Thursday, July 02, 2009

Well Funk Me!

Well this Theme Thursday was a challenge and the limitations of working a 45 hour week and bussing it home have cut severely into my precious blogging time but I believe there's an 'institution' in Sydney that's well worth a visit for those with a Funky Cerebellum.

My daughter is no stranger to hostels around the world. Some are dingy, some are spectacular like the one she stayed at in Berlin and on Santorini . . four star luxury at a budget price. My travel ambitions also include selectively staying in hostels where you meet fellow travellers, sleep cheap and see parts of the city that the tourists manage to bypass.

So if you're into pop art and fun times and yet need to live off the smell of an oily rag . .here's a hostel that will definitely get you in a funk, but in a good way. Go through the magic door!

FUNk House Backpackers Hostel Sydney invites YOU - FUNky backpackers, travellers and FUN loving people to check out their unique FUNky atmosphere and famous FUNky murals, right in the heart of Sydney! With only 3 to 4 beds per dorm you can book a room with your mates.

With its large common areas, Cable TV and a chilled rooftop terrace area and their famous weekly BBQ's you can relax & sink a couple of beers while watching the sunset over City and Harbour views. There is fully equipped kitchen for you to use and laundry facilities too.

Because of it's position you can walk to all of Sydney's magic which includes the Opera house, Sydney Harbour, Botanical Gardens, the Rocks, Sydney tower, Darling Harbour & the weekend marketplaces. The rail & bus stop is 100 meters from the doorstep giving you easy access to Sydney's best beaches and waterfrong. If it's nightlife you're after then no problem. Kings Cross ' best pubs & clubs are a 1 minute walk away

And of course, here's a man with limited cerebellum funktion but you gotta laugh . . the man has funk! Watch it, really, it gets better!


  1. I agree with many blogs, so little time. :) I strolled over from Susan's stonyriver farm.

    THANKS...I needed that! I always thought of keening as crying: as in weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth at a funeral. Now I will think of it as Capt. Kirk gone over the top silly. After the day I had, I needed silly. :)

  2. :o)

  3. Oh hey... I'd forgotten (how could I?) that lovely trip around the world recently that C took. I wonder if I can get *my* daughter to consider that? She---oh dear---didn't get her place at art college. She admits it's her fault (she was top of her class every year after all, she just sort of fell down at the finish line) but still my heart's broken for her. We're trying to make it into a good thing... I think a worldwide adventure might be tempting.

    Of course if she says 'yes' I'll be enduring cardiac arrest for all the long months of it, but wow, did your photos make me wish I was young and travelling again!

  4. But how do you declare that he has limited cerebellum function?

    The hostel is funky alright!

  5. Dude I wanna paint the apartment like that!

  6. To us americans, a Hostel is a place where people chop you up! LOL!

  7. I'll definitely be checking that one out if I make it that far!

    Some hostels really are the pits, but others are great fun. I stayed in the Flying Pig Beach Hostel near Amsterdam, which was pretty cool! Best one was the one in Krakow... it was like a hotel, except with 11 other people in the bedroom...

  8. Looks like the old Manly Fun Pier.

  9. There are all sorts of things to be found up the Cross.

    My mother went to see Les Girls there in the mid-sixties (she was a country girl) and wondered what the fuss was about. It wasn't until some time later that she realised that the girls were guys.

    After that, she was far more impressed.

  10. Love the funky hostel and the pop art it offers! Makes me wish I was handy with a brush and a can of paint!

  11. Great title. Funny video. Shatner is so damn WEIRD.

    Not participating this week. Just couldn't think of anything really except George Clinton & funkadelic.

  12. Shatner will never top...

    Best album ever candidate...

  13. ha ha...i know what you mean. Oog, that Shatner clip gave me a migraine!

  14. Anonymous7:14 pm

    I'm going to check it out on my travels! I promise.

  15. Oh my word - all that artistry takes me back to my college days - when we would have called it 'far out man!!' Love it - oh for another go at my mis-spent youth!!!

  16. Well good for you Hope . .I know i's exhausting but someone's gotta do it! Happy we cheered you up old bean!

    Bit bright for you DBM?

