Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Multiply AND Perish

On Monday, Cardinal George Pell, already under a dark cloud in relation to payoffs to sex abusers to retain their silence and other scandals involving lack of clarity - urged young Australians to multiply or perish. This is the head of the Catholic Church in Australia, afraid of the decline of western populations.

However, this man Pells is an idiot. He is out of touch and disconnected from the world at large.. He has ignored reports on sexual abuse in the Church. He is among the most conservative religious figures in Australia and generally not well-liked and clearly he opens his mouth before his brain is in gear.

Now clearly we are focussing on the Pope this week. The Pontiff's visit is big news, as is the influx of 225,000 ‘pilgrims’. Although the theylooks more like a bunch of teens attending a rock concert with their free God Squad backpacks,looking for all the world like an endorsement of MacDonalds who are also, I am told, giving the ‘pilgrims’ free vouchers.

In a wide ranging address on the eve of World Youth Day, Cardinal Pell, yesterday pointed the finger at divorce and promiscuity for causing a population "crisis" in the Western world. Apparently our lack of marriage and stable relationships is causing the demise of the Western World and we need to bolster our numbers. Where does this man live? On the fucking moon

. . .it’s due to overpopulation of our poor planet that biofuels are causing starvation in third world countries . . . that cyclists in Beijing are choking on the smoke of millions of cars . . that children are eeking subsitance in the Favellas and Barras of South America, that Ethiopian mothers are travelling miles to feeding centres with their near dead, bloated-bellied babies and that child labour thrives in Calcultta. People are the problem with this planet and here's this high and mighty in a dog collar encouraging everyone to produce loads of babies to ensure Western stability.

"No Western country is producing enough babies to keep the population stable,
no Western country,"
It sounds like he is more concerned about the demise of Western Civilisation than the survival of the planet and the desperate need to alleviate third world poverty. OK . . we all know the Catholic view on sex . . .time your cycle, take your temperature and cross your fingers . . no condoms, no pill, no snip for the dishy daddy who’s done his deed enough times and now wants to give the little woman a break. Modern Catholic couples of course are ignoring the rhythm method and opting for more effective methods of contraception. Catholics are having sex before Marriage, gay catholics are cohabiting and worshipping together .. . sex as a platform for Catholicism is simply not working in the 21st Century. The devout just go to Reconciliation, confees they’ve done the nastification and Holy Communion is there’s to enjoy. Low-impact penance.

Sadly the abjectly devout in poorer nations take their religious leaders at their word and still do not use contraception with devastating results in terms of incredible poverty, unwanted children, mass starvation, and the spread of HIV. The Church, if it is to survive must come into modern times and accept some responsibility for the lives and wellbeing of it’s flock, not to mention the planet which is being plundered by this virus we call humanity. And as far as il Papa is concerned, his focus on environmental issues is the FIRST sign that he has some understanding of what is important to the up-and-coming generations kudos for having a go. . now if we can give him a little nudge in relation to relaxing sexual mores and perhaps ordaining the odd woman we might be on the right track.

The same ignorant loser, aka Pell (are you getting the feeling I don’t like this prick?) yesterday refused to answer questions surrounding sexual abuse by a Sydney priest. This just days before the Pope is expected to make an apology to abuse victims. Cardinal Pell has again been quizzed by the media over his handling of a claim of indecent sexual assault in 1982. Cardinal Pell said he ‘made a mistake’ when he wrote to the victim, saying the Church had not received other complaints about the priest. He had in fact written to another man the same day about a separate sexual abuse allegation and the same Priest in question had been reported as committing a number of abuses against young men under his care by the Catholic Church’s own investigation team. He's also emberoiled in a 'pay off' scandal where victims of priest's sexual abuse were paid $15,000 for their silence! Now whilst Pell isn't personally responsible, the buck stops with him. I know he isn't indicative of most Catholics or those who live in the real world. But he is one reason why mainstream religion is failing to impress and in rapid decline.

Pell is responsible for his Priests and his administration and ultimately his congregation . . . so buck up George . . pull your head out of your cassock and look at what’s going on in the world TODAY! Times are a changing.


Anonymous said...

What a great piece Baino. And what an ignoramus the man is. You're so right - bringing Catholicism into a modern context surely must happen. I wonder if the Pontiff is the man for the job though?

