Friday, May 02, 2008

Nothin' (and a cool clip)

I have nothing today other than:
  • I don't like my job but can't afford to leave although there has been peace in our time since TheMostAnnoyingParaplannerInTheWorld has not been in this week - we've all noticed it.
  • I have increased my personal loan this week by $15,000 - it's called 'consolidating debt' . Yeah right . . .
  • I had a lovely, and slightly longer than usual chardy lunch with Thommo and we lamented empty nests and lost travel opportunities, solved the problems of the world and berated mothers of spoiled brats all before coffee!
  • I managed to eat a saffron prawn curry without sploshing it on my white shirt - no mean feat
  • I wish I was 20 years old and up for a paintball competition dressed in a ghillie suit (I only found out what a ghillie suit was last week!)
  • I now have three toyboys clamouring to solve my IT problems, probably because they want chocolate and wine for being UBER helpful. Thank you Rowan, Matt and Canaan but you have to do more outside the square to get a prize!
  • I've had lots of conversations with my darling girl and discovered that super-snotty Santa Monica ClareBear has booked Stratosphere in Las Vegas and is actually contemplating one of the rooftop rides! She has also discovered that contrary to urban myth California is just like Australia and vegetables and fruit are plentiful!
  • I have made the momentous decision to cease watching LOST since it has now been rescheduled to 10:30pm on Thursday nights - I feel like I have wasted the last three years! Bugga!
  • I have managed to waste the last few minutes of a very hectic working day and find a pretty cool video although it's time Robert Smith brushed his hair and stopped wearing lippy.
. . . . as we say down under . . Avagoodweekend!

However the sun is finally shining and we are in for a fine weekend . . . avagoodweekendyermugs!


Thriftcriminal said...

Arrrggh, cheery Cure, it's just wrong! Have a good weekend yourself!

Anonymous said...

Avagoodweekend Baino! HAH, I guessed your first and third points from your comment at the birdieBlog. WHAT is a "ghillie suit"? Answer after a great SUNNY weekend!!!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the weekend and the younglings!

3 toyboys to sort out your It problems.. that's more than I have!:cry:

Anonymous said...

Three toyboys to fix the IT - you women have all the luck. I keep hoping for three toygirls to come and check out my own computer but they never appear. Perhaps they're just intimidated by my suave, debonair manner....

Unknown said...

Nick: you are not alone. I want 3 toygirls too!

Baino said...

Thrifty: Tis a bit odd isn't it? I think it's the only cheery song they made. Tongue in cheek perhaps.

Anony:It's one of those camouflage suits that soldiers wear with sticks and twigs on it so they can't be seen in the folliage. Very suitable for bird watching I imagine!

GrannyMar:I've never met these three but a while ago, I bought one of them wine and chocolate for stepping outside the circle and now they're all after 'favours'.

Nick:Keep dreamin' You just have to flirt over the phone!

Ryan: I forgot you! . .that makes four. . and Crispy . .five! Wahey! Don't be greedy . .one's more than a . . .handful.

Anonymous said...

You have a lot nothing.

Baino said...

Ropi what can I say, I'm a blog addict. I'll rabbit on about anything!

Anonymous said...

Chocolate and wine, geez! I've been known to help with IT problems for Vegemite. I think I have to raise my prices.

dacro said...

I am a tree. You cannot see me.

Baino said...

Brianf: I'm a grateful client what can I say!

Brian: if you say so mate, you can be whatever you wanna be!