Friday, July 24, 2009

Friday Fuckwit

I've had little time for a Friday Fuckwit and tempting as it is to vilify agencies and their vague advertisements for jobs which sometimes I think may not even exist. Or if they do, must have some encoded specific criteria visible only to those in the know . . .here's a tidbit to make you smile from the 'apparently', highly employable, very well qualified, wonderful job candidate, who my current Manager would employ in a heartbeat if there wasn't a freeze on Government recruitment, can't even seem to get to first base and score an interview! I can't imagine what they'd think if they knew I was 52 and fat! I'm thinking of putting a full page ad in the Sydney Morning Herald . .seriously . . either that or joining a Convent, at least the food and board is free . .

Nuns on the Run at Triple the Speed Limit
Posted Tue Jul 21, 2009 12:00pm AEST
Updated Tue Jul 21, 2009 12:32pm AEST

A Roman Catholic nun has been caught speeding at 180 kilometres per hour in Italy.

Her speed was more than three times the limit, and the nun was not travelling alone - there were two other sisters in the car at the time. (Wheeeeeeee!)

The nun told police she was anxious to be by Pope Benedict's side at his holiday home in northern Italy, (Lucky, lucky bastard!) where he is recovering from an injured wrist. (Now I wonder how he did that?)

Oh . .of course . . .


  1. Gold chalices can be very heavy to lift especially when they are full of wine - you should know that Baino - unless you're like me and drink the cheap stuff out of any clean receptacle!!! ;-)

  2. That did have me laughing ...

    If ever you do find your way up my way ..come and see me!

  3. Anonymous9:57 pm

    Baino, LMAO! And I've heard of flying nuns but really...HA!

    And as far as you being fat( which you most certainly are NOT ); if our gov't fired every politician who was over-weight, we'd have no gov't! So quit beating yourself up girl! You're fine just the way you are :)

    Now go enjoy your week-end. I'm still dealing with the wet, over here....

  4. Oh that's too funny! The next time a car whips past me at way over the speed limit, I'll be picturing nuns...

  5. Yeah, don't bogart the incense dude.

  6. smiles. hang in there, better days ahead. breaking the law, all for the Lords work...hmmm. too funny. at 52 you are just getting started...

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. You know, my sister was a nun--until she found out what "none" meant...

  9. HAHAHA!That was the best friday fuckwitt ever!I'm not going to say more about the pope and all,you know my point of view already.

    Sub said "flying nuns" too funny!
    :D and I agree with him about what he said here,you are fine the way you are and we are never objective when it comes to ourselves!

    My french accent is really transparent here!:D

  10. I'm so laughing with the comment of Christopher!:D

  11. Anonymous11:42 pm

    @Candie, all I could see was Sally Field in her nun outfit( from an old American show from the '60's--"The Flying Nun" )HA!

  12. O that's classic!!!

  13. Yep! I heard that on the radio yesterday.

    Gives a whole new meaning to Nuns on the run!

  14. Three times the limit!?! Yoiks!

  15. I just love the zany excuses people dream up when they're caught for some motoring offence. Like being in a hurry because Uncle Jack is dying or their wife's about to give birth or their house is on fire. They can't just admit they were speeding for the sheer hell of it.

  16. Did her excuse get her out of the ticket?

    Was it the Pope's right or left hand?

  17. Love the picture! 52, thats not old! All young guys have fantasies about 50 year old women! hehe

  18. Kate, I've found 750ml cleanskins for $4! F-o-u-r dollars! Brilliant. They're the end of well known vintages that they bottle before reusing the vats. A coup for the unemployed!

    Sarah, I'm serious actually. Long overdue for a country road trip. Perhaps when it's a little warmer. We'll have coffee and cake in the sunshine!

    Aww Subby Marry me! Bless yer cotton sox. All sunshine and lollypops over here. Still chilly tho!

    Suze, we have a convent up the road and it's common to see a Camry loaded with penguins. Although they wear grey, short habits so not as spectacular as the full on black.

    Grow up . .incense? Is that what it is. I should stop inhaling at mass then and I thought that's what was making me sleepy and desirous of a toasted cheese sarny.

    Yeh well Brian . .just frustrating that's all. Of course they can't say 'it's your age' so they make up any old excuse. Hey the sun's shining and I have houswork to look forward to . .GAH! Hope your interview went well.

    Chris, thanks for that (and the unpublishable one!)

    Candie, I love your French accent! And he's wicked smaht and funny for a Librarian!

    Hey Gleds, how's it hangin'. I still want to know how he hurt his wrist!

    GM,Nuns on Speed . .ooh good name for a punk band.

    Haha Megs, sounds like me on a saturday night (different 'limit' of course!)

    Now now Nick, nuns cannot lie! The'll be smote or smitten or something.

    Rhonda you'll have to channel those questions cos I don't have the answer.

    Otin they do? Where? Point them out quick! Time's a wastin'

  19. HaHa, the Pope has a sore wrist...maybe he should have an altar boy swing his chalice.
    Oops, does that sound wrong?

  20. Hey, at least you still have your wit and sense of humour..... love the Pope bit at the end, too :)

  21. River hush your mouth. . he's the pope . .descendent of St Peter . .immaculate and all theat . .bet he feels he's a waste of a willie.

    Kath , my sister in law and I were talking over the Hils Hoist this morning (as we do) and she said "well at least you're not too depressed" at which point I said I was reserving $10,000 of my redundancy money for a certain clinic in Switzerland which would ensure a nice Martinie before the green dream - a painless demise AND that the payment of my life insurance money to my beneficiaries would absolve all monetary issues . .and she said "Oh so, things are going well then" Needless to say m;y suicidal tendencies were put on hold by the idiocy of the situation.

  22. jerking off has its perils, fur shur :P lol

  23. Anonymous11:28 am

    @wolfie's commment-LMAO!

  24. Wuffa! You just had to go there didn't you . .I was being delicate by simply 'inferring'! Gawd.

    Subby .. pay no attention, he's a bad dog!

  25. Anonymous2:22 pm

    Oh, this could go in so many directions, wot? :P hee, hee...but I'll be good...just this once...

  26. This was hilarious. And 52's a perfect age. It is for me, anyway!
