Sunday, May 10, 2009

I Do Like To Be Beside the Seaside . . .

Happy Mother's Day to those who are celebrating it today. Whilst my own brood almost forgot to wish their mother happy day - yet work colleagues and people I've never met managed to get "Happy Mother's Day" in, they did come good with a lovely bottle of Billecart Salmon Champagne and tickets for all three of us to go to Gold Class Cinema on Friday to see Angels and Demons - nice way to finish off the last day at work! Yes yes . . I know, totally implausible Dan Brown based eye candy but I like it and reclining in an armchair being fed champagne and beluga nibbly bits sounds like a perfect way soak up Tom Hanks and Co.

We didn't celebrate too much today. It's cold and wet and frankly, if I don't organise it, nothing much happens. I haven't been in the mood for organising a pissup in a brewery or a shag in a brothel let alone a Mother's Day lunch.

We did head up the coast yesterday though to celebrate my father in law turning 80 even though it was back in March and to have a pre-Mother's Day picnic with my mother in law. The waves lapped, the brides were out in force having their photos taken on the beach, the wine was cool and the sun warm. All in all a lovely day except for the rugby player who was carried off in an ambulance!

Pelicans pootled . . .

People pottered . . .

Boats bobbed . . .

Gulls gawked . . .

Bainos binged . . .

Brides bustled . . .

Pelicans performed . . .

Storm boy scored . . .

Fatty in the foreground . . .

Dusk delivered . . .


Sarah Lulu said...

I'm very fond of pelicans...

My youngest is cooking me dinner right now...

Enjoy your week,

Sarah Lulu

River said...

What beautiful set of photos. Looks like you had a lovely day.

Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day! We celebrate it on the first Sunday of May.

Unknown said...

Looks like a lovely day out - gorgeous piccies! And how cool to catch a shot of the Pel with his supper!

Miles McClagan said...

You should try having my Mother - a nightmare to buy for, every Mothers Day is an exercise in book based futility!!!

Brian Miller said...

hope you have a great mothers day, celebrated or not. : ) nice pics, looks like a lot of fun! brides busted?

Brian Miller said...

i was totally ready to hear about the rugby player as well...? i will be thinking about it all day of course. : )

Megan said...

Excellent day! Happy Mother's Day to you! I wonder if my offspring will remember?

Ces Adorio said...

Happy Mother's Day Baino. Looks like a wonderful time out with the family. A beautiful view of the coast and i wish you would stop being so self-critical. You are beautiful!

Susan at Stony River said...

What a beautiful day; now I think we need to go for a day at the beach. DEFINITELY.

When I saw the 'fatty' caption I thought you'd somehow got a photo of me LOL but then the image loaded, and I think it's lovely! I hope you have more beautiful days ahead soon.

Anonymous said...

You had the BEST kind of Mothers' Day, I think.

And Fatty? No. Lovely and peaceful? Yes, yes, yes!

kj said...

dear fatty in the foreground:

cut it out! you're a doll. i always love seeing pictures of you. you make me laugh everytime, baino. you try to be serious and solumn but forgetaboutit, you are so much more!

happy mother's day, my good kind vibrant fun friend. and about that friendship: it's my absolute pleasure....


Renee said...

How lovely Baino. The pictures all look like a holiday site.

Happy Mother's Day dear friend.

Love Renee xoxo

Was the last day at work hard?

Candie said...

Hello Baino!

Happy mother's day to you!
Thanks for posting those beautiful pictures!I love the sea,you know!
Going to see your friday fuckwit now.I wasn't on the net for 3 days so I catch up now.
Have a lovely day!

hokgardner said...

I love the beach. It's my favorite place to be. I just wish I lived close enough to take a day trip like you can.

Happy mother's day.

nick said...

My mum gave up celebrating Mother's Day some time ago. Even more impossible now that I live on the other side of the Irish Sea. But we'll be having the usual Sunday chat on the phone.

Grannymar said...

Enjoy the remainder of Mother's day!

What are you talking about 'the fatty one'? The Bride looks waaaay bigger than you do!

Mo said...

Lovely pictures :)!! Ahhh Australia<3 Happy Mother's Day dear Baino!

Anonymous said...

What a grand way to spend Mother's Day, Baino! Got Mom a card, some nice flowers and then out for breakfast. 'Tis too bad I'm back to work; would've fixed supper, as well.

Hoping you find something, anon. Best wishes :)

jay said...

The pre-Mother's Day picnic sounds perfect! And the photos are great.

Looks windy and maybe a little cool, but so beautiful. I like pelicans too, maybe because we don't have any!

ian said...

It's the Fourth Sunday in Lent here, which means it moves around a lot.

Is going to the beach what you do on a day that's equivalent of our November?

Bimbimbie said...

Tsup*!* that's no way to talk about fatty pelicans ;)

Looks like you had a wonderful day with the outlaws, sounds like you are going to be celebrating end of work in style too ...good thinking by the kidlings*!*

Baino said...

