Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Comes But Once a Year (Thank God)

All a bit of a blur now . . .

My niece in Melbourne emailed a couple of weeks ago and asked could we have a 'theme' this Christmas. Usually it's a colour theme only in relation to table settings and decorations. We've had blue and silver, bronze, red and white. Then a kitch Reject Shop T Shirt Christmas but this year we outdid ourselves with the 'kitch' aspect and came as our favourite Christmas 'thing'. Hilarious. It was a HUGE day and I mean HUGE, we started at 11:30am on the 25th and at 2:30am on the 26th, Stressany, Babybro and I as the last 'men' standing, decided that attempting to play Anarchy in the UK on Guitar Hero World Tour was totally beyond us and dragged ourselves to bed!

As always, it began well. We had family members dressed as - baubles, presents, champagne, elves, aussie yobs and Rudolf (propriety prevents me showing you our family pic which is the funniest screen saver I've ever put up on the old Dell!) Trust me a little bit of cardboard and a lot of glitter goes a long way!

Below of course is Clarebear as a Christmas tree, me as some sort of Yuletide fat fairy and DrummerBoy as . . you guessed it, Jesus (we were commemorating his birthday after all!) See what a good Catholic education does?

Even Lily did not escape decoration . . .

There were plenty of presents under the tree, and The Plumber and his little elf helped distribute them to family members - don't you love a Santa that wears green thongs!

The table was set, looking neat and tidy with kitch bouncy Santa's and a couple of tea light Christmas Trees . . .

This bouncy Santa survived a nasty fall a couple of years ago when the glass table top shattered, no such accidents this year . . .

Even the glassware wore bling . . .

There were raspberry competitions . . Adam won of course

There was bubble blowing . . .

Some barefoot barbecuing of tiny Filet Mignon served with Bearnaise sauce as well as Thai chicken skewers . . .to be followed by an apricot glazed baked ham and Caesar salad.

There were Kris Kringle pressies at the lunch table while we nibbled . . .this was a 'slow food' day.

There was Twister Scram, sort of like musical chairs, you twist a colour and each has to race and stand on a correspondingly coloured pad. The loser removes a pad of each colour and the last man standing wins.

There was Zap you General Knowledge . . get the question wrong and you're electrocuted. Hours of family fun!

Then there was face painting . . .

and not just for the little kids . . . .

Guitar hero and Monster's of Rock . . .

Late night dipping into the potato bake whilst also being the adjudicator of Trivial Pursuit . . .

The table had fallen into disrepute . . .

So much fun, so much booze and food that the next day was definitely a blur. By the time family had left and the cleanup been completed, I dogged my best friend's Boxing Day gig to reacquaint myself with the comfiest couch in the world! I'm rather glad Christmas comes but once a year!


Kath Lockett said...

What a huge day you had - after reading your blog I felt like I'd been there! I hope your 2009 is eventful (in a good way), full of good fortune (esp the financial kind) and full of fun.

Gledwood said...

that's what I call a smiling dog...

is it really an Australian tradition to have Xmas bbqs?... I honestly always thought that was a joke and yous all would really be sitting around indoors eating stodge with gravy & cranberry sauce...


Baino said...

Ho ho Plugger. Yep, we're a rowdy lot at Christmas . . .mmm . . .an improvement in the property market would be a nice gift! Sadly I can't post the funniest pics, such as Adam playing a whistle with his nose or Jesus having his feet washed by a Christmas tree due to the presence of those who prefer to remain anonymous!

She's a happy pooch Gleds. Aussies will barbie on any occasion. Christmas dinner varies. Many do the traditional thing but frankly without aircon it's too bloody hot! The rest have a seafood, cold cuts or a barbie. We have Christmas in July for the hot stuff!

Ces Adorio said...

Ahh sounds and looks like a wonderful Christmas celebration. It's funny seeing people wearing shorts when half of our country was burried in snow. Then again, I had tropical Christmases for 23 years. I wanted to show and tell about Christmas celebration but am too tired. I had to go to work today (The most unproductive day ever). I love the way your family celebrates Christmas. It's wonderful to see your group at play in the yard. Are you celebrating New Year's Eve and Day with a bang?

Megan said...

I want to come to Christmas at Baino's! Everything looks like so much fun. I appreciate the anons desires but oh how I wish I could see the rest of the pictures.

We played some Trivial Pursuit, too - Annie got me the "latest model" as a present. I won but it was sheer dumb luck - Mr. Annie should have beat but he got a tough question at just the right time.

You looked smashing!

Melissa said...

What a *fun*, huge day you had! I love the shot of you three all dressed up -- and Lily, too! I can't get over the thongs, shorts and bbq ... here it's ice, boots, and hot tea. :D Thanks for the super photos!

kj said...

this must be the MOST & BEST christmas celebration ever! what a never ending string of better-than-the-next activities. seeing your pix makes me wish i had a big family.

a very fun post, baino. are you still on the couch?


