Sunday, August 24, 2008

Rudi's Rockets Rule

When I first saw ClareBear's soccer team play, they were . . well . . . hopeless. They ran with their hands in the air which is an invitation for a handball call. They fell victim to 'snipers' (a fall with no obvious reason for impediment, very similar to the Italian soccer team), tripped over their boots, reached for their puffers, fiddled with their hair do's and tweaked their knickers and generally had a hard time standing on two legs.

I haven't seen them play for over a year so when Em asked if I'd like to watch possibly their last game this season, as it was the semi-final, I trundled along. Our girls, (dark blue)were playing North Rocks and both teams did themselves proud despite a rather bolshy spectator from the other side and an unusually quiet sideline from coach Rudi.

It was nice to catch up with a couple of other parents who I hadn't seen for a while and a few of ClareBear's friends who were there as the cheersquad (those who are still in Oz that is! They're all overseas!). It was a fantastic game! Went into extra time and then a 'best out of five' penalty shoot out. Very tense . . The Rockets won . . . someone said I might be their lucky charm so I'm doomed to repeat the event when the final is played! Now, where's that drawing I have of the 'off side' rule again?

Miss Bianca has a strong arm

. . and it's on . . no more pussy footing about . . .

A ball in the face is no laughing matter . . coach Rudi offers his condolences . . .

Emily poised for the ball . . .

. . oops . . Sniper?

No time for practising the can-can but she can can-can . . .

The littlest goalie! Fortunately not too many balls down her end (ahem!)
Our goal's down that way girl . . watch where I'm pointing . . .

And a Victory huddle . .

So ClareBear, they won even without you and Schmecky, you were missed but the girls did you proud . . that sister of yours packs a mean punch and scored an amazing penalty goal! I'll post the rest on Facebook tomorrow night and tag the usual suspects.


Anonymous said...

I served my time on the sidelines during school hockey matches. The best bit for me was conversation in the car as I taxied them to and from the games.

Ces Adorio said...

Always good to root for the young ones. I wonder how the girls were able to sort out the uniforms because to me blue is blue but I suppose younger brains are more agile and discriminating so they know. I hope I see more Aussies participating in each of the Olympic games in the future. I love the name Emily, someday you'll know why.

Anonymous said...

Wow - now, is that soccer, or Australian rules? Not that I know much about either!

Congrats to the Rockets!!

Paddy in BA (Quickroute) said...

I have 2 left feet and was always the last to be picked for the team :-(( - I'm a professional spectator in the pub however!

Megan said...

Great action shots! Too bad the season is over, because they should have you as the Official Photographer.

Yay Rockets!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Grannymar - the best bit of being an unpaid taxi driver, was listening to the natter in the back of the car.

Thankfully/sadly, my wee 'baby' passed her driving test last month so those days are over.

Go Rockets go!

laughingwolf said...

grats baino... now ye GOTTA show for the finale! :)

Anonymous said...

i really do look ridiculous in those goals don't I! ye gods. just lucky they didn't aim over my head.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm didnt see you at any of your NaughtyNeph's games this season!

Ces Adorio said...

There's an award for you ate my blog. Please drop by. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

It must have been a good game, I like playing soccer. It would be fun if there were more amateur leagues and there would be teams of every professions (fire, fighters, policemen, lawyers, etc)

Baino said...

Ah Grannymar so have I believe me! Bit tricky with one playing netball and the other soccer, I had to flit between the two on more than one occasion.

Aww Ces, you're an artist, you know that there's duck blue, indigo blue, egshell blue, navy blue, royal blue, sky blue - just go into a paint shop and try to work out what colour 'morning mist' is! We are a nation of sports freaks and machines . . nuts for it. Ooh . . a mystery . . .I wait with baited breath!

Jay it's soccer. Again, we're not very good on the international stage because most of our good players venture overseas but young boys particularly play soccer in the winter (or Australian Rules in SA and WA and National Rugby League in the Eastern States) Soccer is by far the biggest winter sport here.

Quickie, I wouldn't mind betting you can sing along with the rest of them. Bet you're one of those Irish gits with the tri colour painted all over your mug!

Well I think it might have been my camera that was invited Megs, I'm just the appendage required to operate it!

Yep Wuffa, I'll be up for it when I know when it is!

Em you did really well for a little girl. I'm just glad they swapped you for the penalty shoot out, now that would have been gruelling.

Sorry Babysis but standing on a freezing field at 8:30 on a Saturday morning watching honey pot soccer isn't my idea of fun. Besides, I came once! At least the girls play at the civilised hour of 1:00pm!

Ropi, I would have thought soccer would be quite big in Hungary? Certainl big in amateur leagues here as for occupational teams . . I'd go and watch the firemen vs policemen in a heartbeat! (Maybe take some 'calendar' photos!)

Excellent Adventures said...

These photos are fantastic!! I'm so glad you went, next year hopefully I'll be playing! I'm loving your photography at the mo, you've improved so much! Gold star!