Sunday, May 17, 2009

One Million Paws

Today we took part in a RSPCA Fundraiser, the One Million Paws Walk where over 40 cities in Australia encouraged their dog lovers to bring the pooches for a pootle. Our event was at Homebush Bay Olympic Site so we packed the pampered menial in the back of the car and off we went. The weather was a glorious cool and fabulously sunny 22 . . .Actually, we were so impressed with the walks around the site. We rarely go there unless there's a concert or the Easter Show or a sporting event we want to see but there's so much more. This once toxic waste site and munitions dump is now filled with Bell Frog ponds and brick pit lakes and bridlepaths and walks . .but today, it was all about the dogs . . .Moon, you'd have been in seventh heaven!

First meet up with friends for a walk in the park

Lily is clearly keen but I'm dragging the chain by taking photos as we arrive.

All the fun of the fair . . .but not a cupie doll in sight

Marshalling around before we head off

Quick adjustment for the well-dressed dog about town . .

This Malamut confused underground lighting for an ice hole!
"Penguins, I smell Penguins!"

Making sure the poo bag is the right way round. The way these two pulled, he could have done the whole shindig on a skate board

No bushwalking, no dogs? WTF? An ominous sign perhaps?

Thommo far left with German Shepard Toby, Poider with another Toby the Border Collie and Carly with Benji the half Golden Retriever, half Labrador with wobbly legs . . .the dog, not Carls.

Through the overflow and everyone's off

A bit of a bottleneck in the bush but nobody minded

Some tired early in the peace and required a lift

A little pick me up for the humans at the half way mark. Really not necessary it was only 3kms

A little refreshment for the canines . . .(I thought they carried brandy?)

Others just pootled along and enjoyed the smells

Back after the walk and there were snacks to be had . . but no Fairy Floss

Shampoos and blow waves for the meticulous mutts

Boutiques for the boofuls

Some looked like their dogs

Some danced with their dogs

Some dressed like their dogs (Jack Sparrow Jack Russell for Jay)

Others just came commando . . see the hat?

There were free vet checks (cute vet)

Those who caught the camera's eye . . this half Mastiff half Rhodesian Ridge Back was in front of us for the whole walk, leaving sploshes of salivery foam every 100metres. He did however catch the newspaper journo's eye and gave the cameraman the wink and a bit of slobber for good measure. Must watch the news tonight because he was truly a star.

Little lad with a 'normous Newfoundland.

MarkyBoy with dopey Toby . . that Dog would never have made a police dog.

Poider gets a big 'Thank You' kiss from the only dog in the world who doesn't
appreciate having his bottom sniffed!

Well I'll be buggered, so that's what they did with the Olympic cauldron!

Clearly everyone was satisfied with a good day out for a good cause!


  1. Looks like a great day out!

  2. Photo walking is fun, I enjoyed yours!

  3. Anonymous6:21 pm

    I just changed my blog public so is it possible that it was the reason you got notifications?

  4. Anonymous7:49 pm

    Oh look! Lily is fully recovered, I gather; hooray! And what a fun time had by all. Too, the Malamut licking at that light, ha! great pics Baino :)

  5. HaHa, pootling pooches! I love it! Great photos and lovely weather for it.

  6. Oh, the last pic is the best - doggy having a very contented lie-down after the day's extertions! What a picture of serenity!

  7. Anonymous8:34 pm

    I just posted a new one, is it visible?

  8. What a great day out.
    Thanks for sharing that. I feel like I've been there now :-)

    best wishes
    I'm plum tuckered from all that sunshine...

  9. Baino what a refreshing post and what looks like a totally refreshing day.

    Good for me to get out of my head and to see dogs which are so loyal and loved.

    Renee xoxoxo

  10. Wonderful! I wish I'd been there.

  11. Looks like a brilliant day out. We have the same thing here - only it's called the Wiggle Waggle Walkathon! Lily looks well knackered :-)

    Oh, and there's a little something for you over at my place :-)

  12. looks like fun was had by all, especially the dog witht he dancing owner. ha. penguins, i smell peguins...priceless.

  13. Great day and great photos. Loved so many of them. The poop bag one really resonates with me. I have filled more of those than anyone really cares to hear about. My Maaco, unlike most dogs who like to poop on grass, feels moved by public asphalt areas. Always in a big crowd. Doesn't bother him a bit.

  14. Anonymous8:24 am

    They all look like very well behaved- but that poor bewildered Malamut looking down the 'ice-hole'- LOL!

    Lily is so cute :)

  15. That is a lot of dogs in one place!!! Everyone looks happy and you look great!

    As for the Renee-Bella-Ces blogathon, we really don't know when that happens but when it does, it's very wild and a lot of fun. Usually between 10pm to 12 MN my time, that is if we catch each other online.

  16. good stuff, baino...

    ol wuff and oldest wuffette get to see the wee pooches tomorrow morning at the breeder's :) YAAAYYYY!

  17. ...the last photo is my favourite :)

  18. Thommo6:23 pm

    It was a lovely event. The Newfie was the dog I was telling you abaout that had the super viscous drool swinging from his jowls.....someone must have mopped him up ....or someone wore it!

  19. Hi Baino!that was a great post.Hope you spent a great weekend,it looks like it.And there was even Jack here,lol.Have a great day :)

  20. I thought it was you who take me out of the doldrums with you fiery wit and your blog provides me much needed adscititious enthusiasm.

  21. Oh dear look at all these dogs! Interesting day for a good cause:)

    Your dog is so cute lol
    Have a great week

  22. Anonymous2:06 am

    Baino, you've inspired me! Just put up "Gertie's Corner" on my bloggo. She's just the most lovable beagle ever!

  23. What fun!!! I wanna go next time -- Winslow would totally be up for it and Nell could drag Eli around. :D What a great cause, too -- thanks for this, Baino!

  24. Anonymous4:02 am

    Just wonderful... i would have been there for hours.. I love the St Bernard and the Newfoundland !!!!! We were doing our normal walk, stop and fuss dogs for hours on the beach on Sunday. i love days when people can bring the hounds instead of being told NO, you can't walk them here etc....

    whata great day..... I want o go next time pls !!!!

  25. Oh, that does look fun! I haven't been to that many dog things, really, but we did have great fun at the RGT Greyhound Gathering last year.

    And this weekend I did a meet and greet with a borrowed dog. I might be borrowing that one permanently, he was a sweetheart!

    Love the photos - especially the Jack Sparrow JRT! Thanks for that - he made me smile! :)

  26. i found you in these pictures, ms. red top girl. i looked for you first before i looked at any of the dogs.

    what an event! i would have loved this. not stella though--at ten year old now,she's more into people and cookies and her daily walk around the park.

    howyoudoing? i'm thinking of you.

  27. great time.... love that last picture!!!

  28. wow fun . I want to be there again soon.Last pic your buddy?

  29. Lots to smile at here *!*

  30. Now that would have been awesome. Ok now I know I will never get any respect after this but I love when people dress like their dogs and nothing cracks me up more than seeing a dog dressed up like that little one with the cap.

  31. Lovely pics and posting, Baino!

  32. Anonymous2:28 pm

    Love the pic of the St Bernard! Just searched Million Paws Walk in Google Images and found him - guess what? He's actually my dog!! Didn't expect to see him when I looked those words up!
