Monday, December 08, 2008

Splish Splash

Seriously, I just can't do this 'big' weekend stuff anymore. I was falling asleep at my workstation by 3:30pm this arvo.

I'd just like to say a cheerio to Absolute Vanilla and Jay at The Depp Effect who are convalescing with sore joints and post surgical bruises and wish them a speedy recovery.

I don't know whether it's because the year is drawing to a close, or my leave is looming but I am singularly unenthused about work at the moment. I'm in dire need of some serious holiday diversion. Bring on the 19th and a whole month's leave!

I have so much to post about but a bit lagging in energy to get the political and social rant going. I did take photos yesterday but felt a little self-conscious shoving the camera in everyone's face so the results were less than spectacular . . . I'll just leave you with some photos of nubile young men doing what they do best . . . splashing!

Yep, they splash around the sink when they shave, the toilet when they . . . well you get the gist, even my trees (I wish they'd do it on the citrus which apparently thrives on wee) But in this case, the splashing was done in an appropriate venue . . .who'd have thought this was a poo ringed duck pond just a couple of months ago . . . .

Kiddies don't do this at home

Landscaper's Tan - dead giveaway

Pretty Dreads

Gawky but effective

Mid flight

Don't you wish you had the 'balls' to do this . . I'm more worried about getting my hair wet and releasing the 'fro!


  1. Pretty dreads? That's an oxymoron. A month off, shit I'd kill for that right now, feeling the pressure, but my motivation is shite. Oh well. One foot in front of the other. Repeat.

  2. Anonymous9:18 pm

    You had a pool full of Toyboys and didn't invite me!

    Stop wishing your life away! I'm not at work.... the frost has gone... but the rain that always follows is hanging in the air (enough moisture to fill your pool)and I can't see through it to the end of the garden.

  3. Wonderful summer photos for us poor shivering sub-arctic friends! LOL

    I hope the workdays go faster and faster until your leave. Why does it always take forever to arrive, and then flashes by so fast?

  4. Come to Florida for some R and R..Sandy

  5. A month? How many vaycahsen days do you get? Do you take it all once? I have a month and some holidays but I do take a week at a time or a day or 2. May you get your strength, energy and enthusiasm back soon. I'm thinking of what to draw for you. Any ideas? Not the dreadlocks please.

  6. Anonymous11:36 pm

    Aw, thanks, Baino! I think I should have waited a day or two to take that pic - it's nearly black, now! LOL!

    Nice nubile young men - that first one! ROFL!!!

    I won't ask ...

    Roll on, that month's leave!

  7. That looks like fun---much nicer than the snow we have.

    Bear((( )))

  8. eye exam appointment today, so gotta leave in a bit, by bus... another dump of the white crap left nearly 10,000 in the dark, my place only about 15 seconds, just long enough to fup duck all the electric clocks...

    too cold here for such splashing....

  9. Just keep at it. The end is almost near and the 19th just around the corner.

  10. I like the one of the guy whose shorts mostly read 'Bong'....

    It's also pretty great to see the landscaper being able to dive bomb at home with mates after the crappy few days he had earlier. Roll on the 19th I say but I hope we still get to read some blogs from you?!!

  11. Oh Thrifty, Ocky has lovely dreads and he's a pretty young thing! He can sing too. He fronts the band! I know how you feel, I'm suffering burn out.

    Sorry Grannymar, cute as buttons aren't they? Sadly all taken! Haha . . nah not wishing my life away, just the next two weeks! It's a misty moisty morning here too but it is warm. The kookaburras are laughing as I type which usually signals rain!

    Sorry Suze. I don't mean to rub it in. Actually our weather has been decidedly overcast recently. As for holidays flashing . . yep, but I have an overseas visitor for this one so I'm really looking forward to being a tourist in my own town.

    Thanks Sandy but, too many aligators and condos for my taste. I'll take my chances with the Funnel Webs and black snakes. (More in common than we thought perhaps?)

    Ces we accumulate 4 weeks a year (1 week per quarter) but I haven't taken any annual leave this year other than the odd day so I have a lot of holidays saved. As for the drawing, whatever you like. Straight from the heart (or I don't mind one you've already done, they're fabulous!)

    Poor thing. Your shoulder looks very sore! Hasn't hampered your typing Jay? Hopefully the end justifies the means and you'll have no more problems once you heal! The first one is my son flashing the man cans!

    See Bear, I'd love some snow. Especially at Christmas! I'm not a fan of the heat.

    Well Wuffa . . you will live in the north! Make the most of the white stuff and good luck with the exam . . what's that letter in the middle of the bottom line?

    Tis too TCL. Not long before you hit the road I'm guessing?

    If it's not Billabong, it's not 'cool' it seems. Yep, he let his hair down so to speak. We're getting there re cars and things. He maintains the pool so only fair that he gets to enjoy it. Me? Not post? Are you mad woman?

  12. I envy you your approaching leave! I'm sure you'll make the best of it.

    Thanks for the pictures! :)

  13. you'll be on yer holliers before you know it - hang in there!

  14. Anonymous4:17 pm

    I just came in from shovelling snow from my walkway. We just got dumped on by the fluffy stuff. Looking at your kiddies in the pool makes me envy the summer, though I have to say, the snowflakes coming down are big and beautiful. It'll make for nice skiing this weekend...more cushin', less bruisin'. :)

  15. Aw, thanks Bains!

    Hmm, did you know that it's not just citrus trees that benefit... it's a great compost starter too - but has to be male... (I ask you, what a conversation!)

    Great photo action captures!

  16. Meg after today's events I'm wondering if I should take it.

    Ditto Quickroute! Shit response I know but hey . .tough times call for tough measures.

    Carole, you're the first to actually mention enjoying the snow. Good luck with the Cross Country Skiing. . .softly softly catchy monkey

    Good to see you bashing the keyboard again AV. And no, I did not know but there's no shortage of male wee around here I'll tell you for nothin'

  17. Anonymous3:19 pm

    Well Baino, I do live in a place where snow is on the ground from October to April as the Yukon Territory borders Alaska. We do get sick of it after a while, but it's still early yet this year. Still liking it...for now.
