Saturday, September 20, 2008

Bang Head Here

Shit! Shit! Shit! Mega poo and more shit! Totally and unadulterated shitfest! My whole deep and meaningful and carefully contrived Saturday post just got sucked into the ether. It was good too. Then I had Clare on Skype and turned into a blithering mess of teary motherhood. Hot tip, Maybelline Long Lash Mascara isn't waterproof!

More tomorrow when I have collected myself. I can't believe I wrote this entire rather brilliant post and it got pissed off into neverland. Shit!. . .I actually thought about it. Re-read it, edited it. Fuck me to Friday Way cranky . . going to hit something soft to spare my knuckles. Man! It took me ages and was deep and . .awwww fuckit! Right that's it. Off to the Bottlo to get me more chardy and shitfaced. God I hate it when that happens. I am so mad right now! I need hot chips and gravy.


  1. Anonymous7:40 pm

    going to hit something soft to spare my knuckles.

    Walls work so much better. The searing pain in your possibly broken knuckles makes you forget all your frsutrations ...

  2. Well you'd know but I need my hands for my work! Gah! I'm so mad.It was brilliant and you got a little accolade in it too! Oh go and eat yer fruit loops while I gorge on chips and gravy!

  3. Anonymous8:46 pm

    I did that more than once. It only happens with the good stuff.

    Enjoy the chips & gravy!

  4. Bugga*!* Hope the chips were good*!*

  5. gah.. this is one of those worlds unsolved mysteries... You know. I think computers have a mind!!!
    One other phenomenon from the mystery family: Why is it, that always when bread falls from your hand, it always falls on the floor with the butter side down?

    oh, and I never believed in maybeline anyway...

    hope you feel better :)
    You know.. you still are capable of write as great posts as you have been doing! Aye.

  6. Anonymous10:17 pm

    Hot chips and gravy!! Excellent idea, good comfort food, full of feel-good carbs, and tastes wonderful too. I'd put grated cheese on top too, and eat it the way the Canadians do. YUM. Now you've made me hungry!

    I hate when that happens too. I've lost my share of good writing in the past.

  7. Anonymous10:26 pm

    I know I'm just a sanctimonious know-it-all smartarse, but NEVER rely on Blogger / the internet / your computer. Sooner or later they'll let you down. ALWAYS keep a draft before you post. That's why I've never lost anything (You can give me a good kicking now....)

    But I hope it all comes back to you and you can rewrite it. Now I'm dying to know what this deep and meaningful discourse was all about....

  8. sorry to hear that, baino!

    the new macs come with built-in backup, called 'time capsule'....

  9. Aww Ebsy baby you're so, so, sweet as sugar you little Finnish female! And you're right what is it about the butter down side thing? I've sort of re written for tomorrow but it isn't half as impactful.

    Jay, went the chips and gravy and a bottle of chardy feeling no pain. Cheese? Gah! Never happened to me before I'm mad I tell you. Lily enjoyed the leftovers and is doing a "Princess" on the duvet as I type.

    Well than, you prince perfect! Ah now you tell me. The problem is I have a private blog on Wordpress and was toggling between the two and accidentally closed the blogger post. I'm just annoyed that it happened to a nice post rather than a silly You Tubey thing.

    Ah as they say in The Magic Roundabout - "time for bed Zebidee!"

  10. Anonymous12:07 am

    Well, I just keep stress in myself and get rid of it in a peaceful way such as sports. I use Windows Live Messenger.

  11. Next time write on Word first then copy and paste. You swear most eloquently honey but I'll overlook it because you love Clare so much.

  12. Ropi MSN doesn't like my old Dell so I only use it at work. Skype is my I M of choice and Facebook . . but you know that! Normally, I wouldn't care but I actually thought about this post so was VERY cranky that I lost it. But very Happy that I lost it because my daughter distracted me.

  13. Sorry Ces. My bad. I have a terrible potty mouth but I was super mad. Anyway, Clare and I talked this arvo so all is good. That damn webcam turns me into moosh.

  14. Anonymous2:10 am

    Baino- come join me for a rum,I'll pinch a chippy off you and we'll all be happy.No fish with the chips?Bit like your discourse I guess, the one that got away.

  15. The ether can be just too cruel! I hate it when that happens. Trying punching pillows, at least it doesn't hurt your knuckles! And yeah, the chardy might help the battering.

  16. What a pain!

    Live dangerously and try cheese, chips and gravy once - we have it that way in Lancashire too and it's delicious!

  17. Anonymous6:21 am

    Such a waste of thought. Sometimes technology bites.

  18. Worst! I feel for you, my dear!

    Can you, will you try and recreate it?

    Me loves chips. Haven't tried with gravy though. Gravy usually just goes on the mashed...

  19. Good morning sweetie. I hope you had a good night's rest.

  20. baino, what's worse--losing all those perfect words or crying (blubbering) in front of your daughter? i'd say it's about a tie.

    i like all your swears. i can be a prude (not alot) but in your case it's just fine.


  21. How's the head today?

  22. Anonymous5:15 pm

    Well, I think in Hungarian or in English or in a mixed language. But I rarely think in Hunglish, I only d it when I explain history to my classmates. Then I make sentences as: Julius Caesar crossolta a river Rubicont and goingolt Rómába. I think if you have good logic or imagination either a Hungarian or English people can understand it. However in general if you talk to me in Hungarian I think in English and when you talk to me in English I think in Hungarian. I can't explain why. I got used to this system.

  23. Do you know what would help? Randomly picking up girls working in How about one of those amusing snow domes that you can shake and they make funny noises? Boy howdy they are amusing...

  24. How is your head today?

  25. I feel for you - at least the wee one finally got in touch!
    I haven't lost a post thankfully but every now and then I reply to the comments and go to hit post and get a 404 error and lose the lot - drives me friekin' nuts

  26. Well girls, I didn't post yesterday obviously but not because of a bruised skull. The weather was too nice and stuff to do in the garden I'll try to rewrite it perhaps.

    Sorry about the swearing. I am awful these days.

    Ropi - Haha .love the idea of Hunglish!

    Miles, I'm a girl why would I randomly pick up girls in shops. Snow cones are good. Padded cells are better.

    Cheers Ces . fine and clear thanks!

    I know what you mean Quickie it's frustrating cos your first attempt is always the best one.

    Ah well, another day, another dollar .. back to the frey that is work! Sweet dreams everyone!

  27. How long is this banging going to last?
