Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Job You Have When There's No Job To Have

Last week, my boss told me about two secret EA jobs that were being advertised at Landcom through my agency. Within seconds, Agency Girl was on the blower saying she'd put my CV forward.

You'd have never guessed it was where I was working from the advertisement. They made it sound like private enterprise. Well in a way it is. A government agency that has been incorporated and is responsible to a Board but still a government agency who find, buy and develop land for sustainable, affordable housing (big initiative from the Federal Budget). It's a weird mix of old public servants and new blood. Propriety prevents me from discussing the role too much but it's a good one with a dynamic female General Manager as head of the largest head count in the company. She needs a wing-girl!

Anyway, Agency Girl was very positive about my attributes (nice to know that a 25 year old living at home and who can' spell has faith in me) and an interview was arranged for Wednesday 12th August. All fine and dandy. I've had a public service interview before and began familiarising myself with all the weird stuff like Equal Employment Opportunity policies and the Finance Act. Well the Position Description said I had to know this stuff!

So, Monday morning, the agency rings and says they've cancelled Wednesday interviews and want me to front up to one of the boardrooms at 2:45 on Monday! GAH . . talk about lack of preparation! I began to lament not wearing a suit and having only my very sexy but not so corporate black trenchcoat.

It was a strange interview. The Managing Director's EA, HR Manager and my prospective boss, the General Manager, IT, Corporate Services and Finance . . .three women! This could go either way, you know how objective women are . . were they looking at my nails or the fact I was wearing a very expensive trenchcoat instead of a black suit? Was my hair corporate enough, my body language demure enough. Would I be too bolshy, to bimbo'ish . . I've been dumbing myself down a bit lately due to the constant "You're overqualified, you'll get bored!" reaction.

Basically it ended up being a 'Tell us about yourself' sales pitch. The only real question being "Would you call yourself a team player or do you prefer to work alone". This actually made sense since they were interviewing for two positions. One a work alone appointment-making, and collating the monthly Board Meeting Agenda and the other far more dynamic and people oriented position. Naturally I was really vying for the team option.

So after 40 minutes chat . . back to work I went. The whole process being very secretive and nobody even knowing that the interviews were taking place except a select few.

My current boss was rooting for me big time and putting in an amazingly good word for me. My agency rep calling me every 10 minutes to 'see how it went'. Loads of positive affirmation then Tuesday evening, another informal hour with my prospective boss, laying out the landscape, explaining her mandate and declaring that she wants me on board because we're 'peas in a pod'. Fantastic! At this point I'm thinking of taking the kids out to an expensive restaurant and cracking open the Billecart Salmon to celebrate . . . .screeeeeeeeeech . . .Hold yer horses Hells . . . just as I'm ready to accept with glee she says "I just have to run this past Belinda first."

What? Belinda is the GM's PA and has a reputation for being 2IC within the organisation. Belinda doesn't like you . . .no go! Actually she was lovely. We'll get along just fine and I received her wholehearted endorsement.

But I know you want more . .and that was the "Wednesday" reference on Saturday's Post. One more hurdle. I have to meet the MD and Director of Urban Planning, both of whom earn more than the Prime Minister. If they like me, I'm in like Flynn. So I met with them today, lovely chaps and yep. I got the job!

But I know you want more . . .however, new legislation passed on Friday night, due to a Government hiring freeze, demands that a Business Case be put forward for every new Government position whether you're a several hundred million dollar Corporation or not. So less than 2 hours ago, I'm sitting with two very frustrated women having this explained to me. The Business Case has been rushed off to Premier's Department but they have no way of knowing how long this 'hopefully' Rubber Stamp will take. There is a very remote possibility that Premiers will reject the business case and knock the job on the head . . so . . for now

I have a job . . but there isn't a job to have . . .they'll keep me busy until they hear word . . .but nobody knows how long that will take! Could be Monday (since I'm sure I'm one of the first candidates to test the new Legislation so they can't claim a 'backlog') could be next month!

Time to put pressure on my agency to increase my hourly rate and reduce their commission since I'm such a bloody good candidate and if passed, they'll receive 12% of my first years salary as payment!

So, no champagne . . and after a week in the fridge, it's ice cold . . but I am going out for dinner for a 'Claytons" celebration to celebrate the job that isn't a job, the job that might be . . sometime . . .

Don't you love the bureaucracy that is the public service! I just hope I live to see my job materialise!


  1. Anonymous7:50 pm

    Ah yes, the never ending chain of government, whatnot. Hopefully they won't take too long to respond, but it is a bureacracy, yes? Keeping fingers crossed for ya, Baino...and HUGS! :)

  2. Errr, congrats, kind of. may they hasten your exit from the twilight zone to the full sunshine of permanent employment :-)

  3. Babysis8:00 pm

    Um congratulations? I think? Couldnt happen to a nicer sibling me thinks? - well um, well done I suppose!

