Friday, August 14, 2009

Friday (Anonymous) Fuckwit

We like Big Things.

So news of a Big Thing facing it's demise is just devastating. I mean where would we be without the Big Pineapple and the Big Banana to name but two. Penguin wouldn't be Penguin without a big well . . Penguin and frankly the Northern NSW town of Ballina just isn't worth visiting for more than a refuel and a slurpy at the local BP but for it's amazing landmark. It's the very reason the words "rich and fair" were included in our national anthem. But no . . .in his wisdom, the owner of the Big Prawn has decided that this particular landmark has had it's day and that he wants to demolish this thing of beauty, this icon of all that is Australian, this animal for which we are known world-wide for chucking on a barbie!

The days of a New South Wales north coast landmark may be numbered.

The Ballina Shire Council has received a submission seeking permission to demolish the Big Prawn.The Ballina mayor, Phillip Silver, says it is hard to say if the aging fibreglass structure is an icon or an eyesore. He says while some would be sad to see it go, he has already heard suggestions that it should be replaced by a big pelican. Oooh now that's tasteful!

"The seabird rescue station there at North Creek Road is a very, very interesting place to visit. Maybe if the prawn is in demise, then this will be a little bit of opportunity for them to take up the slack," Cr Silver said.

Farewell you fabulous thing . . .maybe someone will love you and move you, just like they did the Big Merino.

Have a great weekend everyone . . .I'm off to catch up on Theme Thursdays which will probably take me into next week!

I'm sorry but I couldn't resist . . .another big thing . . .

Push it, you know you're gonna wiggle!


Anonymous said...

We have "Buster" the giant crab at one of the places in Worcester, MA( tho' he's not always up on the roof, as he's "easily removable" )Too, a giant polar bear atop the Polar beverages main building. They're icons to us and no-one's forced them to be taken down. I say leave the prawn alone!!!

And I'm sorta tagging you (heh, heh )

nick said...

The Big Prawn is amazing. It would be sad if it were demolished. Can't it just be moved somewhere else?

Gledwood said...

prawns are disgusting so it should definitely go

Anonymous said...

I don't think we have things like that.

hokgardner said...

The prawn is cool, but that merino is scary!

Grannymar said...

Move it to Ballina in Co Mayo, Ireland =

laughingwolf said...

one of our seafood joints has a huge plastic lobster out front... so i say the prawn should stay

there's also a plastic woolly mammoth near stewiake, a giant goose in wawa... and tons more junk all over the country!

Megan said...

I say keep it. Okay, it ain't pretty. But it's a lot more interesting than a billboard.

Brian Miller said...

i like big prawns and I can not lie...when a girl walks in with a bowl to shell in...ok, stopping while i am behind...hope you have a great weekend!

Mike said...

I wish that I had room for that in my yard! LOL! I chuckle every time I see subby's profile pic, it is so how you would picture him as a kid!

Roy said...

Mmmmmm... Just looking at that things got me hungry. Shame on the person who would tear that down.

Here in Rhode Island we have a similar landmark - The Big Blue Bug. It's the "mascot" of New England Pest Control, 9 ft/3m high and 58 ft/17m long, a big blue fiberglass termite, it sits atop the company's building along US I-95, the main East Coast north-south highway. You can't miss the thing; because it sits just south of Providence on I-95, you can pretty much guarantee that if you've been to RI you've seen the Big Blue Bug. It's had several radio shows named after it, including a comedy skit show called "The Big Blue Bug Theater" run by local musician/comedian Rudy Cheeks. Ain't nobody allowed to even think about tearing down the Big Blue Bug!

jay said...

He's going to demolish the Big Prawn? How could he? Now in England, someone would slap a preservation order on it and that'd stop him! LOL!

Love the Big Merino. It's even better than the prawn!

tut-tut said...

it's an EYE-con, baby!

JeffScape said...

Yeah, I hate it when people complain about "landmarks." I find it funny that Parisians still complain about the Eiffel tower, despite the fact that no Parisian alive remembers a time in Paris without it.