Anonymous said...

Awwww got my facts right, it was Cardinal George Pell who wants the Catholic youths to multiply!!! Well written ;)

laughingwolf said...

good'un, baino...

at age 11 or 12, i began to question being 'preached at', by age 13 i'd had enough of organized religion... never looked back

well said!

Thriftcriminal said...

Some of the members of the Catholic church have a decent head on their shoulders, they just tend not to get promoted. It never fails to amaze me how the catholic church continues with it's centuries old agenda in this blinkered fashion. They need to modify their strategy, I mean, if they are so concerned about the populations of the western world being overwhelmed, go educate the rest of the world as to proper use of contraception. One of our local journos wrote an inflamatory piece the other day about Etheopia, we spent loads of money helping them out but utterly failed to educate them, result: They have millions more in their population and are facing famine again. Teach them not to have sprogs that can only be born into a horrendous environment. Now the journo in question was going for shock value here, questioning the value of sending them aid at all, but his point that the aid was ineptly implemented in the past was spot on.

So catholic missionaries of the world, get out there, spread condoms and education, not fecundity, poverty and disease.

Baino said...

EM: It's important to say that I have nothing against this week's invasion of 'joy' indeed the city is full of happy young, faithful people and I applaud them, there really is a 'friendly' feel around town. But Pell is of the old school! The Pontiff bless his creamy cassock is suffering jet lag and will read mass on Thursday.

Anony I think you and I are of the same mind. I've been watching this particular cardinal for some time and he 'irks' me with his conservatism.

LW: Again, I'm not slamming organised religion. It isn't for me but it provides solace for millions. I just wish they'd jump into the real world.

Thrifty, again we're of the same mind. It will be a slow move and achieved I think by natural attrition. I'm quite heartened by the 170 countries represented and the enthusiasm of these youngsters. Although the view of over 400 bishops and cardinals celebrating mass on the news smacked of a medieval Church brought kicking and screaming into the modern world. And I KNOW there are good missionaries out there doing good work often hampered by Vatican politics. More tomorrow on that!

Anonymous said...

Does contraception counts as "oh shit, that has never happened to me before" .....just asking ??

Relgion in general falls apart with things like this. We need contraception to have some control.. it's common sense .... grrrr, angry now !

laughingwolf said...

point taken... just voicing my opinion about what works for me, not interested in 'converting' anyone, either way....

Paddy in BA (Quickroute) said...

He's a chip off the ol' catholic hierarchy block for sure. Denial, out of touch, ignorance is bliss. And they wonder why the flock is dwindling from the fold.

Megan said...

When you see a woman in her late twenties walking her three kids to school with two more in the pram and another on the way, you just wonder what the hell is going on.

I mean, this is not what Sr. Michelle taught me...

Baino said...

Moon: Actually the contraception lobby were more offended by the new legislation that disallowed non Catholics from 'annoying' pilgrims. They took it to the High Court and won their case. It wasn't about handing out condoms, it was about freedom to protest. It's been a peaceful two days with our pilgrims rejecting the very small contingency of condom hander outerers.

LW: I know what you meant. Sorry for not comenting but your posting is so prolific I can't keep up. I'll be over on the weekend.

Quickie: You would know better than I living in Argentina . . . one word from il Papa and life would be diff. By the way , we're now starting to get news reports about your farmer's strikes . .three weeks late and only on our multicultural channel but you're hitting the news!

Megan quite so, although when your government offers a $7000 payment for the birth of each child . .very tempting for the bethonged spun rayon set pushing a baby buggy! Sr Michelle was probably looked after by her order and didn't need money for jam!

English Mum said...

'bless his creamy cassock' LOL!

laughingwolf said...

no need to comment on all my posts, baino, i just put up what grabs my attention at the moment, but welcome, any time :)

Anonymous said...

Well it is true that the population is decreasing in western countries however I am not into religions so I can't decide what should be changed or kept.

Ces Adorio said...

Infidels! No 72 virgins for them rascals.

Baino said...

EM: Not to mention his lubly hats!

LW: no chance, I'm having trouble keeping up the pace!

Ropi? Sitting on the fence? C'mon lad . . . not like you not to have an opinion even if they are like arseholes!

Hey Ces . .absolutely not . . virgins or otherwise!