  4. good lord; I'm exhausted just reading about it all. I can't imagine what you must be going through.

  5. It's like living on the tip of a needle.
    Hope it all works out.

  6. That sounds crazy and exhausting ..but you sound like you are going to be amazing any way you like to look at it!

  7. I've been lurking for a while now, but this really made me smile - public service bloody mindedness knows no frontiers - it's amazing how the same nonsense is repeated throughout the world. Do you think these people might be clones from another planet who plan world domination through public service paralysis?

  8. been waiting on this one...ok...i am happy for you because its got to feel good to be appreciated and i have no doubts that something good is going to come of it...i will be waiting to hear the cork pop for real, in the mean time...still praying... the job in Florida, just waiting on the offer letteron Thursday and we need to sell the house, or rent it...

  9. Phew... I'm exhausted and I bet you are too - what a roller coaster after the crazy jobsearch time you have been having!

    I know it will all go well for you!

    'They' say patience is a virtue but who the hell are 'they'?
    Good Luck!!!

  10. Okay, I know I am not supposed to type, and so I have not done any here, but dang it I have to do it this time.

    Please, please, please, that is me praying you get it.

    Okay, done typing.

    God bless.

  11. Anonymous10:26 pm

    Oooh government secrets and black trenchcoats... the Baino Ultimatum?

  12. OMG!Yes I don't know if I can tell you congratulations or not..yet!I really hope you get the job and properly!But I just love that picture I see it on Otin's blog all the time,I laugh.Well,I wish you the best!Hold on!:)

  13. I hate to say congratulations for fear of jinxing it all. So I'll say it and then immediately toss salt over my shoulder and turn around three times and spit.

  14. Well done you, getting through so many hurdles. Hope you succeed with the Business Case and all the job-hunting finally pays off. I just pray the Business Case scenario doesn't catch on in the UK....

  15. Anonymous12:56 am

    I don't know whether to send congrats or not- but I am sure as hell crossing all fingers and toes for you!

  16. SQUEEEEE!!!! OMG, how am I supposed to jump up and down with joy while biting my nails at the same time?!? This must be almost hell for you right now... but a BEAUTIFUL hell, and I hope it all comes through and lasts as long as you want to be there. It sounds like the perfect thing: good cause and all.

    Oh, Congratulations! It's fantastic to be chosen for such a great job after all the hard work you've put into searching, even if it doesn't come through in the end. Good luck!

  17. Wow! that is fantastic! So that is the amount of dedication it takes to get a job? No wonder I am unemployed...could be that in a little town of 10,000 there isn't that many jobs?

    Now for the energy involved to get the disability papers and the financial trustee all settled...heal the head and lose weight,and what ever else I have been procrastinating about.

    cheers to you!!!

  18. Holy moses, what an ordeal!

  19. Keeping everything crossed for you Baino. I hope the wait is short and the news good. Hugs and Lán grá

  20. The Baino Ulimataum. funny, that comment@ Ha.

    Well congrats anyway....let's see if you can pop open that champagne soon enough. We're waiting with baited breath here.

  21. Woot woot. I am so excited. I know its going to happen.

    Love you.

    Renee xoxo

  22. A pony can get tired jumping through all those hoops.

    I think you should pop the bubbly anyway...for getting this far.

  23. Thanks everyone. Probably a little premature but it's nice to know I've got something in the wings. Congrats Brian - FLORIDA! Well at least it's sunny down there!

    And no, the Billecart Salmon is still in the fridge. Let's hope not for long.

    Seriously stressful tho. Should put 'handles stress well' on my CV!

    I'm rewarding myself with a couple of days off. Tax, haircut, manicure and some corporate shopping!

  24. Don't you just love bureaucracy? That is such a fantastic picture you've selected.


  25. I'll say congrats and good on ya, Baino, because I'm more of an optimist than a pessimist!

    I'm also not a slacker...just trying to get other things in life in order (speaking of bureaucracy, etc)...

  26. Anonymous1:07 pm

    Going Postal anytime soon?

  27. Baino, if the Premiers Department knows what they are doing they will get that rubber stamp out straight away. Good luck, let us know how you get on.

  28. Why am I not surprised...

    not surprised you've been chosen and not surprised bureaucracy is getting in the way?

    But it doesn't stop me saying...

    WELL DONE! Baino

  29. it's all good, honey!

    a little patience, that's all. remember when you (and I) used to think things were 1, 2, 3. now we know they're zig, zag, zig.

    but your true colors and competence has won the day. don't forget.

    i would put you in charge of anything.


  30. Do we have an upadte? Has it gone through - i'm reading back in reverse order and i've lost the plot... But I don't recall seeing an earlier psot saying its been sorted...

    Tell me its sorted?!
