Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I Haz Tweetz

I resisted. I really did because I can't just write 140 characters about anything interesting, I'm far too verbose for anything meaningful and not really interested in posting the fact that I had fruit salad with berry yoghurt for lunch. I have a Facebook account, email (well three email addresses actually) a blog and that's plenty of nerdism for this little black duck but yes I joined Twitter. (Paduan will kill me)

In fact I may never use it but . . today I Twitzed. Kahlerisms is delighted, Brethred and Grannymar are following as is Miladysa, Wordnerd and young Benchwarmer are thrilled but don't hold your breath. It actually was a subscription linked to another networking site (Research you understand, I'm trying to work out how many 'mature' people use social networking) which made it easy to just join but now I haven't a clue what to do with it!

OK how do I 'tweet' with a link . . aka . ."@Miladysa . . bla bla I fed my dog round steak for dinner"

It's just a matter of time before someone calls me a try-hard nerd. Oh hai . . .I am a try-hard nerd who now tweets!


  1. There seems to be as much daftness on Twitter as Facebook. At least Twitter doesn't have the stupid applications. Watch out for the spammers - I only have fifteen people on my list so it was easy this morning to spot someone called 'Jessica' who was inviting me to check out her 'hot profile'.

  2. i received an invite (or whatever) twitter calls it but right now i see no personal value in signing up, i just recently have fb and if it wasn't for fb scrabble my fb account would probably be fairly moribund

    i just heard on the radio this morning plants and home alarms systems now can have twitter applications...for instance your plants can twitze you when then need water and twitze you thanks after you water them....just what i need my plants bugging me, i think i prefer beings, like my cats, who express their needs without need of electronic assistance - and hey plants do that with droopy leaves or dry soil.

    good luck! your friend the resistant nerd!

  3. I was Twittering for awhile, months ago, but had to pare down my, um, activities so got rid of it. Now its siren song beckons once again...

  4. lol. i just gave in to twitter about 2 weeks ago myself...i can't help but feel like saying "you mean that's it?" Odd that my parents are on Facebook now as well. social networking seems to be breaking generational boundaries, as little much before it.

  5. Oh noooooooo... another one to the Dark Side! I'm so hopeless at checking in on Facebook or even answering e-mail that I don't think I'll be tweeting twitzting whatever for some time to come. Good luck with the research and I hope it's fun (good luck when Paduan finds out!)

  6. Hi I don't know about Twitter at all or Myspace.I think I'm cool at the moment like that.Blogger and facebook to chat with my friends sometimes,sending some stupid tests,lol.Twitter,what's there?Is it cool?

  7. Anonymous12:08 am

    Heck. I'm just down to gmail and blogger. That's enough for me. Well, there is still the 'phone( the only place I don't have to worry about pop-ups; that and gmail ).

  8. Baino I hope by now you have discovered how to link on twitter. It can become addictive if you let it. Use it so suit yourself and it will be fine.

  9. I've heard about Twitter for years now (didn't know the verb was "twitze", though) but am still resisting.

    How much longer can I hold out?

  10. I went to Twitter once, but just could not bring myself to do it. On some blogsites they have their twitter messages followed on it. I think I can hold out for a long time. Good luck with your research though.

    Anyway I have given you another award, so please come claim it.

    Thank you so much,
    God bless.

  11. Ian I can't see it being more than a weekly catchup frankly and I'm not that interested in who ate curry for dinner! I'll keep an eye out for "Sven . .I might even check out his hot profile

    I agree actually mouse. It was an option on another networking site called Twine which allows you to set up your own networks. Strictly a research project to begin with. Good grief, I'm not sure I'd want my plants tweeting!

    Leah I think if you're an email by phone user or online all the time, it's probably fun to have open but I simply don't have the time and it would definitely be frowned on at work!

    Brian our Government begins an initiative next financial year to help seniors get online and connected. It was whilst researching this that I found Twine which has a Twitter tab so I joined. Apparently some kids are getting a bit 'antsy' about their parents and grans getting on Facebook and Myspace and seeing what they're up to!

