Saturday, April 25, 2009

See it and you will . . .

You know those "See it and you will shit brix . ." kind of pictures . . .the ones with little photoshopped black men playing peek a boo or the ghostly shadow in the mirror or children buried under leaves or naughty bits accidentally exposed. Well I was uploading some photos from last week and discovered something rather strange on the lemon scented gum outside my kitchen window . . .when you see it . . you will . . .

Hopefully not shit brix but can you see the box-headed alien on the tree?

These are purely natural markings. Dunno what caused them probably some branch destroying bug but I thought he was rather cute!j

Mystery solved:

Me: Hey Adam, come and look at the alien on the tree
Son: What alien, what are you talking about?
Me: Out here quick it's still there on the lemon scented gum, it's got antennae and everything!
Son: Where? What? Ohhhhhhhh . . THAT Alien
Me: You know about it
Son: Erm yeah, I was washing the van with the pressure hose and felt the urge to doodle!
Me: Damnit . .now I look like a total wanker and have to delete all reference from Facebook and face up to the bloggers . .l . ittle shit!
Son:Yeh, I know . . good tho init? Yer a Git, you know that don't you? You'd believe anything!
Me: *retreats in embarrassment* "Little shit . . "


Mrsupole said...

I don't know but it looks like someone is messing with you, or you have some strange tree bugs. Someone could have just painted something on the tree and then it got washed off, but not all the way. At least you have to hope something logical caused this. Or have you seen any strange visitors around lately.

Anyway this is such a great picture of a tree.

God bless.

Ronda Laveen said...

I think it was a Gray.

Baino said...

Seriously girls. I don't know what to make of it. This was taken a couple of weeks ago and I haven't checked to see if he's still there after all the rain we've had but first light . .I will!

xxx said...

I'm impressed!
I love those trees and have just been taking photos of them recently myself.
Mine were filled with heart shapes... ooooh spooky... what are they trying to tell us???

Something has made the mark on your tree... But What?

x Ribbon

Brian Miller said...

interesting conundrum, and fun to speculate...maybe it is the exposure shadow from an alien portrait. when his buddy snapped the pic, the nuclear flash bleached the rest of the tree, thus leaving the shadow...or it could be like cave drawings...

River said...

Yup, definitely an alien. I'd be keeping an eye on that tree.

Susan at Stony River said...

I love Brian's scenario. Marvellous to think of Mr. and Mrs. Alien out for a Sunday Space Drive and they stopped to pose in front of your house: *click* and away home. And the box-headed fellow at the photo counter says, "Ah visiting Earth this week were we?"

You should give him a face, a smiley one. Or one like Jesus, and you could set up a shrine and charge admission.

California Girl said...

that's hilarious. looks like an alien or an alien's tv set.

kj said...

ms baino, you will find instructions on celery preservation on my blog, compliments of ms. studio lolo.



Megan said...

He looks friendly! Or she.

Anonymous said...

Well, I am not really into art...

However I would like to show you some joke which were invented by my friend Komaja.

Grannymar said...

How many glasses of Chardy did you have before taking that picture....!

Mo said...

oohhh! spooky.

Ces Adorio said...

WHAT THE HECK!? Girl, do I have to down there to check on you?

laughingwolf said...

lead me to your ladder! ;) lol

kj said...

lemon scented gum? not being a local, i immediately thought you meant CHEWING gum and that took me down a wild intriguing path, until i saw the tree!

i think it's a sign, baino. all you have to do with it is figure out what and why!!

(hope you're having a good weekend and having fun)


Baino said...

Ribbon, I even went out with a torch last night and it's still there, changing colour slightly but definitely markings in the tree, they're very pretty at the moment with purples and greys and greens, I just thought it funny. Probably some terrible fungal thing that's going to kill the tree!

So that's what those flashing lights were Brian? Damn dog didn't say a thing!

Haha River, I'm tempted to 'trace' around it and see if it finally fades away.

Ooh . . or ring one of those Sci-fi magazines and charge admission. Who needs a job? I've got an alien on my tree!

Cali - indeed - a walking tvheaded alien . .

Hahah . . now kj that one made me laugh. Between you and Ropi you'll have everyone confused! I just need one of those long tupperware celery thingamajigs

Well Meg he hasn't tried to get out of the tree and the possums don't seem to mind him . . .I'm with Brian, an imprint of a past visit perhaps?

Ropi you're a riot (that's a good thing, means you're funny). Seriously, it's not drawn on there at all. It's purely natural. Thanks for the jokes (I think some are a little lost in translation)

Grannymar how very dare you! The camera does not lie. I didn't even notice him until I uploaded the photos but he's there! On the tree and the camera!

Hi Ebs . .he's pretty cute actually ..

Ces, I'm fine . .I'm not seeing things, the bark on these trees is very squiggly and they peel every year so show a variety of patterns underneath. This is just a flukey one. That's why I love the tree so much.

Wuffa . .ladder indeed . . you'd need a long one to reach the top of this tree!

kj that it is. The leaves smell like lemons, hence the name. It's a Eucalypt but we always refer to them as gum trees . . hmmm . . maybe NASA or SETI need a Practice Manager or some Marketing Communications help?
Erm not too much fun. Back's still giving me curry - my physio hurt me! *sob*

a. said...

I know what caused it. The aliens caused it.

Baino said...

Ah the mystery resolved, you skeptics can sleep easy and once again Baino is proven to be a total idiot. Confessions of he who plays with pressure hoses has resolved that it was indeed a 'tree doodle' whilst being distracted from pressure hosing his tradies van! "Sucked in" as he would say!

Maria said...

Hehe, too funny! I guess the Aliens did it! :)
Very strange, indeed!

steph said...


Boys will be boys :roll:

kj said...

but still, the sign....?


Renee said...

I totally see the alien, and I would never have known that was real.

Very cool.


Anonymous said...

I would say what I saw the first time I looked at it...

But I don't think it'd be very appropriate...

Jay said...

Looks like some kind of ancient graffiti to me, but he's cute, for sure!

New Yorker wannabes said...

That is so cool!

I gotta go 'call' Mulder and Scully lol
Great pictures and stimulus for the imagination!

Have a great week
Peace and love

Unknown said...

I have just spoken to Atyllah. She says if that's a natural marking she'll eat her comb. She says please contact her so she can advise you exactly what you're dealing with - and then run like hell!

Candie said...

What the hell..but very cool indeed!

Christopher said...

It's very cool, but to me it looked more like a giant slug crawling up the tree.

And I mean that in the nicest possible way. I really think giant slugs are pretty amazing, and some are quite beautiful.

Miladysa said...

I have seen similar markings before...

... on the soles of Melissa's feet!

Now I'm scared brixless!

BT said...

Ha Ha, he's certainly a curiosity!! Amazing what trees do.

kj said...

knock knock baino, when will you come out and play?
