Sunday, February 15, 2009

Inside Looking Out - Outside Turning Inside

Well Valentine's day came and went. I hope you young and old lovers everywhere had a very romantic day. We spent ours on the couch in hoodies watching the pouring rain and tolerating a freezing 17 degrees whilst doona'd up and enjoying a few DVD's.

Once upon a time I would have at least received some flowers or a nice lunch so not to be outdone by the fact that we have no men in our lives at the moment we had a mother/daughter seafood platter extravaganza (courtesy of BabyBro and Stressany - Chrissy pressy thanks very much it was megalicious) at Jordan's Darling Harbour and a $50 bottle of wine (I know, I had a caniption but . . )

The restaurant is designed to be al fresco but the pouring rain had relegated the platter munchers to indoors but it definitely had that fishbowl inside looking out feel and when we looked out . . .well . . .we had live entertainment and a fine young man to ogle . . .Hey! As I always say, "A cat can look at a king . . ." It's just not often you look at one who can wriggle into and out of, two tennis raquets . . .

So for your entertainment pleasure . . handsome, young, lithe busker who judging from his tatoos and pierced nipples has an incredibly high pain threshold . . .and my oh my, very easy on the eye . . .(I know, stop it . . too old for that shit!)

So what's he up to with that tennis raquet then . . .

A we wriggle in . . .

Now that's not right . . .

How's he going to get it over those nipple rings without a pinch? . . .

Careful wriggling . . .oooh eye candy . . .

The tie really wasn't necessary . . .

Wriggling out . . .

Oh God he's looking right at us . . .

And release . . .
And with that, he decided that the crowds weren't enough to pay for his next tatoo, packed up bags and wondered off.


i beati said...

I do a lot of looking too Baino Sandy

first year though that I did not at least get a card from a

Megan said...

Glad you had a nice view! Bit too much body art for me, though. My one little tattoo would feel so inadequate! :)

I took the offspring out to dinner - grilled enchiladas and a margarita for me, quesadilla and pepsi for him. Now we're home and on our separate computers...

Anonymous said...

That's some cool dude!

Well spotted, Baino. I really enjoyed your street theatre. Tasty stuff! I mean the seafood, of course!

A freezing 17 degrees? Forgive me while I snigger.

Anonymous said...

My day was very romantic. I watched ice hockey with gum bears (it is a kind of snack)

Anonymous said...

'Tis amazing, the feats of the body human. Not one for piercings or tats. I've had a many a person ask if I had any tattoos; what, just cause they learned I was in the navy at one time, they equate it with body art. Our state finally legalised the parlours, a couple years ago.

And I long for it to hit 17 here. Well, yesterday was close.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, rather gorgeous, isn't he? I love the idea of demonstrating your thinness by wriggling your entire body through a tennis racket. Though if it catches on, it might encourage even more eating disorders....

You mean you never received that HUGE bunch of roses I sent through cyberspace? Drat, it must have fallen into a cyberhole.

Terence McDanger said...

I can never look at another bloke and say whether another woman would find him good looking or not. Ho hum.

By the way, I can do that will a hula. No problem baby.

Anonymous said...

Lunch sounded fun.

I am not into body art or piercings so I'll stick to my toy boys! ;)

Susan at Stony River said...

I'm glad you had a nice Valentine's Day, with some entertainment thrown in! I found it painful just to look at, and I can't help but wonder what made him try that in the first place.

laughingwolf said...

glad you had fun, baino

yesterday got a phone call from my bud's sis he'd died of a massive heart attack friday, while locking the garage door before going to work... and yesterday was year once since dad's burial :(

for me, february IS the cruelest month....

Ces Adorio said...

Now that is a very talented man! Imagine him wriggling in bed, ooh that is so wrong and so kinky. I can do without the tattoos. Just because of that I am no longer interested. HAHAHAHA!

Baino said...

Aww never mind Beati . . I didn't get one either!

We had fun Megs even if it wasn't 'romantic'. Offspring are handy as meal companions. Even more handy when they drive you there and back! Haha, we did the same when we got home!

Steph that's cold for Feb, trust me. I'm getting much wear out of my new hoodie I can tell you!

Ropi, maybe you'll 'catch' his romantic leanings! mmm Gummi bears, nice but they get stuck in your teef!

Subtorp, I'm ink free myself but I was focussing on the face more than the bod! True about being in the navy tho . .not even an anchor or a Hawaiian dancing girl?

Aww thanks for the 'thought' anyway Nick. I buy my own flowers these days! Yeh, he was pretty slight and limber alright. He's a regular around the traps in Sydney.

Aww Tez .. good to see those gym sessions are working out for you. Yeh, I can step through a hula hoop as well. My girldar is hopeless as well.

Hmm .. not into it big time myself but it sort of works for buskers! Lunch was lovely if not exorbitant.

I bet he was the sort of kid that got his head stuck in the bannister rails Suze.

Oh Wuffa. I'm so sorry to hear it. March and April are a little like that for me. I hope the rest of the year comes a little easier for you.

Ces! I'm speechless! You're wicked!

kj said...

baino, i like to think i am wide open, if you know what i mean, but this guy does nothing for me. i would not choose him for a night of anything. but if you would, i would be willing to say a catholic rosary or two on your behalf.


Melanie said...

Nothing wrong with a good perv.
17ºC eh? show off

Cuppa Jo said...

Oh-my-lord. Why would anyone do that? Why would anyone want to? And what was he saying into his microphone during his little yogic conjurer trick?

Other than that, very pleasant on the eyes.

Baino said...

Ah kj, It's more the face than the tats! I thought he was a little Tom Cruisey? Ha! It'll take more than a couple of Hail Mary's to vindicate this little black duck!

Absolutely Melanie! I was only looking and did not touch. 17? Why still hot down your way? We'll cop it later in the week I'm sure.

Not sure what the diatribe was Cuppa Joe, we were behind a glass wall noshing our seafood . . .but Yeah, two generations of women agreed he was quite pretty!

Anonymous said...

Baino-after what I saw upon entry to boot camp( our main D.I.had anchors tatted on his EARLOBES-hence the nick-name "Anchor Ears" ), I opted never to do that. Besides, you don't know what you can pick up abroad( disease-wise ). This ol' tar was more into brawling, trawling and drinking :)Sometimes I miss it...but not that much.

Gayé Terzioglu said...

He could audition for the next instalment of X-men, a fine addition to the mutants...
I wonder how he ended up with this, this talent, skill. One day playing tennis; had a fight; someone just hit him with a racquet and wow it fit just fine?
Loller, I am glad you had a lovely lunch and sorry weather wasn't nicer.

Bimbimbie said...

Some people go to a lot of trouble to get noticed*!*

xxx said...

I was so sure that I left a msge here to let you know that the man in the pic is my husband!!

oooops must of been dreaming.

and it's not my husband

best wishes :-)

Baino said...

Subtorp, my grandfather was in the Merchant navy for a short stint and had an anchor and chain on his bicep! I thought it was a mandatory addition for a man all at sea!

Funny isn't it Gaye, how does someone realise that they can actually 'fit' into a tennis raquet! The mind boggles. The secret to staving off bad weather . . .lug a golf umbrella around Darling Harbour all day!

Unfortunately Annie, he didn't get enough attention and packed up his kit and moved on!

Haha . .he had a pretty face Ribbon but very slight! A little short for me but eye candy nonetheless (and he was none the wiser!)