Sarah, the Pacific Pelicans are indeed very beautiful if not a little comical. Glad you had a good one, we did Chinese Takeout!

It was nice River, we don't see them often enough even though they're only an hour away. Lovely people except for the racist comments about muslims! My mother in law is incorrigable!

Thank you Ropi. Strange how everyone celebrates in a different way on a different day. Hope you were good to your mother!

AV he was hilarious, swam around gloating with a fishbone sticking out of his beak for ages before he actually ate it!

Aw Miley . . Get her tickets to Angels and Demons in a flash recliner and a glass of bubbly!

Funny isn't it Brian, I literally 'snapped' that one and it's the best of the lot. There were four weddings going on having their pictures taken, brides in frocks on rocks!

Meg, sure he will, if he doesn't give him a clip over the ear from me!

Thanks sweet Ces . .nah just kidding, I am whats I am. Wish I took a better photo tho, the camera doesn't like me much!

Susan Autumn and Winter are normally characterised by lovely sunny days and crisp nights . .my favourite seasons without exhausting heat. Hope you had a good one too!

It was indeed relaxing Wordnerd, amazing how doing nothing can be so exhausting!

Hehe . . yeh, I can be a bit self-deprecating kj . . .just fishing for compliments (hey it works!)

Renee, Terrigal is a seaside town about an hour and a half from Sydney CBD, quite close really and people commute daily. Used to be a holiday town but more and more it's permanent residents now. Very groovy little part of the world! I don't leave work until the 15th so that's the night we're heading out for some Dan Brownage! Cheers to you too!

Ooh Candie, I'd be bouncing off walls without internet for three days! Yep, I'm in the burbs but only ever an hour away from the sea. I don't go very often mind!

Hokgardener, I'm not a beach bunny at all but I do like being by the sea when it's not too hot . . we're very fortunate that way although Sydney beaches are very crowded, better to head about 3 hours up the coast for some privacy and fantastic beaches.

Well in a way Nick you should be good to your mother every day but it is an excuse for a bit of an event.

She was a bit of a porker GM!

Thanks Ebs, as the only mum that comments on your blog, I feel quite spesh!

Subby I love breakfast. We do it quite a bit. It's a nice time to bring the family together and leaves the rest of the day for others to do their thing! I'm sure your mum loved it!

Jay it did get a little cool by 4pm but it was time to head home anyway. Starts getting dark about 5. We have loads of them . .gorgeous things, just don't let them near your chihuahua

Hey Rev ..jealous much? Actually there were even people swimming! Bit chilly for my liking.

Tsup*!* Tsup*!* Bimbimbie (the Galahs are going off this morning!) Yep, won't be much work done on Friday, lunch with the work crowd then the reclinerthon in the evening! Going out with a bang I am! Saving the Champers for Melbourne tho!

tut-tut said...

Fatty!? I don't think so. L was just saying we haven't been to the beach in years, so thanks for the photos. Brides . . . they don't know the half of it, do they? Speaking of which, I may send you an e-mail, just to unload. I think you may be understanding of my woes! Nothing earth-shaking, just the usual crap.

Kath Lockett said...

"Fatty in the Foreground" - No no NO Baino. Instead, recaption it with: 'Stunningly fabulous world-famous and respected Blogger, Baino who is currently considering all genuine job offers in the realms of six figures complete with BMW, hunky male PA and lunchtime chardonnay."

Anonymous said...

An Australian bird is the Pelican
It can hold more in it's beek than it's Belly can !

Great photos, and looks to me like the perfect kinda day x

laughingwolf said...

good stuff, baino

family time is precious...

Melanie said...

sounds like you had a fabbo day. I was a lazy bugger and didnt even get dressed all day and hadnt brushed my hair since Friday morning but my 8 yr old kept telling me "your a beautiful girl mum" What a suck up:) Dont ya love em. have a good week matey

Ronda Laveen said...

Yesterday looked beautiful. Thanks for the pics. Your movie gift sounds fun. Let us know how the movie is. Can you really drink Champagne in the theatre. Can't (legally) in the US.

English Mum said...

I like pelicans too -s aw a few in Florida. Love the fish one - what a great shot. Happy Mother's Day by the way - I know you deserve it! xx

Baino said...

Aww Toots, you email your heart away. Hope you're cheering up a bit!

Kath, you're my new best friend!

Moon it was very pleasant if not a little crowded.

Yeh Wuff. Lovz me fam!

Mel I'm so glad you do that. It's often late afternoon before I get out of the tracky daks on the weekend. I'm such a dag.

Ronda it's "Gold Class' Jason recliners, waiters, nibbly bits and whatever booze you want. Not allowed in normal cinemas.

Thanks EM. Ours are particularly pretty very black and white and yellow eyed! Bit scary en masse!

i beati said...

beautiful respite !!Sandy

Cuppa Jo said...

Ooh, what great photos! Glad you had a pleasant Mommies Day. Happy belated mommies day!