Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I Luvz Me Boy

Very little tonight other than we've just watched a movie Step Up 2. Adam and the Fringelet and I just schlepped on our respective couches watching together and eating sticky chicken burritos, that makes me happy. He twiddles her hair, piggy backs her through the kitchen, slaps her bum, farts disrespectully, and fobs her off with a rather-too-convincingly 'gay' dialogue. She giggles, dances with the dog to 'Hit the Floor' and they snoox on the couch. Not in a tongue wrestling 'when's your mother going to bed kinda way' but they play . . he teases, she giggle and I sit there with the satisfaction of knowing that he's happy, she's wonderful and knowing that he's a great boyfriend and a good son. I love my boy - more importantly I like my boy - who incidentally is willing to take his mother to see Dark Knight on Thursday . . .this time with him has been nothing short of amazing despite or in spite of his stinky socks.

A face only a mother could love?


  1. typical young male behavior ;) lol

    bonus on taking mama to see batman!

  2. Anonymous10:27 pm

    Mama, whatever it is you did in raising those kids, you did it right!

    Great kid! Great mom!

  3. Anonymous11:54 pm

    It is great when our kids are comfortable to be themselves in our company. Enjoy!

  4. Anonymous1:42 am

    I am like that with my Ma, she loves Mrs M to bits, and the best part is, she is not only my Ma, but my friend.... esp when she is in the UK, and I am here !!!

  5. See that would have been me in the house of The Woman Who Cared for Strays.

    Let us know what DK is like.

  6. Aarr young love. You have a great relationship with your kids if they can be so open with you. I wish him all the luck in the world. As for the vid in my day it was "word up" by "Cameo" do you remember that one and that lovely red box? Debs x

  7. Chip off the ol' block then!
    I hope I didn't raise too much expectations with my DK review but I think you'll like it a lot.

  8. Awww, how sweet! Sounds like a great evening! :) I hope when my two are older we can have time together like that.

  9. Anonymous7:02 am

    I'm with Wordnerd on this one.

    If you patented your parenting formula, you could make a fortune!

    We had a fab spicy Indian/Pakistani meal last night and the farting coming from the opposite side of the bed last night, was very disrespectful!

  10. @Steph: Mmmm, where from?

  11. Anonymous8:06 am


    I should think you know where farts come from!

    The meal came from 'Kinara', Clontarf Road, D.3.

    Early Bird menu 5-7pm @ €20 is a fantastic deal for 3 courses. I highly recommend it.

    Sorry! Baino

  12. Errrrm yep! That's a face only a mother could love, but a Fringelet too! :))

  13. No individual responses today. I just had a schmulzy moment watching them being so happy last night. I think being a single parent has a lot to do with the relationship I've got with them. I'm probably closer due to that, plus I'm the big cheese and the only one to run to when a confidence needs to be shared. It's a position I used to take very seriously so guess it's paid off.

    He aint perfect, in fact he's flawed like the rest of us . .but he's good fun and I like him a LOT.

    Thrifty and Steph . . do you live near each other then?

  14. If there's FARTING involved, it's gotta be serious.

  15. Yay! And I just realized what I need to work on for the future.

    Tanks, B.

  16. Nah, I'm at the foot of 3 rock. Not the other side of the world though :-)

  17. Aw, that just all sounds so cute! And homely, and loving. You done good, Baino!
