Friday, January 30, 2009

Friday Fuckwit

I love PETA they make this Friday thing so very easy - this time, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals wants to rename fish "Sea Kittens" to help persuade people to stop eating them.

Kiss Me - I'm a Sea Kitten!

PETA also wants the term "fishing" rephrased as "sea-kitten hunting". What drugs are these people on?

The international group has launched the campaign to make fish seem cute and appealing, in the hope of restricting fishing. Tasmania fish retailers, industry groups and recreational anglers however, yesterday were dubious about the campaign's effectiveness.

Very polite coming from the burley we fish and we shoot types!
PETA's website is appealing for people to think about fish in the same way they would other cuddlier creatures. "Sea kittens are smart, interesting animals with their own unique personalities jut like the dogs and cats that we share our homes with" the site says. Erm, no, a salmon cannot fetch, won't ward off intruders and is certainly not lounging on the end of my bed!

One criticism from the Australian fishing fraternity is that despite their efforts to engage in sustainable fishing, PETA are conspicuous by their absence from the World Wildlife Fund's Salmon Aquaculture Dialogue, international talks between the salmon industry and environmental groups.
One would think that if they're serious about changing attitudes they would attend such fora to put forward their point

. . .sea kittens . . can't wait for Maxi to get hold of that one!

On another note, apparently, this was banned from Superbowl viewing as being too saucy but frankly it was almost enough to make me want to enjoy a veggie or two in a slightly unconventional way, I'll never look at celery the same!


Susan at Stony River said...

And they wonder why so many people don't take them seriously. Sea kittens? I was hoping you were joking!

Baino said...

Ha, hey there Quick Draw McGraw! Only just posted it. Hmmm. . .makes you wonder. They employed someone to do a stack of web pages dedictated so the soggy pussies.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes PETA. You want to dig out what (I think) Penn & Teller in the TV show "Bullshit" had to say about them.

A google should find it.

Noisy nutters. They've made a huge fuss about Kangaroos too. Extremists.

Anonymous said...

They set out to have their ads banned don't they - they're proud it even. Lunatics (and I'm vegetarian by the way.

English Mum said...

Nutters. Can't imagine I'll ever think fondly about a fish...

And do you think Susan stays up all night trying to get first comment on every blog? We need the truth! :lol:

Bimbimbie said...

I caught part of this story on the radio and thought I was hearing things, Sea Kittens*!* Mind you I once had goldfish that rolled over and purred when I fed them chocolate crumbs ;)

Anonymous said...

Next week butter will be a pet!

Anonymous said...

Sea kittens? Are you sure it isn't one of those hoaxes like cello scrotum? Whatever next? Pigs to be renamed bunnies? Cows to be called puppies? And nobody's going to stop eating fish and chips just because 14 PETA members refer to them as sea-kittens. Indeed, what planet are they living on?

Loved the video. Of course Jenny and I do that all the time, we just can't get enough broccoli, he he.

Miladysa said...

Sea kittens? Cute ;D

Does it include sharks? Here kitty kitty...

Melissa said...

Fish *kittens*?? Oh for crying out loud ... this is ridiculous!

As is the banning of that commercial on Superbowl Sunday, known for its over-the-top commercials and barely-dressed cheerleaders. Did they forget the fact that every other commercial on U.S. TV has blatant sexual innuendos as their main campaign point? But we all remember the whole Janet Jackson debacle a couple of years ago ...

Anonymous said...

Should it be a "let's save speciels from extinction" campaign? Good. They have right to do it. Furthermore I have the right to eat meat. Excellent.

kj said...

whoa-ho-ha-ha, baino, i'm all for animal protections of all kinds but this is ridiculous! i think the ad is sensually perverse (except i have to admit i like the 'backsides' :))

and the expression, "you swim like a sea kitten"...something's very wrong with that image!


laughingwolf said...

ok... i thought i was sick of those mofos before, but clearly they prove, still, they have more money than brains

they seem to be all for killing we mere mortals so long as the four legged vermin, and their ilk, live


Anonymous said...

Hey you can't blame them for trying, trying as they might be.
They probably had a creative mental block with the "sea kittens".
If it were a campaign to stop mink whale harvesting and the mindless killings of the dolphins by the Japanese then I'd be all for it, but fish promoted as cute kittens not to be eaten, no way Jose!

Baino said...

Maybe so Ashleigh but they make hot vids! And we should be eating kangaroo instead of beef if you ask me!

So Conortje . .do vegetarians have better . . .no never mind!

EM the woman never sleeps (she's in a different timezone at the moment so fast on the rebound)

Bimbimbie, yeh but could you train them to use the kitty litter? Better than water pussies.

GM you think? Well it doesn't eat much, doesn't need much exercise and as long as you keep it cool, lasts for quite a while . .you might have a winner there.

Haha . . Nick you weren't the first to post the hoaxy medical thingy! Wuffa's got a load of them on his site as well . .nope, no hoax just a typical PETA publicity stunt. At least it didn't involve tossing blood on celebs. And really! What you and Jenny do with your vegetables is your business although I'll never look at asparagus in the same way again!

Miladysa, I can think of a few not so friendly sea kittens . . .try tickling a hammerhead under the chin, it won't be purring!

Mel I love the superbowl ads, we don't actually get the game broadcast on public TV here but they do tend to show the ads . .found it a bit hard to believe this one was too raunchy as well. I'd be surprised frankly if PETA could afford the advertising space. Costs a fortune to air your ad during the Superbowl.

Exactly Ropi . . I have no problem with serious conservation, in fact I'm an avid supporter but this is just silliness . .it'll never catch on. Mind you, the way the cost of seafood is going here, I won't be eating any 'sea kittens' for a while! It's more expensive than filet steak . ."mmmm filet"

Oh kj trust you to notice the buns of steel . .nice bods I must admit. I just wish they'd do one with buff blokes! Yeh, "Gone Sea Kittening" doesn't work too well either!

Ah Wuffa, they're heart's in the right place, it's their brains that aren't in gear. I wonder if they wear leather shoes and belts?

Gaye, I'm with you wholeheartedly on conservation. Even 'eating' fish are on the line these days (no pun intended). You should see what David Suzuki has to say about the dangers of open water fish farming but 'kittens' is definitely pushing the envelope.

Anonymous said...

I really don't have time to post a comment, Baino. I am just putting the leash on my sea kitten to take him for a walk.

We are on our way to the Green grocer for some celery and maybe a nice firm cucumber......

Megan said...

Ich bin ein OMNIVORE.


Gledwood said...

Peta are the type of people who rile me so much they make me forget I am actually against the ill-treatment of animals. It's just, with their bizarre claims and antics I tend to feel anti-Peta even more!!

Ces Adorio said...

Does this mean that they want us to eat cats?

Baino said...

Good to sea you taking pet ownership seriously Nancy . . .I hope that's not a Beche de Mer you're buying(sea cucumber).

Meg, me too although this diet has me consuming more vegetables than I can poke a fish at.

Gleds, I think we are in agreement, they are nutters. They probably think keeping furries as pets is cruel . . ha! They should ask my dog would she rather be in the wild!

Mmmm . .Ces, now there's a thought. They're feral here . . .and bunnies, and foxies . . .bet they all taste like chicken.

Anonymous said...

Just been watching all the reports of the colossal heatwave in SE Oz. Sounds pretty bad. The worst heatwave for 100 years eh? Hope you're managing to keep cool(ish)....

Anonymous said...

What is eggsellent (your comment on my blog)?

laughingwolf said...

doubt if any's smart enough to tell the difference, baino lol

i beati said...

I hadn't heard this but I'm having sea kittens for lunch on crackers..