Sunday, June 15, 2008

Come On Baby Light My Fire

Whilst waiting for the action, one drums . . .

Or poses for a photograph in their "let's pretend we're rural firefighter's " gear . .
But eventually there has to be tongueage . . chuck a snag on the barbie . . .

Then of course blow shit up . . .

Sit around feeling toasty . . .

Wear a few glow sticks . . .

Take a promo shot of the band . . . .

Award a prize for the best home made OH&S Outfit . . .

Mix it with family (ThePlummer and Babysis)

Act up in front of the camera with a glowstick that doesn't glow for a flash . . .

Yeh, good night. A little restrained due to fear of reporting but a good night. It's 1.00am. I'm going to bed. They're still toasting their tootsies and eating spring rolls and sweet chilli sauce. I think I may have guests for breakfast!


Excellent Adventures said...

That's awesome! So much fluro, I love it!!! Im also amazed you were sober enough to post at 1am!

Anonymous said...

you must have had fun.

Thriftcriminal said...

Looks like the fun was had. Good one. Now sleep in.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you all had a blast! You'll probably have more than one uninvited guest. :)

Anonymous said...

YAY! Excellent recording of events! Looks like your yearly bonfire lived up to its reputation :) How's your head?

Melissa said...

Woohoo! Looks like a lot of fun!!

Baino said...

Hey baby ... lovely to talk to you yesterday. It was good but quiet, you're clearly the social butterfly only about 30 people last night but they kicked on until after 3.

Ropi: yes we did, now there's the 'tidying up' to do.

Thrifty: slept in until 9:45 unheard of for this little black duck!

JD: nup not one, not even a Firie which was a bit disappointing. Sorry I missed you this morning.

Anony: Actually, remarkably clear. I behaved myself. Nothing more embarrassing than falling drunk into a rabbit hole in front of a bunch of 23 year olds so I maintained my decorum.

Thanks Melissa. Certainly reduced the 'hazards' around the house. We have a few less trees this morning but tents and swags seem to have grown overnight!

Kath Lockett said...

Nothin' like a bonza bonfire party - well done Baino.

We went out to a karate club dinner after some *serious* but informative training. Sapph bustled off to her friend's house for a sleepover. We adults had mucho laughs, great food and fun company. Slightly hungover today and tired, tired, tired....

Anonymous said...

I always wondered what you guys did in deep midwinter, what with having no Christmas to lighten things up. I have now discovered that you do pretty much the same as you do the rest of the year - barbie and booze!

The days turn next weekend - ours towards winter :-( and your towards summer

Anonymous said...

Ian has stolen my thunder!

You definitely win a medal for your enthusiasm for hosting parties.

And you make it all look so easy. I feel worn out just thinking about organising a party.

What's your secret?

Baino said...

Kath sounds like fun . . I was a bit 'fuzzy' yesterday too - more from lack of sleep, they wound up at 4am!

Ian . . does look a bit that way! Christmas in July is a big thing here too because it's too hot for the traditional roast in December! Yeay, shortest day of the year it's all downhill from here!

Not much to it Steph. Basically a sausage sizzle, lots of nibbly bits and an esky full of ice in the back paddock! Cleaning up's the worst part!

david mcmahon said...

G'day - hope the BBQ was a success.
Rule No.1 - always drum while waiting for things to happen. Rule No.2 - disable the flash if you want a good shot of a glow stick!

Thanks, mate, for the great comment on my Odd Shots post. Much appreciated.

Anonymous said...

Looked like a blast! - hope there's no sore head!