Sunday, April 19, 2009

Mummy Meme

From what I can gather, it started here at Her Bad Mother

It's been going around the globe since March but for me started with K8 . . . .One extraordinary Irish Mammy. Here’s how it’s going to work:… I’m going to link to a couple of other 'mum' bloggers, from other countries around the world, and they’ll write their posts, sharing 5 things that they love (or maybe what they don’t so much love - this playground doesn’t force conformity) about being a 'mum', and then they’ll tag a few more bloggers from their own country and from other countries, and so on. And you’re more than welcome to join: just write a post of your own (5 things that you love about being a 'mum' ) Be sure to let them know that you’ve tagged them!) - and link back here and leave a comment and we’ll add you to the ‘itinerary,’ ….

1. I miscarried my first pregnancy, like many others and then becoming pregnant became very important. It began with a load of early morning back pain and hot showers, huffing and puffing whilst straddled a dining room chair (breathing exercises don't work by the way) then an an epidural, a fainting father, an obstetrician in his pyjamas and a vernix covered 7lb 6oz blob of wonderfulness and a mighty 2 week itchy rash cured only by phenergan and copious doses of champagne. No wonder she's such a calm kid. It went on with a let me out pain at 5am, nausea, my mother yelling at my husband to get me to the hospital, an 'almost dropped the bundle' in the lift and a drug free delivery of another slightly blue 7lb 10oz blob with a squished face. He still manages to get it into that post birth grimace.

2 It carried on with a whole bunch of Playgroup, chocolate covered snot and paint daubed dungarees. Nappies (yes, green ol me used cloth nappies) full of peas and pong, first steps at Christmas and novelty cakes for first birthdays. Santa photos and Freidel clothes bought at le Petit Bateaux by a Nana who didn't understand the complexities of washing velvet. Summer holidays at Grandma's and potching on the beach. Elephants on the curtains and red teensy chairs and tables and duplo blocks that lodged in the small of your foot whilst walking to the loo late at night. And moving from cots into big beds and tiny Nike sneakers.

3 Then a plethora of dance schools, baseball teams, pony club. Saturday soccer, netball comps. Birthday parties and bicycles. Magicians and fairies at birthday parties. Goal charts and 'kids stay free' holidays. Peter Coombes and Playschool Concerts . .dammit we know 'there's a bear in there'k! Beaches and barbecues, 'eat your greens' and school reports. Stealing chromies, communions, confirmations and an appreciation of McDonalds cheesburgers. Sneaking into my bed late at night, wetting my bed late at night. Watching inappropriate movies in my bed late at night. Beetlejuice is a kids movie right? . . .

4 In a blink it became boys and girls and alcopops and snogging.Spewing in the car. Mountain bikes and camping trips. Olympics and live sites, mobile phones and sleepovers. Wednesday dinners in nice restaurants with Grandpa. School plays and leaving Cert's. High heels, motocross and hoodies.

4 Now, it's conversation and giggles. Business and fiscal responsibility. Skiing and extreme sports. World travel and long absences. Parties and partners. Tears and torture. Cars and carnivals. Being each other's bankers. Double beds and scruffled doonas. Bum slaps and bear hugs. Sweet snuggles and repremands. Arguments and 'talk to the hand'. Rescues and respite. Reaching where I can't, ;them cooking when I won't. Thoughtful gifts on high days and holidays and the most amazing friendship I could imagine. From yummy mummy to old fart, the journey has been fantastic and I still cant resist kissing the napes of their necks, touching their faces as they sleep or blowing a raspberry on their sweet shoulders.

Although they really should have left home by now . . I am blessed with happy, healthy, intelligent, fun loving young adults. They're not exceptional by world terms, they are able, healthy, well adjusted. They are decent human beings and the sleepless nights, the trials of illness, the discipline, the worry has been worth it . . I really am grateful to have had the opportunity to be a mum. It's the one thing I got right.

Anyone can have a go but to keep the global theme I tag:

The Ancient Sword

Fragments Treasures Memories
Blurb from the Burbs


  1. Lovely. Lovely, lovely, lovely. I'm bathed in the warm glow of your wonderful family, Mrs B. Outstanding.

  2. Ooooohhh!
    Very nice Baino.Yes being a mummy is a great thing!Thank you for tagging me!!I'll try to do my best!

  3. In the words of my son when he started crying while watching that kid's movie that came out in about 1985 about a smart kid...

    "my throat got all icky then my eyes started dripping"

    you got me all kerplumphed!

  4. Well done Baino!

    Being a mum is a vocation for life, with little treasures at every stage.

  5. Anonymous2:28 am

    Bravo Baino! Don't know 'bout the chocolate snot, but Princess has a habit of getting ice cream up her nose! 'Tis a wonderful look at growing up!

  6. Well I can't say I've ever been a mum lol, but it's good to know you enjoyed being a mum and your kids have grown up to be healthy, well-adjusted adults. That's no mean achievement when you read every day of mums who hated it and screwed their kids up something rotten.

  7. gulp. oh baino, i won't be able to resist this one. and like so many of the pieces you write, i'll be back to read this post again, slowly, like sipping fine wine.

    your description of your current relationship with your two wonderful kids just about choked me up. love surrounds you. and them.

  8. just pausing to give thanks for five things each day iss enough to make us all grateful. Five things about being a mum will turn into fifty.

  9. great play! kids are to watch yours grow up through your post. they change so much, so quickly. logan lost his first tooth today, which he insists go on the blog tomorrow.

  10. Baino, I just love this.

  11. Baino: It sounds like you raised wonderful and beautiful children. Loved hearing about the journey.

  12. You've made me cry a little bit....

  13. Duplo blocks that lodged in the small of your foot...Ha Ha, I read about this so often on other blogs, duplos, matchbox cars, transformer bits, barbie doll heads, all waiting to "get" you in the still of the night. I'm so insanely organised, I made the kids sweep all toys into the spare room and shut the door before they all climbed into bed each night. They didn't seem to mind, they actually thought it was fun to use the big broom and shove everything along the passage with it and it certainly saved me from midnight stumbles.
    Yes, Beetlejuice is a kids movie,(depends on the kids, if they're easily spooked, then no), all of mine absolutely loved it and still do.
    Being a mum is the most rewarding thing I know.

  14. Ah, your mumhood sounds fun and special. However, I don't get any of it - and never wanted to either ;-)

  15. Once a mum, always a mum!

    Here's to more fun and games as Granny Baino!!!

  16. You are a good mother and a wonderful woman.

  17. ah, baino, i've now read your 'story'. event by event. moment by moment. snuggle by snuggle. of course i had trouble swallowing and trouble seeing. it all makes me so f---- (haha) happy for you. each of your kids is as fine an adult as their mother.

    i just KNOW you guys have some wild fun in that household.

  18. I'm not a mummy yet, but one day I'll play! :)

  19. Anonymous4:40 pm

    mammies are amazing - probably the most difficult job in the world!

  20. That was a beautiful read.
    Always great to read about a mother's love.

    x Ribbon