    Susan, I'm sort of with you. I check Facebook when I'm bored and Twitter will have to wait for the weekends or quiet evenings. I really should be reading a good book instead!

    Candie, it's not cool at all really. Just the opportunity to post 140 characters so most of it is rubbish . .what people had for breakfast, whether to mow the lawn or read a book . . .too early to tell whether I'll stick or not.

    Yep GM I picked it up nanoseconds before Grandad showed me . .

    Chris I made up Tweetz . . Lolcats fan and all. . .resist temptation unless you email from your phone or have plenty of time on your hands. Although a friend in Victoria said it was very useful during the recent bushfires, providing to the minute information on firefronts and evacuations.

    Hey Mrs, I've got it in my sidebar but shoved it out of sight! Yep I finished the article ...there's lots of good stuff out there. What's rather lovely is that people who are invalid or lonely in their old age can be totally sociable with things like this and other social networking sites. My spinster Aunt would have loved it.

  12. I'm still holding out despite constant pressure from the Twittering clan!

    Now that you mention it, Twitter could be a lifeline for patients in hospital who need to touch base with the real world.

  13. 140ty characters?

    I couldn't cope...

    I'm just getting into stride by 2500...

  14. I have no idea what you're talking about .. and I don't care to know. LOL!

  15. You realise, you don't _need_ to research how many 'mature' people are on social networks... There are many research studies that will happily tell you how many!

  16. Now there's a thought Steph! So it would.

    Yeh you'd struggle Miley . . but you wouldn't need to worry about paragraphs.

    Well I can't find any Dame other than loose figures for Facebook. There's good quant stuff if you're prepared to pay for it . .plus I only want Aussie figures. Email me baby!

  17. baino, help! i don't even know what this is! and i don't know how to set up facebook either, even though i should if only for the sake of promoting my book.

    can you fill me in on twitter in a couple of sentence's worth? because beyond that my brain will shut down...


  18. Baino,

    Thanks for the tip re: Voltarin Cream. My knee is the equivalent of a seventy-year-old in condition, so even if I can find some, it may not last long, but will look up and try.

    Thanks for stopping by.

  19. Welcome to the network! Another thing to consume your day.

  20. kj . . best stick to what you do best. I'm far from the expert here! It's basically a couple of lines that you can send from your PC or phone about anything. You add people like blog followers and chat to them. Seriously, unless you're on your phone/pc allday who has the time!

    e - sorry about the knee. I read the bit about you not being suitable for a replacement? How odd. My father had one at 72 years of age and never looked back. Voltarin gelmight not be strong enough for you but you can get it via script as a tablet. You sound like you've got all the inflammatories you need.

    Ted I won't be on it every day! That's for sure! Well, maybe at lunchtime, and after dinner . . .nah, I don't do anything interesting enough worthy of twittering.

  21. I look forward to vicariously twittering through you. Please keep posting about your experiences so we can all learn. So far, I have not twitted in.

  22. I happen to think that twitter is a monumental waste of time. I can think of better things to do. Like sleep. Still, what suits some isn't necessarily for all.

  23. Ronda the more I look the less inclined I am. . .it depends entirely on how bored I get, what I have to say and who I'm twittering too . .I have a feeling that TCL because he's travelling might get a guernsey, Kahlerisms, The Benchwarmer and Brethred well they're just gorgeous geeks and GrannyMar . .well she's a legend! It remains to be seen what the rest of the followers are like!

    Haha River, at least you're honest! Sweet Dreams . .alas I am an insomniac so maybe it will fill those moments between 3 and 4 am!

  24. I joined Twitter for a while, but found it really boring, so I've unsubscribed now. Stephen Fry is very entertaining to follow and so is Eddie Izzard, but mostly it's all a bit, well, as you say: what people had for breakfast and stuff. Meh.

  25. How do I find you on twitter? - I'm twitter.com/quickroute

  26. I got an invite the other day as well. I'm debating....
