yeh, I know . . we all have our weaknesses but this year it's a bunch of FREAKS . . except they already voted out the grandma - boo/hiss!) Plus it's on at 7pm (well I thought it was but not so tonight - reruns of "Friends" bleagh!) and there's not much except tabloid TV or ABC news which has already been broadcast by other stations by this time. Then it's RSPCA Rescue for a good dose of 'Awwww' and 'How could they do that' and 'Isn't that lovely' and an overwhelming desire to drive down to Hoxton Park Animal shelter and rescue a trillion kittens plus a lasting regret that I wasn't smart enough or rich enough to become a pro bono Vet. This is followed by, a nice perve at the Bondi Rescue team 'cawwwww' buns so tight you could bounce them off the walls when they're not fishing hapless Japanese tourists out of one of the worst rips on one of the worst beaches in Sydney or arguing with white and freckled Irishmen about the need to avoid blistering skin by applying sun screen - they never do and end up with 2nd degree burns and a few day's hospitalisation. . . silly feckers.

Then it’s settle down with a bowl of superbly hot chilli with mexi-beans, enough to make you sweat on this cold 2 degree night and possibly result in a ring of fire although I'm using home made chili jam this time which gives it a nice soft edge. Also a couple of cubes of dark chocolate gives it a yummy gloss. Hot tip from the el supremo of chilli makers!

Then Spicks and Specs (I've mentioned this before and am devastated when the season ends) my favourite music quiz show to which I know all the answers - about three minutes too late. Where's the Reverend Poulton or the interminable Gledwood when I need them and their little box of vinyls! Then possibly the IT Crowd or whatever other silly Brit comedy happens to be scheduled.

So . . tonight, for your entertainment, I’m sticking with the humourarse and the dreadful treatment received by bloggers . . . See . . .I'm not always serious . . .

Blogger Sweatshop


Anonymous said...

HAHA! BB, Blogging, Spicks and Specks, IT Crowd, now blogging for commercial break only, then Numbers, Blogging ... ;)

Anonymous said...

I guess the Irish are like most other Europeans visiting Oz for the first time - they can't really believe the sun is that strong. I bet they don't wear shades either. Or clothes that cover the skin properly. Mind you, when I was at Bondi the Aussies were pretty scantily clad as well.

Anonymous said...

Well for me wednesday is average usually but now I had a quite bad day

Anonymous said...

Big Brother? what a terrible show... ever since Natalie got kicked out. She was the only reason I watched it. :)

Melissa said...

Haa haaaa! Oh, man, did I need this laugh today -- thank you, Baino! I was laughing through the whole thing. :) I'm back after a weekend away ... catching up with blogs and laundry and cleaning and groceries ... weee!

Baino said...

Anony: I know, it's probably the only night I watch TV for 3 hours straight!

Nick:That's the diff. We plaster on the sunscreen (even if you can't see it) and generally people take a beach umbrella. You Irish are just a pale and freckly lot! The ones that go to Bondi I'll bet are straight off the Plane and haven't built that 'base' tan yet poor snossages. There are Aussies at Bondi? Well wonders will never cease!

Ah Ropi. Cheer up man . . .it's only a maths test. Things can only get better!

Brianf: I know I'm pathetic, what can I say . . it's my eye candy for the week (not much Candy on this session mind!)

Melissa: Hope your retreat was a treat! I'm heading over in a mo!

Anonymous said...

Ah, the real Aussies don't go to Bondi - that explains it.

Anonymous said...

I'm feeling out on this one. I have no TV, stay pale with freckles and I have never made Chilli.

Baino said...

Nick: Quite so, it's full of Kiwis and a large Jewish community . . we don't drink Fosters either!

Awww GrannyMar, didn't mean to leave you out. You might not make chilli but your Monday recipes make up for it. No TV! Hells bells and buckets of blood!

Paddy in BA (Quickroute) said...

I was on bondi for Xmas a few times with every other expat in Sydney - Didn´t get sunburnt though!

Baino said...

Qucky: WHY? Of all the beaches in all the world, why would you have Christmas at that crowded, rippy, poo ridden, smelly, city bog hole!

I know . . .I know . . same reason I'll probably hang upside down in the pouring rain and exchange germs with the rest of the world while kissing the Blarney stone!

Paddy in BA (Quickroute) said...

It´s funny as an expat (especially a young expat) I tended to do the tackiest, tasteless stuff and run with the crowd. Happy to say that along with a few grey hairs the years have brought some more tact and taste!