Thursday, May 14, 2009


Whoops . . the day went so fast with visits to Fair Trading, discussions with solicitors re the ex-employer from hell, graphic design on my mind, establishing someone else's online business, public service job applications which are more complex than writing a Business Case for the first manned space flight to Uranus ! Also, the Theme Thursday bunch also ran out of time and ideas and 'whoops' I haven't got any! So "Whoops" was the theme . . .GAH!

I cheated. I don't usually recommend blogs but this one suits the bill, has no affiliation with mine or anyone else's (Dot did I put the apostrophe in the right place?) and frankly will help you waste time until next Theme Thursday. Gotta love a Graphic Designer who tries to dupe a clever public. Seriously, don't go there unless you have half an hour to spare because spotting the 'Whoops' moments isn't always easy. Gwan test yerselves!

Whoops! My Bechemel is ready and lasagne must be assembled! Enjoy!
Here's a teaser, first one's for Miles McClagan because I haven't visited him for four days!

Erm where's her axe handle?

Two sunsets? Must be on Uranus (I just like saying that)

Oh my! Legs eleven and a withered arm . . .gee . .wish I was a supermodel!


Ronda Laveen said...

Thanks for the fun post, Baino. That site is wicked fun too. Dinner sounds great, I'll be over soon.

Grannymar said...

Whoops! That last photo gives me the shivvvvvers!

Miles McClagan said...

What I've learned from my little cousin is this - There's always going to be another mountain/I'm always going to want to make it move/Always going to be an uphill battle/Sometimes I'm gonna to have to lose....

And that applies to photoshop as well!

River said...

Looks interesting,I'll head on over after I finish with

Brian Miller said...

fun stuff! that site was very cool! happy TT! now can you please pass the lasagna...

Candie said...

Whoops that was fun Baino!
And you even mentionned Uranus,LOL!

hokgardner said...

Well there went half an hour of time. Sheesh.

Kat Mortensen said...

That is one creepy picture of the two young ladies. Eww! Her arm gives me the willies.
I have a poem about Miley, entitled "Snapped". Check it out on my blog, if you're interested.


Anonymous said...

Boy is it hot on this side of the planet!! Lasagne... mmm.

I'm in the mood for crunchy deep-fried scorpion balls now.

nick said...

Don't know why her arm should give anyone the willies - we can all see it's an optical illusion. Just like the flawlessly smooth, hairless skin that of course all women possess....

Renee said...

I can't believe that you sent me to that site. Now I even have less time off the computer.


Mrsupole said...

Whoops, uranus, uranus, did I see it twice or whoops was it the mooon, moon, still sick and the brain is mush, mush, anyway great post.
Whoops I gotta go to bed.

God bless. Oh yeah, I am still sick.

Anonymous said...

My day was quite slow. It was stressful.

Dot-Com said...

Ha ha, now I'll have to follow the link - good thing I have a bit of time on my hands. Not heading out for another hour or two :-)

Baino said...

Nothin' left now Ronda . .it's a family favourite!

Brings a whole new meaning to the word 'gangly' GM

I'm guessing they're Miley Cyrus lyrics?

River? Nooooooo another time waster, you know I'm spending a lot of time in front of the PC applying for jobs . .I really don't need the distrac . . .

It's an oldie but a goldie Brian . .sorry . .all gawn!

Hehe . . silly name for a planet Candie! Managed to get it in twice!

Sorry Hok. . I knew it would!

Kat, I'll be over soon. . she's not my favourite but my Tassie Pal likes her!

K8! What are you doing online. Aren't you supposed to be honeymooning! You're only a few hours from me . . .come over and cool down! (never ask what the meat is)

Nick besides the photoshop mistake, their faces look like ghouls! Whatever happened to beautiful models? You wouldn't look twice at them in the street!

Sorry Renee . . hey if it puts a smile on yer dial . .

Pooor Mrs! At least you've retained your sense of humour! Hope you're on the mend luvvy

Hey Ropi! You're alive! Yeh, we're the house of stress this week. All three of us have 'issues' but they won't last! Chin up chook!

Go for it Dot!

Miles McClagan said...

Yes, from her smash hit single "The Climb"...

It's about mountains apparently...

Tom said...

your post maka me drool today...oops

kj said...

oh, what time is dinner please?

i eat up things like this. clever fun to spot the obvious once it's obvious.

are you having a good day? soon you'll be off the clock for a bit. i think you will like that, girlfriend.


Squirrel said...

Nice photos but the models scared me. Now I'll have nightmares about them. They'll have fangs in the nightmare. I'd better stay up for awhile longer.

jay said...

You wish you were a supermodel? If those two are anything to go by I'm bloody glad I'm not! ROFL!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I am fine. I am just a bit weary in the end of the school year.

laughingwolf said...

i see gd google ate yet another of my posts GRRRRRRRRR

Mrsupole said...

Okay, now I am hungry, thanks a lot. Just kidding, okay maybe not. That was fun and what the heck is wrong with the models left arm, it sure does look freaky. But oh if we all could look like that everyday then hubby would be so excited when he came home. But alas it is no more if it ever was.
Great post. Thanks for sharing.
God bless.

ian said...

Baino, most blokes think supermodels are pretty ugly. Our evolutionary programming tells us that the best shape for survival is a 36-24-36 size 14 - which obviously rules out almost the entire fashion industry.

i beati said...

sheer fun

kj said...

baino, swing by my place when you get a moment. there's an award waiting for you.

Ces Adorio said...

Hello there Baino sweet! I love Uranus. I love everything about you!

xxx said...

Oh my God!! I thought that those models were made of plastic.... in the future they will be filled with it I guess?

Two sunsets... oh yeah we have that here all the time!

Have a great weekend

x Ribbon :-)

Megan said...

I'll go. But I'll probably hate myself in the morning...