Monday, April 06, 2009

I'm Stuck!

Tis true! I've had quite a few emails alerting me to the fact that my comments aren't sticking because they're stuck . . . in spam. Filters that is! I try to revisit sites to see what you've said about comments but it isn't always possible so I haven't noticed which sites have me languishing in the filter. I changed my ISP a couple of weeks ago and some of you have such feisty filters that I'm twiddling my thumbs there there waiting to make a comment.

So if you haven't heard from me in a while, and you're used to at least a weekly jibe or banal bit of banter in your comment box, check your spam filters and I bet I'm there!

Then again, some things are better left untouched . . it's up to you!


  1. I told Grandad and he says it is sorted at his end!

    It is prolly due to the new ISP.

  2. uh?I don't understand that language,lol.Technology eh?:D

  3. Don't think I filter, just annoy people with the "type in the crap" bit.

  4. Free, free at last!

    Candie, you're cool . .no problems on your site, its just these people with their fancy own domain names!

    Captcha . . hmmmmmmmmmmmm! Nah,you're working alright Grow Up!

  5. If, you stuck like that we gotta calls the fireman. Makes sure it is the handsome dude who unstucks you.

  6. I think you have been okay with my site. I too have some comments left in spam land. I swear I have left them and then cannot find them. But then again it could just be that Ambien making me think I was writing something and then I was not. And then again there are times when I thought I did not and then I did. Oh yes, it can be so confusing sometimes. Sigh.

  7. gotta love technology...what it enable it takes away at times as well.

  8. No problems at mine. My spam filter obviously recognises you as a bona fide VIP.

  9. Haven't a clue about filters or the like, but have been finding your comments blowing around the yard when emptying the bins. I did find your IP address on three blacklists. You'll have to stop pretending to be 'lovely Russian lady who seek new friends' ;-)

  10. i've made no changes, here or in gmail...

  11. Oooh, that happened to me when I changed my e-mail address to my own domain: I lost contact with half my family for months because my e-mails were going moldy in their spamboxes. Hmm. come to think of it, in some cases maybe I shouldn't have said anything to them...

    Hope it's all fixed soon!

  12. i would be distressed without my regular baino fixes and features.who else would so readily admit that my baby picture would have been zzzzzzzzzz without a prop or two?

    have a good week, girl!

  13. Anonymous3:22 am

    I think you're still getting through, Baino. I'll check back later( after I delete all the Russian, British and Chinese spam I've been getting )!

  14. Anonymous3:26 am

    I noticed you caught up in my spam inbox last night. I was about to delete all because there was over twenty in there, when I just about noticed you!

  15. did you jiggle the cables?
    did you reboot?
    did you thump your pc on the side?

  16. You got caught in my spam last week, just the once, but I yanked you out a day later and all was well.

    I commented on it at the time but didn't email you about it as all subsequent comments have come through no problem.

    I reckoned it was a temporary blip following your change-over to superduper fast whatsit!

  17. how can they get stuck in a spamfilter? what is a spam filter? i don't think i've got one...

  18. Isn't it strange though...words 'waiting' to be read...

    Oh well, hope everything is OK now lol
    Have a great (and anti-spam) week :-)
    Peace and love

  19. Ooh . .firemen to pull down my firewall! You're an ideaz woman Ces!

    Yep Mrs just a couple with overzealous spam filters

    I didn't realise Brian until a couple of people emailed me so put out the alert.

    Aww fanks Nick! Very Impulsive Pootler?

    Ian famlee sick needz moneez

    Seem to be working on your site Wuffa

    Haha . . Suze some probably better left in the filter eh?

    Nah all good on your site too Subby

    Chris you speak in tongues, don't you think I don't see your tweetz

    Nah Quickie, not my fault I'm a suspect character!

    Yeh GM told me Steph but seems to be OK now. Definitely the switch to a new ISP

    Gleds you serious? It filters all those annoying emails from people you don't know and some you do!

    Thanks Marianna I think I'm home free now. (Unless there are some who prefer to keep me behind firewalls)

  20. Anonymous7:28 am

    You always make my page darling x

  21. a lot of odd spam lately/ see my blog I am want to buy shoes? click here.

  22. The usual reason genuine comments get stuck in my spam filter is if they include URLs. I check my spam and fish 'em out.

    A couple of yours have been in there, but I can't remember if they all had URLs in them or not. I hope you get it fixed, whatever the problem is!

  23. How cool you are though Baino - you still get TWENTY THREE comments for a brief blog about your spam problem! :) (yes, I'm rather jealous)

  24. That happens to me when I comment on Word Press people from a different 'puter. WP doesn't seem to like that.

    You're coming through all right on my end!

  25. *blush* Moon . . really!

    Squirrel are you calling me ODD? How very dare you!

    Jay I'm sure it's the new ISP. I am no longer static so may look suspicious to spam filters.

    Haha . .amazing isn't it Cath! Love 'em all I do!

    Coolio Megan, I usually go back on the weekend and check comments after comments but been a bit hectic and didn't have time.

    Thanks to those who emailed and let me know.

  26. Tsup*!* Pleased to say you are not considered Spam with mine ... hope you get out of the Spam Zone soon I'm told there are a few unsavoury types lingering in there ;)

  27. Getting your comments, but may perhaps be missing some of your mail... I waitz impatiently.

  28. Your last one stuck. It was at the end of a very, very long list of spam, but I saved it! :D

  29. Anonymous9:40 pm

    I found you- you were lost in my spam too - normal service can now resume :-)

  30. I did have some problems at my end but all is back to normal again, and all your comments are back in my Spam Box.

    Phew! It was nasty for a while....

  31. Computers are sure great until their not, huh? Always something to learn and figure out.

  32. Hey, you haven't been coming up in my Following box either!