Baino said...

Ah Ces, we're like every family with our ups and downs but Christmas brings out the best in us all. . .I long for a cold and wintery Christmas, they're what I grew up with until I was 11. I know what you mean, it's a lot of work but being the family control freak and on leave, it was up to me to do the catering. I don't mind, everyone chips in afterwards. Nope, I've kinda been there done that where NYE is concerned. Probably a quiet dinner with Stressany and Babybro, a dangle in the pool and watch the fireworks on TV. Definitely more Mango Daaquiries . . .

Meg you come on over whenever you like! How good is the new TP? Electronic question thingy . .problem was Guitar Hero was on in the pool room and Clare and I (team ) got all the hard questions so lost interest. Hannah seemed to get a plethora of "Kylie" questions and saved the day. Bah Humbug. Haha, smashing is an apt description, I tend to break things but not this year . . not one glass!

Mel it was a truly fun day. I love it when a 52 year old can play a game with a 9 year old and both have fun. The weather was wonderful, not too hot and the company was damn fine! Hey, the grub wasn't bad either if I say so myself!

kj, don't you worry, we'll top it next year. My prodigal nephew who lives in England at the moment may be home next Christmas so we'll have almost the full complement. I have another brother who chooses not to attend but hey, miracles happen. As for the big family - great at Christmas but definitely has it's downside on occasion.

Anonymous said...

Way cool! Baino

You Aussies sure know how to party!

You dream of Christmas with a roaring log fire while I drool over the thought of partying outdoors with a BBQ.

Bless your little cotton socks and your stamina!

Anonymous said...

Totally cool,
I like the picture of three of you (you, Clare and Adam) the best!
Glad it was a great Xmas for the family and glad you had the next day to recover. :)

Anonymous said...

That looked like fun.

Hey! Who stole my hat? I have one of those with the bobble on a spring.

Roll on 2009 and I hope it defies the gloom mongers. May you all have health, love and good things ahead.

Anonymous said...

My goodness ... I knew our Christmas was pretty low key, but now I feel thoroughly shamed!

What an amazing day you had! Bravo!!

Bear Naked said...

Love all those photos but the one that has me laughing is the last one of the table.
Could have been taken at my house!

Bear((( )))

Unknown said...

Sounds like you had a total blast - good on ya for staying the distance! I'm exhausted just reading it! ;-)

Thriftcriminal said...

SOunds like excellent fun. We had a good one too, my 7 year old announced it was the best day of her life.

Bimbimbie said...

Tsup*!* No wonder your couch was calling you on Boxing Day, that was a Big day at your place *!*

laughingwolf said...

damn that looks like one fine time was had by all, baino :D

boxing days are good for sleep catchup ;) lol

Baino said...

Ah Steph, it's one celebration I do actually really enjoy . .I wouldn't say we're your 'typical' Christmas revellers.

Thanks Gaye . . we are the three amigos!

AV I recovered better than those who mixed their drinks. I stuck with the bubbly stuff and surfaced bright eyed and bushy tailed (before the crash)

Wow that's quite an accolade Thrifty, she is after all 7! Glad you had a happy day.

Well Bimbimbie, I don't generally do anything for New Years Eve so I guess I wound both celebrations into one.

Wuffa, Boxing day was rather laid back I must admit. I don't think my mate was very impressed when I dogged her . . I will have some sucking up to do!

kj said...

hey baino, i'm back again. that picture of you and the kids is glowingly knock-out beautiful. no doubt i know how much you love and adore them, and they you.

enjoy... :)

Baino said...

kj they love me so much they're both pissing off next week and leaving me on my own! *sob* Nah, my choice to take time off knowing they're away for the week . . .lots of 'me' and reading time!

Megan said...

Oooh, reading time good!

i beati said...

I see a lot of fun here. I'm coming next

Anonymous said...

Here Jesus brings gifts. There used to be an attempt to bring Santa for Christmas but he was kicked out.

Baino said...

Sandy, definitely the best Christmas for a long time although we usually have fun.

Ropi, I heard that. Interesting concept.Although I'm not too surprised. The red Santa is actually an invention of the Coca Cola company, in most countries I believe it's St Nicholas or his alter ego who brings presents

Paddy in BA (Quickroute) said...

that's quite a bash you had! - hope the party continues

Susan at Stony River said...

Well, that does it. I'm coming to YOUR house next Christmas!

You make a beautiful Christmas fairy, btw!

a. said...

you look purdy in red.
Our friend Sean dressed up as Jesus once for a Halloween party - he had a cross and everything.
That's my friend Sean,
always going a step beyond.