Thursday, August 06, 2009

Crash into Me . .Please . . and SOON!

A mercifully short post for this Theme Thursday because it kinda tears at my heart. Kisses these days are pecks on the cheek. Often married with a warm embrace and well-meaning but not romantic. The lingering kiss is now relegated to my fantasy life and a thing of the past.

Word's cannot describe the feeling of a truly amazing kiss. I know because I've had a few. In the words of Jodi Mitchell, "You don't know what you've got 'till it's gone." Oh man I miss them.

It's been a long time and I want one, or two, or three, or . . .


  1. Oh, I can so relate to what you are saying! You can never know how much I can relate! You have invaded my thoughts!!!!! :(

  2. All these beautiful people kissing...thanks for sharing the video lol

    And you never know...maybe a great fili (kiss) is waiting for you in the corner :)


  3. Otin . .Women outnumber men in Sydney so maybe you should plan a holiday! But seriously. I do miss a good snog.

    Ah Marianna . . I'm the ever hopeful Shirley Valentine, perhaps I should wonder over to Santorini and hope to meet a Costas.

  4. I am so lucky I found real love again - (and I wasn't looking believe me) and yes....we snog like that!!! One day Helen.... you never know!

  5. Sweet, sweet kisses that make your tummy flutter and make you feel like you weigh nothing at all.

  6. heres to hoping you find those kisses...and a job that you love...unless of courses the kisses keep you from needing a job...hope its a crash you can walk away that song...

  7. Oh dear God ...I was worrying I might have forgotten how ...

    But seeing that I realise I could remember quickly!

    Baino .... let's wish it for each other.

  8. I hear you! I'm in a definite kiss-drought myself, one of very long duration. Oh well...

    Love the video.

  9. joni may have sung 'you don't know what you've got.....' but the wise yogi berra said 'it ain't over till it's over'....I know there's still plenty of wet, sloppy, lingering kisses for you to come!

    what a vid and song!


  10. This isn't a thing from the past!You will have many kisses to come!For the moment,I send you mine!Of course it's not the same,I'm not Johnny Depp or whatever,but still..LOL!Have a nice day!:)

  11. Oh, that clip is beautiful...sigh.

  12. I do not believe for one second that there isn't a delicious kiss or many in your future, dear Baino.

  13. Oh Baino, get yourself a dog. Great post and great video.

  14. we all need our dreams of hugs and kisses and who knows what is around the next corner for us! I live in hope!!! ;)

  15. ahem! as a JONI mitchell fan [canuck gal, and all that], i know that quote is from 'big yellow taxi' ;) lol

    and it's so true, we don't really know, til it IS gone :(

  16. Anonymous1:04 am

    In due time, due time. Very personal and to the point here, yes?

  17. It's okay, Baino

    The days of a good snog are long gone here too... except in my fantasies of course ;-)

  18. Dear Baino,

    I love Roy's phrase "Kiss drought," though hopefully it will end in the nicest possible way and as Candie, I send you mine in the meantime, too. I'm with Mouse. There are still many soft, wet, sensuous snogs to be had in this world...

    Wishing you well, Baino!

  19. Such a tender post, Baino. **Smack**

  20. Where the hell have all the men gone? More women than men? And then you are not going to want just any old man...but a darn fine man.

    I know he is out there somewhere and you will find him when you aren't even looking.

  21. aww. Still waiting for mine... Oh well.

  22. I'm with ya on this one. I need two hands now to count how many years it's been...

  23. Anonymous5:31 am

    Well, I rather wait and remain awesome until the great one arrives. We will see how many I will have 1, 2, 10, 50 ... hehe.

  24. Anonymous6:58 am

    I miss them too!

    But i did find a whole load of Colin Firth Kissing Videos on youtube which will keep my fantsy life going for a while...

  25. Anonymous6:59 am

    typo- fanstasy

  26. Not a single person you can have a lingering kiss with? That's a shame. I hope that changes very soon. I must say lingering kisses, in fact any kind of genuinely meaningful kisses, are one of life's little delights.

  27. Me too and I'm married!

  28. cvvvvvvvvv - my cat just sent you a kiss via the keyboard!!