Anonymous said...

@Roy, I know that big blue bug! HA! And Putnam, CT had a giant blue ant( wonder if it's still there? ), out on Rte. 44...

Ronda Laveen said...

Plez, not the Pelican!

We have giant orang from the 50s.

Susan at Stony River said...

The prawn frightens me, to be honest, like something out of an old Japanese B movie. The Merino looks like a bunch of giant saggy boobs, which also scares me. But Big Things on the Highway are always cool--I think if they're safe or saveable, they should definitely stay.

Those are superb photos btw!

kj said...

august 6: baino desires amazing kiss.

august 14: baino desires big thing.

there's some connection here....


Michael said...

I suppose it has alot of sentimental value to you, but sorry, that giant prawn looks like something you'd see in Las Vegas here. Tacky comes to mind.

It is, though, YEs, more interesting that a billboard! hahah. You know you;ve got to stretch when.... :)

River said...

I love that big prawn and I think he should stay.

Candie said...

LOL!That was so funny!But it isn't about the size!LOL :D

Have a nice weekend!

Candie said...

I think that giant prawn is quite scary actually!

Candie said...

I was sure Otin would say that!LOL

Baino said...

Haha . . I had a dog called Buster! I'm pretty sure we've got a lobster but not sure about a crab! Erm tagging with what?

So tasteful isn't it Nick. Maybe it could keep the big lobster company?

Gledwood hush you're mouth, they're delicious. I give you no quarter because you make packet puddings!

Ropi, I think that's a good thing!

Haha . .they actually moved the big Merino because they built a highway to bypass the town where he stood. You can climb right into his head. Quite informative actually sort of a tacky museum about the wool industry. Kids love it Heather!

You have a Ballina? Is there surf? Brown men with buns so tight you can bounce 'em off the walls?

Wuffa . .I'd go to see the goose just to say I'd been in Wawa!

Not pretty! Erm, yeah you're right. Actually it doesn't really look like a prawn!

Haha . . I like 'em too Brian!

Otin, I don't know him personally but I suspect he hasn't changed much! I would have thought you'd have a BIG FISH stuck somewhere at your place?

Now Roy, your pictures don't portray ANYTHING tackky in Rhode Island. A big blue bug would be just wrong.

Jay the Merino is actually pretty classy . .the prawn? I think we can do better but it's way more classy than the big potato which looks like a big poo

Toots . . .groan! I prolly asked for that eh?

Jeff . . sore spot. Never been to Paris, very pissed off about it and I don't care if the Eiffel Tower ends up crumpled in a heap like a broken meccano model . .I'm going . . soon!

Otin . . Subby . . .get a room!

Rhonda, I think I'm less offended by animals and birds than crustaceans . .or rusty poo potatoes

Toasty . . it's not one of our more classy icons I admit . . frankly I wouldn't want it hanging over my left eye as a wart but maybe that's just me.

Yeh Candie, I worry about Otin's taste in garden sculpture too . .and size does matter!

You're such an Aussie, River!

Renee said...

We have a guy here who is a little boy standing in a father's shoes, he was by a Canadian Tire store for years. Now that I think of it, I think he is gone.


i beati said...

Some people obviously do not have enough to do. Send them to my house real

Alan Burnett said...

I must confess I am not keen on prawns but I do like this somewhat large specimen.

xxx said...

I think it's time to wave goodbye to the big prawn, before it lands on someone and we have to say goodbye to them :)

have a great weekend
x Ribbon

Cinema Minima said...

So the prawn has gone off! But don't get rid of it. We need 'big things' in Australia. We've got bugger all else to be proud of. We need more big things, in every town... that I don't have to live in. Actually I grew up in a town that has the Giant Gumnut, a native plant nursery with a May Gibbs theme. Never really took off though, and now it's overgrown and falling apart. The shame!

Snowbrush said...

Thanks for the story and the photos. I know I would keep that Big Prawn. Big Pelicans are a dime a dozen, but a Big Prawn is a wonder to behold.