Wednesday, May 07, 2008

More Wednesday Wackiness

Now Thrifty get that frown off your face. I know it's a complete and abject big boy toy (or in this case girl) consumerism - more fun than a pocket bike, better to play with than an i-phone and more excitement than a Wii, PS3 or XBox put together. Actually I'm quite the minimalist with gadgets and barely master a mobile phone but how awesomely fantastically fun is this thing

I want one! Just because, I can lie on my bed and watch movies on the ceiling and have the Millenium Falcon as my remote instead of three stupid different ones.

Imagine doing a client presentation in the boardroom and this walks in . . . to project your 5 year forecasts and current asset and liability position whilst blasting out a few toons by Metallica, now that'll make em turn down their hearing aids! Wonder if I can talk work into it when our data projector dies?


  1. Even I think that's cool. Utterly frivolous, but it doesn't pretend to be anything but. I could see a SW company getting one, but a financial services company? I think you have your work cut out on that one :-)

  2. HAHHAA, I can see you walking into work with your Star Fleet uniform on Baino!

  3. Anonymous8:01 pm

    R2-D2: *various beeping noises*

    (Everyone laughs)

    Luke: Good one R2!

  4. Anonymous9:57 pm

    Oh really Baino, you're just a sucker for trendy gadgets!! What's wrong with the normal way of watching movies (or presentations)? Mind you, if I could get a robot to do my job interviews for me, or attend those awkward but necessary social events, that would be pretty handy....

  5. Anonymous11:22 pm

    I have two words for ya'.
    I want one too!!!

  6. Nooo-oooo - they've removed the video - it's no longer available, apparently. Now you'll just have to tell me what it was!

  7. Seriously, I'm the least gadgety person in the world apart from domestic appliances like toasters, kettles and juicers but it's so neat. Helps that I'm a sucker for Star Wars!

    Av They did? That was quick. It's a half size R2D2 1800 lumins data projector and game station, DVD player etc.

  8. I am going to have to return and try playing this video again - for some reason it takes me hours to view 'You Tube' ones.

    Reads like the sort of thing that is a lot of fun though :-D

  9. Hiya Miladysa . . yep, my PC at home has trouble opening videos. Welcome aboard this ship of fools!