    It's a tough call. I'm so sorry she missed out. There are other options you know and even though I missed Clare like a limb for the 11 months she was away, it was an amazing experience for her. She's always welcome to stop over here if she wants. I't's not that bad these days with Skype and webcams (hey, might have an Irish pal for her here in July next year too!)

    Ces from what I know, the cerebellum dictates gross motor function . this guy couldn't drive a car without 'whoo-ing' I rest my case!

    Jelly, you would!

    It was two Australians that gave you the movie Otin! We're good at scaring the shit out of tourists!

    Never been there Hails but it's tempting to book in next time we're up for a night on the town. Much cheaper than a taxi fare home!

    TMITP . . you remember the fun pier? There was one? Man you must be old! I lived there over 30 years ago and don't remember it? Then I've done a little grey cell damage since then.

    Ha Kris tell her that Carlotta is still going strong but she's had the op so she's legit minus the uterus!

    Jill, welcome over . . that sort of colour-up I think anyone could master!

    Cali I've seen some comment references to George. Sorry you're not in this week but hey, it happens!

    Miley . . hilarious . he's holding a tripod for a ray gun. . great art direction where on earth did you find it!

    Tom, I'm stealing "oog" I think I've worn out "GAH!"

    Conor, your kind of place and in the middle of the action! Probably full of Irish backpackers tho!

    "Far out" oh Kate, you're not that old surely! I know I know, don't call you Shirley.

  17. OMG!

    I am old.

    I like silent minimal!

  18. Oh, Kirk. My poor dear funky Kirk.

    What a hostel!

  19. Anonymous10:22 pm

    Aaaaghh! Baino you were going great, until Conan popped up-LOL! If ever I'm in Sydney, I'll have to look this place up!

  20. i released so much qi on this FUNky post (and vid) i'm just grovin' now.....

    wow can people actually sleep or rest in that hostel....that is one funKY paint job! looks like a fun place to call home for a bit....

  21. Baino that was fantastic... love the clip!

    Great hostel ~ I don't remember that one.

    Hope all's going well with work and that you're not working too hard.

    take care
    Ribbon :-)

  22. back again......just read your previous posts... ones I've missed (I'm house hunting and it's chipping into blogging time)...
    sorry to read about the bus ~ that can be a real downer.
    Love the Palm Beach shots... I miss Sydney beaches - actually I just miss Sydney, but until I win lotto I won't be living there again :-)

    xx Ribbon

  23. I love this hostel! Who knows maybe someday I get to stay there :)

    Thank you for the fun-ky video lol lol


  24. could put up with it for a day, not a fan of crowds...

  25. what an amazing place. love all the colorful murals and artwork. my boys would probably paint our house like that if they could. Funky was tough, you played it well. have a great weekend!

  26. I'm liking that your working, but 45 hours a week. Woooo that is a lot.

    Love Renee xoxoxo

  27. Quite the interesting place, for sure! Cool post! :)

  28. Yes - I think I probably am!! It doesn't show though (not every day)!

    No don't call me Shirley - or even shortly!!!!

  29. Fun (k)!! I thought my hostel days were over but maybe not....

  30. Hmmm... I may need to strap on the old backpack and hit the road again in my old age. thaty would really be a cool place to stay.

    And that video is a hoot! Who would ever imagine that Shatner could be funky? Well, yeah, he had a little help on that one.

  31. Ah, the ubiquitous Shatner! Always popping up. I need to show this to my husband; he's a big fan. (We even own his cd "Has Been".)

    That looks like a hostel I could dig, really.

    I see my good friend, Hope has discovered you. You are the Antipodean magnet. (It suddenly came to me in the middle of the night. Of course! What is the Antipodes, Alex!)


  32. Da Shatner Funk is hilarious!!! The creepy looking host looks really creepy in a funny way. :p hahaha!

  33. Shatner is DE~MAN!

  34. I'll have to come back later, when I feel stronger. I loved the hostel (Are there hostels like that for old folks? There should be.) but I have a phobic reaction to both William Shatner and Conan O'Brien (O'Brian?). I'll gird myself with a nice cup of tea and try again later.

