Monday, October 06, 2008

Patagonian Compromise

My villa, my view!

I had an email today from Patagonia - a place I once thought fabricated until a friend assured me that it really did exist. I'd commented on Quickroute's blog about my best friend Thommo wanting to go there and her husband's reluctance to do so because he likes a warm bed, hot shower and a flushing toilet and the little luxuries of life. Thommo on the other hand is happy not showering for a week and pooing in a hole! She is the complete opposite to me. Light drinker, fit, fabulously beautiful, thin, stressy and adventurous. Me, I'm chumpy, calm, easy going (apart from the flying there bit) practical, lazy and definitely not the 'adventure tourist'. I don't mind watching you white water rafting but I'm not keen to be in the frey!

Now Thommo (who is currently hiking the Cinque Terra - with TheBoss - then touring Sicily) loves wild adventures, she's up for a dose of guardia, a dab of dysentery . . . She's trekked in Nepal, she's trekked New Zealand, she's toured Vietnam without an itinerary, she skis in Japan and has done the Cradle Mountain walk in Tasmania (one of the best but not easy) and has a long burn to go to Patagonia. I must admit that South America was never one of my holiday destinations but since Clare's been on the Gringo Trail, I have a yearn.

Now the problem. Thommo's husband would rather play golf in Ireland. Thommo wants to 'do' Patagonia and would like company. I'm not that fit for long hikes and high climbs thanks to increasingly arthritic knees, and too much weight . . one of the lesser valuable legacies bestowed upon us by our paternal grandparents, but Thommo and I travel, work and live well together.

So . . after the comment on Quickie's site, along comes from Jaimie saying that they have accommodation somewhere between five star and a poo hole! And indeed they do. Whether a luxury villa by a lake or a studio apartment in the hills they're in the thick of it. Ello! Sounding better already. How nice is it that someone from a blog in South America, reads a comment and sends a link on the off chance that some random Australians might venture there one day. Basically she said, 'hey, you can have the best of both worlds and for a price that might surprise you'. Plus they're doggie lovers and that gets me in straight away.

So, when her poo-in-a-hole Majesty returns from her much less than poo-in-a-hole lovely Italian and third overseas visit this year (she's a little more liquid than I) Maybe we can come to a Patagonian compromise. I like the views and a cocktail on the lake. She likes to hike and ski. I like a leisurely walk around town, food and learning how the other half lives, she likes adventure sports. We both however love long lunches, views, foreign climes and culture we're like two peas in a pod on a leisurely holiday, only a bit like Laurel and Hardy. We're happy reading our books and occasionally cooing at the amazing surroundings and contemplating the universe . . and both can sit quietly by serene lakes, saying little -for silences between us are not uncomfortable. Give us a mountain view and clean air and we can wonder at the grandeur of nature and the simplicity of life.

Even if I don't get there and if perchance you would like to visit Patagonia (which incidentally is truly beautiful) go take a look at Jaimie's offering. Erm nope not being paid and I've never stayed and I don't know them.

And I leave you with another view, one I have NEVER seen or heard of before although those better travelled than I may recognise it . . please say if you do . . . there has been no colour tampering with this shot, no adjustment, no photoshop and there's no prize, jut kudos for those who guess where it might be:

Thommo I won't ski but if I'm liquid, I'll bring Clare along and meet you for the Apres if you know what I mean?


  1. Fabulous photographs. No idea where the second one was taken - I would guess at New Zealand?

    You are more adventurous than I! I could poo in a hole if it came down to it but I have to have a guarantee that there are no big spiders or bugs within a 3 mile radius.

  2. My idea of adventure these days is braving the wilds of our #1 spot for burglars...I think I need to do something brave and adventurous (maybe a blog post with paragraphs?)

  3. Nice. Could happily do the poo in a hole thing. Better be some bog roll to hand though.

  4. Quite a view. Shame about the walkway, but I can see why they put it there. I agree NZ-ish, or one of those islands off Thailand?

    PS - bet no one ever read the Telegraph in a poo in a hole

  5. Anonymous12:18 am

    Patagonia? I thought that was a rare nerve disease. What, you mean it's a country? A fine destination, I'm sure, unless it's another of these credit-bubble economies that's about to collapse. No idea where the pic was taken, but I'd guess NZ as well.

  6. Baino, you are right, our young people want to go to Australia, at least for some time, on vacation, or work there, live there, whatever, it's feel totally attracted!
    I guess the second piture was taken in some kind of Disney World?
    It looks too perfect!

  7. too cool... could lounge in the shade for weeks, myself :O lol

  8. Anonymous2:17 am

    Wow, I've no idea where that last photo was taken but I don't care. I'd like to die there. It's beautiful.

  9. Anonymous3:56 am

    Sure tis a delightful wee place altogether.

    It'd be grand to spend a week there methinks.

