Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Cheer up!

OK. Seriously. I rarely write posts for others - that doesn't mean I don't like your comments - but this is Baino's (my) Banter (blithery blog). However, I brought you all down so much last night - even had a record number of emails, and I don't mean to make light of what was said yesterday but a little levity might be in order. I thought about Lolcatz because I really think they're funny but the You Tube pics are really about people sticking hamburger buns on their kittens. I even thought about putting James Blunt up so that you'd have something to get really angry about and vent but worried about all those smashed computer screens. So to prevent the flood of tears and for your viewing pleasure (because I have to go and make hamburgers and start my book - book club is only 3 weeks away). I decided, don't get depressed - get even! Cheer up Ian, cheer up Kath, cheer up Gleds . . .


  1. Ginger balls...ginger balls... FOTC are so hilariously funny, I'll definitely be getting their series on DVD.

    Thanks Baino, for all of your posts, downers and uppers.

  2. It's your banter alright but you can't just suddenly change the mood with someone's silly birthday video.

    Actually Baino, it's quite somber here these days. Something in our lives and in nature always manage to make us pause and revise our priority. We identify who we are and who are our friends.

    Life has no guarantees.

  3. Thank you for NOT putting James Blunt!

  4. Funny guys those chaps. Still think DAAS were funnier though, but that's my schoolboy sense of humour :-)

  5. Hope the reading for da Book Club is going well!
    And just remember, it's your blog - write what you like - when you like, as you like.
