Sunday, March 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Twinkie

Deliberately blurry to protect the innocent but this is Hannah. She's my brother's youngest and she turns 21 on Wednesday so Saturday was party night.

Not so blurry because Neice number one (right), her cousin and lovely boyfriend are no strangers to publicity.

Following in the footsteps of the successful 'fluoro' theme we had for the Paduan's departure in January no expense was spared by her father who hired caterers, smoke machine a DJ and more blacklight than my Canon could cope with! If anyone works out what exposure I should use to get clear shots of fluorescent and black light, I'd love to know!

Did you know you can buy glasses with flashing lights in the bottom, flashing rings and even a mouthguard that makes your teeth glow green, fluorescent ice cubes, bobbly headbands with fluoro stars?
Of course there were the requisite glow balls, face paint and light sticks, smoke machine and light show . . .the kids had a ball, the oldies did their knees in dancing to Prodigy (although Great Granny Arden managed to pull an all-nighter bless her cotton sox - the woman legitimately needs a Nana nap!), the children gorged on pink and blue ice cream and today is 'recovery'.

Oh and the old biatch has still got it . . chastising a 6'2 er for 'rough play' which resulted in him punching his mate to the point that his nose bled he shrunk to the size of a pea after a little lecture delivered by he mother-from-hell!

I'm not sure whether I need a greasy lunch or hair of the dog . . . well it's a no-brainer really! Chardy anyone?


  1. Sweet sweet dear Baino. You are beautiful! I admire your parties. You guys seem to be partying all the time! What's up with that? Let's talk painting. Sending email.

  2. A glow Party? BRILLIANT!! I am storing that one in my party ideas notebook.

  3. Sounds like a great party! I love glowing things. I especially like the glowing, clip-on earrings. A party without glow is a party that hath no soul.

    My neice and nephew turned 21 last summer and fall respectively. We made the cutest cakes with little Crown Royal bottles on them and took them gambling at the Indian gaming casinos, which they thouroughly loved. Blessings and good times, R.

  4. Baino,

    You've still got it in more ways than one. Gorgeous pic!

    I also love the shot of the young 'uns queueing for food. It really captures the moment.

    You guys sure know how to party. How are your knees today?

  5. Anonymous7:05 pm

    Happy Birthday to her! I woke up so early because I watched Formula 1 Australian GP.

  6. Thanks poppet! I don't feel too beautiful today . . where has my lovely complexion gone! Ha ..we don't party all the time but when we do, we do it right.

    Mel you'd come up with some good stuff I'm sure. One thing nobody other than a couple of younglings thought of were adhesive stars, decoratively positioned as garters and socks, very effective in black light! Also a bunch of Hannah's male friends turned up in black T Shirts with fluorescent hands, strategically placed! Very effective.

    Ronda we did it in January and everyone loved it, this was a bigger version of that one ..very easy to choose your wardrobe too . .just wear white! Mine opted out of a 21st celebration in leiu of travelling money. Adam went to Thailand and Clare used it as credit on her trip last year!

    Thanks Steph, you are too kind. My calves are paying for it today I've been a total couch potato. However, I do not queue for food. There was plenty!

    Ah Ropi I thought of you this weekend with the GP on . .so who are you following now that David has left? My older niece in the other picture lives in Melbourne

  7. Sounds like it was fun!

    Adhesive stars, decoratively positioned are my new party gear from now on! ;)

  8. Anonymous9:08 pm

    F-U-N! Great time was had it looks like :)


  9. Looks like a good time was had by all. Obviously THE party to go to in the neighbourhood....

  10. happy birthday. looks like fun!

  11. Anonymous10:42 pm

    I cheer for the Red Bull Racing still. I was very upset at Vettels crash 2 laps before the end. I may restart writing a blog. I am the man of habits too much.

  12. I love your blog. It is totally my kind of hang out.

    Thanks for the birthday wishes.

    Love Renee xooxxo

  13. Anonymous12:57 am

    Heh, heh, heh! Reminds me of when a cousin of mine turned 21. PAH-TAYED all night! Hangover City the next morn'( cue over-loud talking and purposely banging the kettle on the cooker ). And there was Uncle with a beer in each hand. Never thought I'd see her run that th' loo! Bwahahaha!

    But seriously, the girls did have a designated driver. Smart, that!

  14. What a great post and wonderful photos! I feel like I've been to a party myself, now. (I've needed one too... thanks dear!)

  15. wow and yikes!!! i have to tell you, baino, that seeing this picture of you makes this post my favorite of all time! you are quite as i imagine and know you to be! (what???!). i love your expression and i think you are a doll. (i do, so there!)

    your family knows how to party. that is a gift. my family is tiny so i;m envious.

    have fun today!

  16. Excellent! What a good idea that is. For my friend's 40th we had a 'hospital' theme and there was an entire evil laboratory full of glowy bits - it was the most popular room in the place.

    Happy birthday to Twinkie and hope you enjoyed a relaxing 'day after.'

  17. lol... too much fun, methinks ;)

  18. you are just TOO cute! i'm back again breaking out in a wide smile. really, baino, this sweet shot of you is adorable..

  19. Looks like a fun party!

    I love the photo too x

  20. Srsly GM, arranged in a pretty pattern they're very effective.

    Gaye I'm so sore today! Dancing on concrete makes my knees creaky!

    Well we don't have 'em often but they usually go off with a bang Nick

    Well not quite her birthday but she had a blast Brian.

    You can hang out whenever you like Renee . .

    Subby kettle banging is not kind at all! Actually I don't really get hungover just a bit tired and seedy.

    Happy to cheer you up Suze get the party without the creaky knees!

    Thanks kj albeit a wrinkled Doll! Thats' my telling off big boys face!

    Aww Meg, might nick that one for the next 'do' . . .Yep spent all Sunday on the puter, watching movies and generally being very lazy!

    Can never have too much fun Wuffa although it's Monday morning and I have severe Mondayitis!

    But kj I'm supposed to be chastising and grumpy!

    Hehe .. Milady . .

  21. Looks like such fun!! You guys always look like you have the best time at your parties. Eli and I "officially" met (though we had a couple of classes together) at a party ... there was a black light there, too, and because his teeth were all built up with bonding material his grin literally glowed in the dark! :D I was glowing naturally because I was head-over-heels for him.

  22. Hi Melissa . .yeh we do generally have a pretty good time. It was rather nice not to have to do any organising or cleaning up on this one tho! Yeh, the photos are full of white teeth and fluoro jewells!

  23. forget it, baino, you are a crusty marshmellow. i'm betting that's common knowledge. matter of fact, i'd bet a month's pay.

    :) & xo

  24. What a great idea. A glow party. I'm going to pass this on to my daughter. She comes up with good ideas on her own, but this could be a possibility for my grand dughters next birthday. Or the grandson.

  25. Aaah the glow party ..... many years ago a friend of mine went to a black lit party with her hot date. It was their first date. She decided to bleach her unwanted facial hair before the party..... ooops not a good idea as it glowed white under the light! Hee Hee Hee

    best wishes Ribbon

  26. great party and great seeing the photos!!
