Saturday, December 20, 2008

Voila - le Wall of Wonder

Ok for those who have been submerged within their inner cave . . .this is the glass wall adjacent to my work station and since I won't be sitting there until the 19th January, for now this is the Wonderwall as at Friday. Don't let that stop you adding to it over the next month, there's room for all!

You can click to make it bigger

So, from top right to left we have Kath Lockett reminding herself of things to do, Conortje wondering if I've been naughty or nice, Quickroute's tango lesson, Clare and Jem's Excellent Adventures looking suspiciously like Bill and Ted, Jack McMad and his squeeze in the alps, Grannymar's Speckled Hen, ready to email.

Second row from right to left: Laughing Wolf's Peggy's Cove, one of Thrifty's little angels being tickled by a tree, Ces' coffee invitation, the very squeezable Kahlerisms and his equally squeezable Brethred (thanks for the Chrissy deco, it's lubly), Steph's Viking boat, (well not hers obviously but she took the pic),

Third row from right to left: Moon playing with a heffalump, Bimbimbie's little Yulewing, TCL sandboarding, Ropi in Palotas costume, Melissa's little darlings in their snowman pj's, Mr Waldrup's Croatian Stamp collection, (which is weird because he's from Tennesee) and Ryan's Kookaburra pose with two idiots behind him, one of whom is my son. (Ryan's a commenter, my free IT consultant and political nemesis).

Down a notch and we have Nicky's gorgeous Kruger Zebra who I sincerely hope has not become lunch since her trip there a few months back, Nick and Jenny with whom I'm having lunch tomorrow, Miles' alter ego and just below that Mattie's (another commenter) schematic of a helpdesk, Stan (a lurker) and his beached sperm whale (sperm is appropriate since they had a baby this week but no name . . go figure) and Ces examining autumn leaves.

Finally, the bottom right photo is the lovely Megan (with progeny) who submitted her blurry visage just before I skipped work yesterday!). She started this whole ball rolling. Did I miss anyone?

Seriously, this has been so much fun. It's given me the chance to talk to some of you via email, exchange war stories and it's absolutely lovely to see what some of you look like. There are more to come I'm sure. Just send them on to bainbridge 1610 a the g spot and I'll post 'em up when I return to work . . .did I mention I'm on leave for a MONTH *much w00t_age*
If you're so inclined . . why not start one of your own?

PS I am going totally loony in my forgetful old age and missed out posting kj and Englishmum . . it will be fixed! I am bad.


  1. I realise now as sexy as Foxy Lolo is, I should have sent you a picture of my poster of the guy from Sesame Street, the baker with the ten banana cream pies falling down the stairs...

    Next time

  2. where oh where is kj?

  3. Feel free to change your mind Miley, I'm a woman, I do it all the time! Although I'm not sure what's most disturbing, the fact that you're a bloke with a sexy Lolo avatar or a grown man with a sesame street poster! Then one of my fave friends collects KISS and Chucky dolls . .tells something about the company I keep!

    Ohhh! kj . . forgive me, I forgot to print out the poem. Although I may take a photo of your new book when it arrives! The link in the sidebar will take people back to the post so I can update it at will. Sorry hun! I'll fix it when I go back.

  4. Sweet! It is truly a Wall of Wonder. And I'm off to bust Annie for not sending something! :)

  5. Enjoy your month of Wootagings ...

    nice that you have left us all hanging on your Wonderwall whilst you are away having fun from your desk*!*

    I have something for you and Miles over at mine ...

  6. Anonymous7:14 pm

    Looks great! Baino

    I like Santa in his surfing suit too.

    Happy Chrimbo and Happy Hols!

  7. I LOVE your wall, I think it's so totally cool - and yeah, I hope that zebra didn't become a lion's lunch either!

  8. It's gorgeous! I wouldn't mind going to work with a view like that!

  9. Bust her chops and get her to send me a heffalump!

    Ooh pressies and it's not even Christmas! More w00t! I really have been hanging around Geeks to long haven't I?

    Hehe . . just a little summer Santa Steph although summer's not quite here yet, cool and windy! Oh but the mangoes . . the mangoes . .yum!

    Aww AV don't say that. It would break my heart if he was lunch. He looks like a stripey version of our Chippy! (Welsh Mountain - next post)

    Susan, I am very attached to the regulars here so pull your finger out and make a contribution . .I visited your photo blog for the first time today . .absolutely stunning!

  10. supreme coolness that wall. I'm making one in my office - desk is old - spruce it up,

    The photos of eagles end of my street in a small pond-park there.. skI have been very ill = praying to be well by holiday - have cancelled a lot..sandy

  11. Looking good - I might even send a real photo someday!

  12. Anonymous3:31 am

    HAHA I can see myself!:D
