Saturday, April 11, 2009

A Little Chocolate for the Soul

Ok I've been blogging for almost three years and have received some very nice accolades and the odd award so I figured, being Easter and . . well . . .I'm not religious . . .and . . I like the odd bit of chocolate as I know many of you do . .and . . we've just done eggs to death and . . .well it's a busy weekend so I haven't time to post . . and . . .I think you're all the 'ants' pants' and . . .well you're all very good for my soul. So I made you an award. Yep, all of you (actually I didn't 'make' the dainty treat in the photo although I did take part in demolishing it - that was Clare's effort for Christmas, a little chocolate almond Christmas tree for after-dinner nibblies) But it's dark and rich and high quality. It's sweet with a little 'bite' and everybody loved it and was very easily digested - exactly how I feel about your blogs and comments . . .so seems an appropirate thank you . . Happy Passover, Easter, or whatever it is you celebrate . . take a little Chocolate for your Soul because you're all pretty bloody wonderful!


Brian Miller said...

that looks delicious...enjoy your blog as well. thank you for sharing a little piece of you with us regularly.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, it looks nice although I am not the greatest chocolate fan. I like Milka though.

Grannymar said...

Dark chocolate too! Yummy scrummy, thank you mummy!

Enjoy your weekend.

Grandad said...

Ahhhhhh! Delicious.

You're pretty bloody wonderful yourself.

Anonymous said...

Mmmm! Looks scrumptious, Baino! Didn't I send you a "card"? Happy blogging!

Anonymous said...

Ach! Didn't scroll down far enough! Beg pardon, ma'am! I missed the Friday post! Going back again...

Anonymous said...

Baino !!!!.. I am still sticking to my NY Resolution... no chocolate till May 24th .... !!!!!

steph said...

HURRAY! for Baino

Y-U-M-M-Y! (thanks! Clare)

Jay said...

Mmmmmmmm! Chocolate!!!

Thanks Baino! I don't mind if I do! And thanks for being so sweet, and all, yourself! :D

Susan at Stony River said...

Aaawww... how sweet! You and the chocolate both, you most.

Happy Easter, you and all yours!

Megan said...

I accept! I accept! Youse one of my favorite bloggers evaaaaah!

Bimbimbie said...

Tsup*!* Ok I'm drooling but I have to resist dark choc = migraine for me have reverted to being a milky bar kid*!*

Love the way you think and express ;)

laughingwolf said...

thx baino... choklit xmas treats for easter... wirx fir me! ;) lol

Renee said...

Yummy Baino. Thank you for your sweet comment. Oh I think there is a theme here. Yummy, sweet.

I see that you are a Dune fan too. Aren't they fantastic. I wish he would rise from the dead and write us some more.

Love Renee xoxox

Ces Adorio said...

Yes, like Bimbimbie! What if I am allergic and it will kill me? You don't want me to die? Huh?! Huh?! ...I am not allergic but just wanted to argue with you. Okay, okay. Chocolate is not good for a day of feasting not a day of fasting. Save mine for tomorrow and please serve it with a cup of coffee.

Baino said...

Delighted I'm sure . .you watch out for those snakes in the grass!

Actually Ropi, I'm not a big chocalaholic either but sometimes just get a 'craving'. God I hated that commercial for Milka!

Pleasure GM . .and it was . .and I am!

Thanks Grandad! (If only you knew!)

Yes subby you did. Now stop skimming and pay attention to the sidebar . .it's there with the others!

Moon . .silly self-imposed rule! Chocolate is for whenever!

Huzzah for Steph! Well at least it's free of calories!

Haha . . there's nothin' sweet about me Jay!

Same to you Suze . . Good luck with the Fish!

Thanks Megs . .cuts both ways!

Oh Annie that's awful . .you probably wouldn't crave it if you could have it. Always the way.

Wuffa, well it's a bit diff to an Easter egg. All the same to me. Just means lots of food!

Dune? Well I am but . . how did you know? Hope you're feeling a bit more chipper today Renee.