    Think creatively like that bloke who started the hug craze - you could start a lingerlongersnog for uncoupled lips Tsup*!*

  29. One day, I hope you will know that kind of love again, Baino.

    Meanwhile, I wish I could hug you. Of course, it wouldn't be the same as a good passionate kiss, but you'll have to find your own one of those. And you will. ;)

  30. Is Alan Bennett suggesting something terribly filthy?

  31. wishing a big kiss for you ... no ordinary kiss... an absolutely fabulous one.

    xoxo Ribbon

  32. aha! first step now taken.

    second step, look at as many eyes as you can, some more deeply than others

    i actually think when you're ready, something gets kicked in somehow. but i know what you mean baino, not to mention those little 'spikes' that lift you off your chair!

    for what it's worth: tsup tsup from me.

  33. Love makes us stupid. A good kiss takes us to another realm. :)

    Like Grannymar said, you never know what's around the corner. :)


  34. Kisses and hand holding make life special.

  35. Came back to watch the vid, as I can't do that at the office. Interesting, the choices.

    Wishing kisses for you.

    How bout we go on one of those cruises???


  36. Kate, lucky you are and I'm very happy for you but please . . .get a room!

    Memories is right River, thank goodness as we age, our long term memory improves!

    Thanks Brian. . for now, the job that I love would be great. Two on the horizon I hope. Otherwise, I'm off to find a rich elderly man with a heart condition.

    Nah Sarah, like falling off a bike. I still can't comment on your blog and I've tried both Mac and PC, Safari, Firefox and IE . .I get to write the comment but when I post . .timeout! I am reading, I promise!

    Well get your Cape ass over here Roy! Lots of photo ops and I'll plant one on you!

    Haha . . thanks for the BooBoo philosophy Kim! Always loved old Yogi!

    I know Jill, made me all schmooshy . .the song I think.

    Ah I've had enough Leah. If it happens it happens, if not, I have a dog!

    And if it isn't Grannymar, we have toyboys and photo walks!

    Yeay you Wuffa! Sad init.

    Subby, you know me by now. I wear my heart on my sleeve and tell it how it is.

    Hi e . . .thanks sugar. In my dreams . . in my dreams!

    Smack! Ouch! I wanted a KISS! Or in your case, I'll settle for some raki on that pink and chocolate massage table of yours!

    Collette, they're buying Trophy brides. The good ones are taken (or 12,000 miles away) and the rest don't appreciate the more 'mature' woman. (Actually, I'm not a fan of 50 year old men!)

    Awww Ebsy baby . . your time will come . . you should hook up with his Royal Awesomeness Mr Ropi!

    Don't start me Meg!

    You are indeed awesome Ropi . .you'll get yours! You'll be whispering sweet nothings in no time!

    Yeh, I'm going the chick flick with Clarebear tonight. We're both single booo! Hey nothing wrong with a fantsy life!

    Nick you're such a SNAG!

    Well Cali, that's the trixy bit, maintaining the passion! In my case, absence has made the heart grow fonder and probably dulled the memory a bit!

    Thanks Jay . . had the first and the best . . .just the last to go! And I get plenty of hugs.

    Kris, I don't even want to go there but I think it's a reference to his post! Otherwis he's a very sick puppy.

    Thanks Ribbon but until then, I have your happy blog and the joy rebels to distract me.

    kj . . I work in an office full of not particularly attractive men and believe me, making eye contact is bloody hard. Very unfriendly lot. Nice enough but very straighty 180 as my daughter would say.

    Oh JD, so jaded for one so young. Love's supposed to make you stupid! That's the fun of it.

    They do Michael, until then, It's me, the dog and a camera.

    Haha . . what cruises? A singles cruise? Aren't they for under 35's . . Trouble with cruises is that if you get interest from someone you don't like, you're stuck there, on a ship, on an ocean . . nowhere to run, nowhere to hide *Stevie Winwood starts singing*

  37. Anonymous9:22 am

    Aaahh..*sigh* that made my morning. I have lots of your posts to catch up on, and with this and "No.8 is my lucky number" I've had a great time!!

  38. If Its Any Consolation...Swine Flu Will Put An End To Kissing For Everybody!

  39. Thommo11:09 am

    What sort of Kissing video doesn't include Edward and Bella's fisrt kiss!!!!

  40. ah - the sweet memory of that first kiss...

  41. Don't know if you'll find my comment so much later, but I'm here from Blogland Lane just looking around your blog.

    I miss those kinds of kisses, very much. It's sad when there is love, but no romance. But at least there is love....