  35. GM it is a bit over the top!

    The thing is Leah he's just hilarious when he does this stuff or when he sings good on him I say!

    Must say Subby I've never seen it but very cheap alternative to hotels if you have a night in town and don't mind backpackers snoring in your ear!

    Kimy, if it's in the centre of Kings Cross, sleeping is done during the day!

    Thanks Ribbon, not actually working hard but definitely 'long' I need the hours!

    Pretty fun eh Diva?

    Marianna try the one in Santorini first, it's totally gorgeous with a 'river' running through it.

    Well Wuffa, it's right in the hub of Sydney's nightlife so perhaps not for you.

    You're not kidding Brian . . I was in a funky trying to be funky frankly

    Renee, I'm paid by the hour so there's a cash incentive. Don't worry, It's easy work!

    Cool hostel Wings although I've never actually seen it myself

    JGH welcome aboard. Nah, your hostel days are never over. My godfather hostelled at 70! Great way to meet people.

    Roy, more and more older people are travelling this way. Backpackers aren't the manky sites they used to be if you're selective. They're way cheap and usually in the hotspots.

    See Kat, he doesn't take himself seriously which makes him even more funny and endearing. Yep the more the merrier down under!

    Reyjr, don't start looking for funny Shatner vids, you'll be online and laughing all day!

    Tony . .yeh I'm beginning to be a fan!

    Sandra, I dont know Conan at all . .must be an American host? Hope you feel a little more chipper after the cuppa!

  36. Ha! Is there nothing that William Shatner WON'T do for publicity?

  37. To me he will always be Denny Crane from Boston legal and I havent known him to act any other way lol.

  38. Hahahahahahahaha!! I love the Shatner funk! That's so funny - and I needed the laugh! LOL!

  39. i couldn't get the clip to boot up or whatever the term is, so all i heard was a few seconds of whoooo.
    i had trouble adjusting to captain kirk acting like a dickhead (racey language for me, huh!) but i admit he is humorous in a guy sort of way.

    the colors of that hostel are fab. i stayed in hostels throughout europe in my younger gallivanting days. the hardest part was always strange and unwelcomed hairs in the bathrooms...

    xo to you

  40. That hostel looks amazingly funky and cool.

    I love Bill. He's totally insane, isn't he?


  41. Unique take on a theme that's inspired a Theme Thursday free-for-all!

  42. I clicked on TT #8 ("Reluctant Baino") and got "Well Funk Me!"

    I clicked on TT #24 ("Baino") and got "Well Funk Me!"

    So, did you just wanna get funked twice?

  43. Anonymous6:18 pm

    Baino, did you have to mention the snoring( HA! no worries; I wear ear-plugs )Besides, the week Mum and I spent in the hotel, we both snored each other awake. She has the apnea disorder and can sound like a bloody chain-saw, at times( good thing she's not reading this, wot? )

  44. VE you're so cynical . . he's doing it for shits and giggles surely.

    Mel I can't watch him . .not the old fat dude. He'll always be Captain Kirk to me!

    He's no Johnny Depp Jay . . but funny? Oh yeah!

    hmm shame about that kj. I've had big issues with blogger this week being dick with uploads and comments. It had better behave or I'm going Wordpress . . hear that Blogger? Ship up or shape out!

    Insane indeed Meg. Actually, I think next time I have a big night out, I might hostel it. Cheaper than a taxi home or a flash hotel.

    Sorry Foxy. I forgot I'd already opted in on Monday and launched again on Wednesday . .just covering my bases you know.

    Subby, if I've had a couple of drink poos, I snore (or so I'm told, I don't believe it for a minute) so it would be me getting the pillow and the poke treatment I think!

  45. wow,that's really funky indeed!

  46. live off the smell of an oily rag... it's a clan, love that.

  47. Candie, I'll have to go and seek it out. I don't often 'hit' the cross.

    Mr Harnett welcome aboard . . The perogative of the backpacker clan.

  48. I rest my case...Billy...Canadian!


    and we don't even know it.

  49. hahaha - who doesn't love to laugh at the Shat. (no disrespect to original ST) but as you say ltd cerebellum funktion...

    that hostel looks pretty fab