Ces it's VIRTUAL chocolate you fighting fish! And what doesn't kill you makes you stronger . . althou a 'stronger' Ces is a bit scary! Now if you want an argument . .you know how to start one! Obama, Obama, Obama!!!!

kj said...

oh baino, you'd better come back to my blog and see what's going on. if you have any designer preferences, this might be the time to express them.

xxx said...

Yum... thank you :-)
I'm taking time out, but couldn't resist the chocolate!

I'm still waiting for you to answer interview questions?

Happy chocolate munching. My bum loves easter :-)

best wishes Ribbon

California Girl said...

Yummy and sweet and a nice confection. Happy Happy Easter!

Ces Adorio said...

Not touching that stinky B.O. today or tomorrow.

Melanie said...

aww arent you just a big sweety underneath that no sh*& exterior lol. I shall inhale that chocolate as I do with any other chocolate that comes into my vacinity.
Have a great easter matey

River said...

Thank you so much. I never turn down an offer of chocolate.

Ronda Laveen said...

My mother, during her seige with Alzheimer's, had food obsessions. She would not eat fats or proteins because she believed them to be unhealthy. However, in her world, chocolate was one of the four food groups. Thanks.

lettuce said...

mmmmm thankyou

virtual choc enjoyment will be followed shortly by physical choc enjoyment

Bjornik said...

They look delicious Baino. Can I have one? Make it two.:)

Mo said...

hey! I wouldn't say I've quit but I haven't fealt like writing.. or something. But have a chocolate filled Easter :). Say.. did you ever get my "letter" (it was actually a really long comment on some post...)

Baino said...

Sorry kj, not sure what you mean?

Ribbon I haven't forgotten, I have about 4 tags that I need to address. Maybe Monday which will be recovery day after a big weekend!

I know Joe, I'm just a ball of moosh.

Same to you Califo. (We shorten everything and add an 'o')

Fair enough Ces. Moratorium . . just for now. You have a great break!

No worries Mel. You've got me searching out recyclables for a Christmas Garland already!

You're very welcome River . . have I told you a few thousand times that YOU SHOULD BLOG!

Ronda my daughter is convinced that chocolate is a food group and is expert in cooking anything chocky . .

Lettuce, go for it! I'm having mine melted so I can dip strawbs in it!

Bjornik yes if you tell me the secret of the hands behind the artwork! Are your chess pieces sculpture? Please, it's killing me!

Hello my little Finnish friend. I'm sure I did Ebs. Glad you're alive and well, you know I get tetchy when bloggers go missing! You take care sweetie and Hyvää Pääsiäistä Just check in now and then so I know you're alive, well and happy! Ropi and I miss you!

nick said...

I don't know, every time I check your blog, there're already a zillion comments. Ah well, better late than never. Happy Easter. Those chocs look delicious. My American visitors enthuse about Godiva chocolates, which I've never tried.

kj said...

i got your comment this morning just fine. you're not stuck as far as i can see.

my thursday 13 had to correct the the whippersnapper as to the origin of 'f' on the blogs. but you know sometimes things can take on a life of their own.

to be continued....
(devious smile by kj)

English Mum said...

Wow that's soooo pretty. I'll be expecting the recipe in my inbox very shortly please! Happy Easter. I'm on my third cream egg and feeling slightly sick. :)

xxx said...

No worries........
Have a great weekend.

best wishes Ribbon

Baino said...

Nick my mum used to bang on about Godiva, I think it's Belgian chocky.

Ah kj . . I know what you mean now. No crown necessary, I am happy to share the throne!

EM . this is me you're talking to! Recipe? Melt chocolate, add nuts, cool on foil, stack and cement with a little more melted chocolate, sprinkle with icing sugar . .I am after all a simple soul.

You too Ribbon . .shaping up just fine so far!

ian said...

Godiva? Was she not the lassie that rode around Coventry in the nip?

Mrsupole said...

I was taking a break sorta too, or I am just being lazy here. I luvs chocolate and I even got me a little teddy bear to tell me this.

Thank you so much, I enjoy these visits here.

God bless.

Ces Adorio said...

Stinky B.O. admirer, nonetheless my friend and one who awes me now and then, therefore in all fairness, I recognize thee. The Easter Bunny has something for you on my blog.