  10. i hope you two go.

    my one requirement for "elimination" is that i can somehow sit and not squat. i can't be having to concentrate and maintain my balance at the same time...

    where is that beautiful place you've shown? i guess new zealand also. :)

  11. Gorgeous images - and you know what, I'm with you, I also like my creature comforts. My days of poohing in a hole have long past - I hope!

    As for the last image - Vietnam or Thailand, or New Zealand perhaps?

    Hope you get to Patagonia, Bains - think it would be great!

  12. Nope Miladysa, I am way past pooing in a hole. But I can 'rough' it in a hostel or a cheap hotel. And bugs and spiders don't worry me as long as the're not in my sleeping bag!

    Miley, posting with paragraphs would be good. I feel like I'm swimming underwater reading your lovely stuff sometimes, need to come up for air! Nah, you write beautifully! Try Frecenet National Park - or the Cradle Mountain walk - Gold.

    Bog roll? That's not very environmentally sound! Actually our enviro 'resorts' often have compost toilets out in the wilds so it's not all bad!

    Ernest, the walkway is the most ecologically friendly way to see this sight. Tell me you don't read the Telegraph! I'll sate your curiosity a little later but it is NOT New Zealand.

    Haha . . Patagonia is in Southern Argentina (something I found out in 1995 after arguing with a colleague who wanted to visit that it might be a ficticious place! You'll have to ask Quickie about the solidity of the economy although we can talk given current financial debacles!

    Nope Maria . . not a theme park either, just a beautiful natural wonder! Funny isn't it, Europeans want to come here and we all want t go to Europe!

    Hot clue Wuffa . . you wondered why anyone would want to travel there a few comments back!

    Aint it great Kate . . another place I had no idea existed. Loved your Another Saturday post and links by the way - everyone should go visit and follow the trail.

    Notso - tis grand auld place to be sure to be sure . . all things are possible! But you won't find it in Australia either!

    kj all in good time. Actuall my old creaky knees couldn't cope with the squats or the squits these days!

    Well weirder things have happened AV . . maybe 2010 when the house a distant memory (and hopefully Thommo has creaky knees as well! That girl doesn't know the meaning of 'relax'. Nope, not Vietnam or Thailand even thought the colours seem to give it away.

  13. GO. Do it Baino, do it! I can do the pooing in holes thing - as long - and this bit is vital - there is a comfy bed and a hot shower at the end of it.

    Am currently writing this from Lake Taupo, New Zealand. Land of misty rain, hills so green I'd forgotten what the colour really looked like on land and friendly folk. And faaaabulous hot showers that don't need me to use my four-minute timer.....

  14. OK moving right along. The photo is Plitvice Lakes National Park in Croatia. Apparently, Clare assures me that the water really is that colour in most places she visited in Croatia. I love it! (Damn now there's another country on the virtual Agenda!)

  15. Croatia, huh? I'm surprised, but not sure why I should be. Maybe Croatia just doesn't sound exotic enough.

    And baino, yes I do read the Telegraph. Good right wing bring back flogging stuff. I don't actually read it in France of course, since I would have to take out a mortgage to buy a copy. But when I can wangle a freebie.

  16. Sorry for coming to the party late, but I've been familiar with Patagonia for a long time. There's a clothing line called Patagonia, but even before it got turned into that Patagonia, or rather a place called "Patagonia" that may or may not be the real Patagonia but is positioned somewhere between the Equator and Tierra del Fuego, is known to be the ancestral home of many bizarre beasties. Everything from el chupacabra to Bigfoot comes from Patagonia--supposedly.
    I say take the trip. It does anyone a world of good to see more of the world.

  17. Ernest the English Telegraph must be vastly different to our cheesy Australian Version which is a tabloid wit lots of gossip, sport and the page 3 girl!

    Christopher, you're a librarian, I'd have been shattered if you didn't know where Patagonia is! Beasties eh? I like patting furry animals! Well at the moment I'm not going anywhere but its fun making plans!

  18. Funny old world the blog world - I hope you do make it down there it's beautiful. If I'm still in B.A. I'll meet up with you guys and buy you a chardy (mind you it's more Malbec round here)!

  19. still pristine after the crap was bombed outta the wee country? remarkable!

  20. Wow, I know someone who lives in Croatia. I have to go there!

    As for pooing in a hole, well, I wouldn't want to do it either, but supposedly squatting puts your digestive system in the right place for a an easy delivery.

  21. Little Croatia . . survived the war although I don't know how. Tourist sites were targetted and Plitvice wasn't spared but it seems to have survived! The power of nature and good conservation I guess!

    Annie, that waterfall on your blog looks like it might be from the same spot! And thanks, I'll bear that in mind (no pun intended)

  22. Now who's late?

    I hope the compromise works out I think you would have a fabulous time!

    I wish I could go...
