Thursday, October 16, 2008

No 'O' No Go

Do you remember when birthday's meant party hats and fondant icing, blanc mange in the shape of a pink rabbit and that frilly pink organza dress and patent shoes. And pass the parcel, pin the tail on the donkey, egg and spoon races and someone always threw up or had a tanty before going home with their little bag of cake and lollies?

Things have changed as I age. Birthday's are just reminders of how things used to be. Unless there's a '0' at the end. The big 3 '0', the big 4 '0', the big 5 'OMG', . . but 52 . . it's neither here nor there. I guess the 'right' side of 50 but not really worthy of celebration. But today, I was so surprised. I had more calls, more emails, more SMS's, more IM's than ever before. This rather ordinary and unremarkable birthday was made very special.

The girls at work, tampered with my computer whilst I was attending a meeting in the city yesterday so this morning I had a lovely little message on my desktop complete with rather quirky stick figures representing the girls in the quad. I had messages from Thommo in Sicely and Amy at sparrows fart, Ryan on MSN and The Merry Widow (who's birthday I always forget) found time whilst on playground duty, Biker Girl and Avril who never forget also wished me well. Grannymar and Steph both chimed in as did Gaye and a host of others. Babysis sent an artistic email - she never forgets unlike me who can't remember a birthday unless it pops up on Facebook! Thank you everyone! May I take this opportunity to wish you all many happy returns in advance and restrospect because I WILL forget.

The piece de resistance, a little package from ClareBear with Christmas Decorations, Swiss chocolate and 'pine' incense to remind me of the Black Forest and a lovely hand written note that Adam has kept from me for over 2 months. Then a call from my Surf God, Stan in New Zealand, soon to be a Dishy Daddy and of course and email from the Rev who shares my birthday but started his birthday officiating at a funeral poor sod. Even Gerard at work wished me happy birthday in French bless his Mauritian sox.

And finally, minutes before I choose to publish, the kid dials in from Galicia in Spain with what looks for all the world like a gremlin on her lap . . she's mucking out and mucking in and learning how to train young horses in the fine art of showjumping and realising that we down under are a little 'reckless' in our horsemastery! She's homesick and ready to return which warms the cockles I must tell you.

Thank you Adam darling for your lovely voucher for a Swedish massage and pedicure . . .much needed and of course our Whale Watch on Sunday . . .

Ah, another year, another number . . .I'm not celebrating any more until there's the big 6 'OH'. But frankly . . it was quiet with a few lubly surprises . . just how I like it!


Teena in Toronto said...

Happy blogoversary!!

Baino said...

G'day Teena . . how you found this little corner of banality I'll never know but thanks. I didn't realise it was a bloggiversary until another reader just emailed! Welcome aboard.

Anonymous said...

Double celebration then!

Happy birthday and blogoversary!!

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good birthday. Enjoy the Swedish massage and pedicure! Jenny was also 52 just a few weeks ago. Of course I have nine years' more wisdom and astuteness than you two....

Anonymous said...

At least your pedicured tootsies will brighten up your black blistered soles!

Go soak in the knowledge that you're much adored no matter what numbers are on the clock!

Happy days!

laughingwolf said...

yappy barfday, baino! :O lol

and many more!

big six-oh in 8... sounds great! ;)

also on that blog thingy!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, I personally would avoid making fuss of it but I am not the only one who has birthday close to mine so we have a little celebration within the family.

Bear Naked said...

Happy Happy Twosday on this Thursday!
A Birthday and a Blogoversary.
Double reason to celebrate.
I lift my glass of wine to you.

Bear((( )))

Thriftcriminal said...

Another HB! (Sent you one by skype too)

Unknown said...

What? A double celebration? Move over Chardy, welcome Champers!
So glad you're being spoiled and adored, Bains - you deserve it all!
Big hugs.

Ces Adorio said...

Oh you did not tell me:( Happy Birthday old girl. Tsup! Tsup!

Anonymous said...

Ah lovely, so glad that the package with the Christmas decorations and goodies indeed arrived, were you not mentioning that it might have got stuck somewhere at the customs? Very sneaky!!!!
Good to hear your birthday was a special one, I think every birthday is special whether we decide to celebrate or not.

Kath Lockett said...

52 - hey, now you're the full deck!
Happy Birthday mate.

Bimbimbie said...

.. Hadn't realised it was your birthday and blogsversary ... would have sung to you had I known Tsup ;)

Christopher said...

Baino, your meditation on 52 being neither here nor there took me back to when I turned 22 and realized I had at least eight years to my next significant milestone...before that they come quick: you turn 2 and you've doubled your age in one year, you turn 10 and you've hit double digits, you turn 13 and you're officially a teen, you turn 16 and you can drive (in the U.S. at least), you turn 18 and you can vote (in the U.S.--and many places you can drink at 18), and at 21 you can (in the U.S. again) drink.
After that milestones come with appalling regularity--and sooner or later we become appallingly obsessed with regularity.
Anyway, happy birthday, happy blogoversary, and may you have many more to come.

Paddy in BA (Quickroute) said...

Happy blog/birth-day!

Melissa said...

Happy, happy birthday to you! Although, it's probably tomorrow down there by now ... I love birthdays and it was fun to read about yours -- how sweet about Clarebear and all the phone calls, messages, texts, etc. And happy blogoversary -- I found you through Anonybird and it has been very cool visiting your site and getting your comments on mine. xo!

Baino said...

Thank you everyone, I didn't realise it's my blogiversary as well! (See I forget every significant date unless I have a widget to remind me). Great playing with you all over the past couple of years too!

kj said...

here's wishing you a grand year, baino, complete with a shock and awe!


Miladysa said...

Happy Belated Birthday Baino!

Really sorry I wasn't here to send wishes on the day.

M xxx

Megan said...

Late, late, excruciatingly late. Happy whatevers. Blessed so on and so forth.

I dunno what to say, woman. Just keep blogging so I can keep coming over, okay?

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Baino! Glad you had a good one! :D